Grassland Bird Research Technician (Seasonal)
Illinois Natural History Survey
A research technician is needed to assist in data collection for a project at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign examining the impacts of woody encroachment on avian nest predation and habitat use in grasslands. Point counts will be performed across sites to assess bird communities and nest searching, monitoring, and filming will be used to investigate nest predation. Additionally, basic vegetation surveys will be conducted to quantify woody plant cover surrounding grassland bird nests.
This position will require early morning bird censuses and nest searching, with most days averaging 8 hours of work. It’s important that applicants can maintain a positive attitude in hot, humid conditions where bugs may be abundant.
A University vehicle will be provided for travel during this experience, but the research technician will be responsible for travel to and from Champaign, Illinois.
Location: Northern & Central Illinois
Lodging: Shared Lodging will be provided
Duration: May 15 - July 25 (10-11 weeks), subject to minor changes
Salary: $15 - $17 per hour, depending on experience
Nest searching using behavioral cues and rope drag
Driving and/or hiking between sites to visit and record active nests
Camera equipment setup
Point counts to survey avian communities
Assisting with vegetation surveys
A strong applicant will have:
Ability to identify eastern U.S. grassland songbirds by sight and sound
Experience conducting avian censuses (point counts or avian transects)
Proficiency in entering data in Microsoft Excel and/or Microsoft Access
To apply: please send a resume or CV, cover letter, and the names and contact information of 2 references to Hannah Grushon (