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  • Creating Pathways to Career Success Amidst Uncertainty

    As graduate students head into this uncertain future, they need supportive mentoring more than ever. In addition to acknowledging the uncertainty and listening to their worries with openness and empathy, here are some simple steps you can take in the coming months to actively support your graduate students.

  • Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment

    It is easy to assume that the environments we create for our students are inclusive simply because we are well-meaning and intend them to be so. But no matter how well-intentioned we are, we can inadvertently perpetuate behaviors that exclude—rather than include—our students if we don’t take the time to reflect on our practices, educate ourselves, and be open to change. 

  • Now is the Time to be Transparent, Flexible, and Understanding

    Perhaps the most defining characteristic of this pandemic has been uncertainty and unpredictability. We have little notion of what will happen and when. This is true for our personal and professional lives; this is all new and scary. In our interactions with our graduate students, it is important to acknowledge and discuss this uncertainty. 

  • Helping Students Prepare for the Job Market

    No matter what career paths your students and postdocs are considering, we have resources to help support them throughout the process.