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MEP 411
Scholarships, careers, and opportunities for MEP students. Links to more scholarship listings for continuing students, department scholarships, and external scholarships here:

blog posts

  • AISES - Scholarship Application Webinar

    Get Your Scholarship Application Noticed - A Webinar Presented by Chevron March 1, 2018 at 4:00pm 

    More infoRegister

  • Patent Education Online Course

    The Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) has shared an online course for potential inventors. The Inventors Patent Academy (TIPA) is a free course that offers foundational insights into the patent system, fostering trust and transparency about the patent application process. If you are interested: Register for TIPA.

  • JOUR460: NASA Space Grant Spring 2018

    The Little Satellite That Could

    JOUR460: NASA Space Grant Spring 2018

    In this class you'll use your skill s in interactive web visualization, gaming, digital storytelling and multimedia design and production to tell the true tale of something awesome - a remarkable little satellite, born in an aeronautical engineering lab here on campus and scheduled to be blasted into space in the fall of 2018. The little satellite - about the size of a kitchen blunder - will spend a year doing NASA funded research, reliably following orders beamed from Illinois' mission control center. Then, slowly, a decaying orbit and the friction of earth's atmosphere will conspire to burn the little satellite to a cinder, terminating it and its mission. All that's left will be the science. And the true tale you tell.

    Instructor: Charles "Stretch" Ledford.

    Meetings: Tuesdays, 9am-1150am, 13 Gregory Hall

    Credit: 3 hours.

    CRN: 65638

    More info:


  • College of Engineering Courses for Undergrad Researchers - Fall 2017

    1-credit hour
    214 Ceramics Building
    Meets October 23 to December 13
    TR, 12:30-1:45PM

    Essentials of safe laboratory practice. Topics include chemical, electrical, biological and radiation safety, waste disposal and fire hazards. Lecture and demonstration format. Essential for students who will perform undergraduate research in a laboratory. Restricted to students in the Engineering College. Physics, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Agrkcultural & Biological Enginerring and Chamistry: contact instructor for override. 

    1-credit hour
    106B3 Engineering Hall
    Wednesdays, 12:00-12:50PM

    This course will introduce undergraduate students to how engineers and scientists approach research, communicate their ideas and results, and are trained. The course will spotlight some of the engineering research currently on campus (monthly luncheons) and provide some background preparation for students interested in taking part in research as an undergraduate. This course is open to all undergraduates in science, technology, engineering, and math. It is designed to complement your research experience!

    1-credit hour
    Meets August 28 to October 20
    Wednesdays, 11:00-11:50AM

    This course will introduce undergraduate students to advanced degrees and how to best prepare for the application process. The course will provide opportunities to explore graduate programs, develop application materials, and understanding funding mechanisms. Intended for juniors and advanced sophomores. Restricted to undergraduate engineering students.

  • Undergrad Research Lab Safety Course

    Are you getting ready to do research?

    Here is a class for you to learn about the variety of hazards that you may encounter in a research lab environment. This is an opportunity for you, as an undergrad, to have a basic understanding of lab safety. It is offered int he first 8 weeks and the seoncd 8 weeks of each semester.

    March 13 - May 3, 2017(CRN 64748)

    Course Requirements

    - Homework (online training, videos, and readings)
    - Quizzes
    - Attendance

    Visit the ADD-DROP PORTAL now for instructions on how to add this class to your schedule for the 2nd 8 weeks of spring 2017!

  • 10-Week Summer Program

    Community-Academic Scholars Initiative
    For undergraduates from any discipline interested in addressing critical issues in the areas of health equity, brain health, and poverty or social inequality. 
    Deadline: February 1, 2020

  • FSG Schedule

    FSG Schedule for Spring 2014

    Scheduled to begin week of 2/10/2014

    Math 231 – Mondays 9-10:30 PM, Room 403 Grainger and Thursdays 7:30-9:00 PM, Room 403 Grainger

    Math 241 – Mondays 9-10:30 PM, Room 401 Grainger and Tuesdays 9-10:30 PM, Room 401 Grainger

    Physics 211 – Tuesdays 6-7:30 PM, Room 403 Grainger and Wednesdays 6-7:30 PM, Room 101 Engineering Hall. 


    Contact Andrea Wynn with questions at 244-3959/

  • The Hoeft Technology & Management Program Info Sessions

    The Hoeft Technology & Management Program Info Sessions

    The Hoeft Technology & Management (T&M) Program bridges the gap between traditional engineering and business education by offering a unique curriculum to a select group of highly qualified business and engineering undergraduates. The T&M Program is a joint venture between the College of Business and the College of Engineering and works closely with its corporate affiliate partners to groom the best and the brightest students to be tomorrow's leaders.

    Tuesday, Nov. 15th, 5-6 p.m., 1320 DCL Wednesday, Nov. 16th, 5-6 p.m., 2043 BIF

    Who? Business and engineering majors planning to graduate any time from May 2019 to December 2020

    Questions? Email 


    Interested students are encouraged to “like” the T&M page on Facebook

  • LINC service-learning opportunities for SP13

    There are service-learning opportunities in ENG 315, LINC-Learning in Community for Sp13.  Students in previous semesters have enjoyed the hands-on, real projects working with and for community partners around the world.



    All students – any major, any level – may enroll. There are several new partners and projects with 17 sections meeting at various times:



    For graduate and advanced undergraduate students, Project Management opportunities are available:



    For additional information view the introductory video. "What is LINC?" which is posted at,


  • Puerto Rico: Disaster Relief Project Info Session

    Date:         12/1

    Time:         12pm

    Location:  4101 MSEB

    Free Pizza!

    Course information:

    CRN: 68117

    Rubric: ABE 498

    Section: DRP Credits: 3 hours  T/Th 5-6:15

    Title: Disaster Relief Projects: Hurricane Maria

    Course Explorer Web Address:

    This course is a faculty led study tour to Puerto Rico designed to develop a pathway towards sustainable responses for disaster relief efforts. Students will   investigate background cultural, political, and social factors that preceded recent events within Puerto Rico and will influence sustainability and viability of solutions. Students will be trained in the assessment of the viability of potential technological solutions responding to current challenges for the local societies after the disaster.  Students will be trained in the safety issues associated with entering potentially dangerous areas. Students will work with local communities, aid organizations, and peer institutions in development of sustainable responses to recent events in Puerto Rico. Students will document their visit and their assessments providing a prioritized action plan for future sustainable development. Travel will occur to Puerto Rico during Spring Break, departures on Saturday March 17, and a return on March 25, 2018.

    Course Fee: there will be a fee associated with this course in the amount of TBD, which covers the cost of round trip airfare, ground transportation, lodging, and in-country programming. Scholarships are available. Students should contact their college study abroad office for more information about scholarships. Restricted: Instructor Approval Notes: Although this course is registered for a full semester course, it is scheduled to meet from February 19 through April 13.

  • City Scholars

    Live, Learn, and Intern in Chicago with the UIUC Engineering City Scholars Don’t miss this opportunity to gain experience and connect with top-tier Chicago tech companies that can help you shape your career.

    Application is due September 22, 2022. Visit the City Scholars website for more information and to apply or email with questions.

  • Information about T&M minor

    See attached file for information concerning the Technology and Management minor.

  • XSEDE Scholars Program

    Application Deadline:  April 1, 2013

    Conference Dates:  July 22 - 25, 2013

    Underrepresented minority undergraduate or graduate students, studying at research institutions, who are interested in the computational sciences, are especially encouraged to apply. 

    The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Scholars Program is a year long program for U.S. students from underrepresented groups in computational sciences.  The program provides opportunities to learn more about high performance computing and XSEDE resources, network with cutting-edge researchers and leaders, and belong to a cohort of student peers to establish a community of academic leaders.  Please read more for further information.

  • NPRE 498-Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Bedrock

    Enroll in NPRE 498 - Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Bedrock (crn59909) - Spring 2014

    Compare U.S. and Swedish Approaches to Management of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Discharges

    March 17 - May 7, 2014:  Attend five meeting hours at UIUC

    June 8-21, 2014:  Conduct field work and attend lectures in Stockholm, Sweden.  Travel to Sweden is required for participation in this course.

    4 UIUC Credit Hours

    Students registered in the course will be required to submit an application to International Programs in Engineering at to attend the study abroad component. 

    APPLY NOW!  Application Deadline March 7, 2014 at

    Questions??  Stop by our office in 210 Engineering Hall or contact Professor Cliff Singer ( or Professor Tomasz Kozlowski (


  • Summer 2023 REU Opportunity at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

    Summer Program Dates: May 30th, 2023 – August 4th, 2023 (10 weeks)

     · Research opportunity open to undergraduates in all STEM disciplines.

     · Stipend of $8,000 plus lodging, a one-time modest travel allowance, andone-time modest allotment for meals.

     · GRE prep course to get you ready for graduate school!

     · Many opportunities to choose from: CREST, DOW, DREAM, MSIPP, and RETREAT!

    Applications are due on December 1st, 2022!


  • Academic Strategies HDFS 199 for Neurodivergent Students

    Sign up for 2 credit hours of Academic Strategies HDFS 199 for Spring 2023.  The course is designed to improve the academic performance of students who struggle with study habits and academic responsibilities due to autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, dyslexia or other neurodiverse conditions.

    Most of the coursework is completed using tasks from other classes, and students are given time during lab to complete it.

    The course meets Tuesday/Thursday at 11:00 a.m.

    Email Dr. Jeanne Kramer at for Instructor Approval.

  • Hip Hop Entrepreneurship Course

    Hip Hop Entrepreneurship Course

    Register for TE398/AFRO398

    ISR Room 2B

    Instructor Dr. William Patterson

    Explore the relationship between urban America, technology, engineering, social entrepeneurship, and the developement of existing industries. Learn hoe to redevelop existing urban spaces and envision new milennial spaces. Explore fundraising, incubating, marketing, business plan developement, and more.

  • Invitation to Apply for Undergraduate Research Experience at IIDAI 2022-2023

    The IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute is a new model of academic-industry partnership designed to increase access to technology education and skill development to spur breakthroughs in emerging areas of technology including hybrid cloud and AI, quantum computing, accelerated materials discovery, and sustainability to accelerate the discovery of solutions to complex global challenges. Leading scientists and engineering from both IBM and The Grainger College of Engineering are partnering on a variety of projects.


    Application Deadline: April 26, 11:59PM CST

    For questions, please contact

    Dr. Tasha Mamaril (

  • Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP @ UI)

    Undergraduate students selected to be part of the program will begin work with their mentors in Spring 2023. As part of the program, students will (1) attend regular weekly class meetings (GC 295, Introduction to Undergraduate Research, 3 credit hours) with OUR instructors; and (2) work one-on-one with their research mentors, an average of 5-6 hours per week. As part of the course requirement, students will complete a final project, consisting of a poster, to be presented during the Undergraduate Research Symposium, an annual event sponsored by OUR.

    For more information about URAP, and to apply to the program, please visit our website:

    Application Deadline

    Deadline for applications is October 6, 2022 at 11:59pm.

    To apply, please visit:

  • Engineering Learning Assistant (ELA) Positions Open

    Create an impactful first-year experience through intentional instruction, mentorship, and advocacy. Become an IEFX ELA. Apply today!

  • ENG 199 EM: Engineering the Mind

    New 2nd-half, 8-wk course for 1 credit for Spring 2017! Meets once a week on Tuesdays from 3:30-5pm. This course explores topics like optical illusions, magic tricks, and how the brain can be fooled. The purpose of the course is to show you a whole new world and leverage our understanding of the brain to improve how you learn. Currently, this course is open only to first- and second-year engineering students, but the restric tions will soon be opened up for more students. For more information, you may contact DS Choi at

    Here is the link to the course explorer:

  • INFO 490 Makerspace Studio Classes

    Markerspace Studio Classes at the CU Fab Lab

    Explore your creative side in one of these hands-on Makerspace Studio Classes.

    Learn to use digital fabrication tools like: electronic cutters, laser cutters, small electronics, digital embroidery machines, and 3D printers.

    Curiousity and playfulness encouraged. Artistic talent not required!

    Digital Fabrication Rapid Prototyping: Section A includes an emphasis on iteration and self-directed learning through making. Students will complete and present an independent project at the end of the course that combines multiple tool areas.

    Section A: Iterative ProjectCRN 65245
    FALL 2017

    Makerspaces in Schools, Libraries, & Museums: Section B includes an emphasis on community engagement in makerspaces. Students in this section will evaluate makerspace curricula for classrooms, libraries, and museums and will have the opportunity to conduct a workshop with our community partners.

    Section B: Community Engagement
    CRN 68131
    FALL 2017

  • ABE 452

    ABE 452 - Engineering for Disaster Resilience in Puerto Rico

    ABE 452 - Engineering for Disaster Resilience







    Link to flyer:

    For more information visit:

    For questions email:

    - This course is designed to engage students in the development of pathways towards designs for sustainable and resilient food, energy, and water provision for disaster-prone regions.

    - We work with communities in Puerto Rico, on real world problems, and seek to develop relationships with other stakeholders around Puerto Rico.

    - Students will review social factors that provide context for specific regions, while quantifying potential engineering resilience provided to communities.

    - Students will directly work with local communities, aid organizations, and peer institutions in the identification and implementation of sustainable and resilient responses.