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  • The new online MBA degree will democratize access to the coveted graduate degree, said Larry DeBrock, the Josef and Margot Lakonishok Endowed Dean of the College of Business.

    Online MBA degree coming to U. of I.'s College of Business

    The new online MBA degree will democratize access to the coveted graduate degree, said Larry DeBrock, the Josef and Margot Lakonishok Endowed Dean of the College of Business.

  • Significant room for improvement exists in the environmental efficiency of both crop production and the control of pollution from nitrogen-fertilizer runoff, says a new study from Teresa Serra, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics at Illinois.

    Paper: 'Considerable scope' for improvement in agricultural pollution

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - During the industrial era, financial indicators were a company's primary measuring stick. But as the concept of sustainable development has gained relevance, a fundamental change in the assumptions underlying how businesses are measured has also started to take hold.

  • Implementing "surge pricing" during rush hour or taxing the number of miles a vehicle traveled might be better than raising the gas tax, says a policy brief co-written by U. of I. economists Don Fullerton and Julian Reif. Illinois graduate student Kaveh Nafari also contributed to the study.

    Economists: Pros, cons to raising the gas tax in Illinois

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - After the precipitous drop in crude oil prices over the past nine months, some policymakers in Illinois have advocated raising the state's excise tax on gasoline, which has remained unchanged at 19 cents per gallon since 1990.

  • New research co-written by Paul Heald, the Richard W. and Marie L. Corman Research Professor of Law at Illinois, explores the cost of excessive copyright law and the value of the public domain.

    Paper: Absence of copyright has its own economic value, social benefits

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A new study co-written by a University of Illinois expert in intellectual property law demonstrates that the value of creative works in the public domain such as books, images and music can be estimated at least as precisely as the value of commercially available copyrighted works.

  • A legacy of giveaways to gambling interests continues to haunt the pension system in Illinois, says John W. Kindt, an emeritus professor of business and legal policy at the U. of I.

    Public employee pensions continue to lose out to gambling giveaways, expert says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A legacy of giveaways to gambling interests continues to haunt the pension system in Illinois, a leading national gambling critic and University of Illinois expert warns.

  • Health care policymakers concerned about improving the management of health risks should view the pace of medical innovation as an important "lever of influence," says Julian Reif, a professor of finance and of economics at Illinois.

    Study: Economic benefits of medical innovation undervalued

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A new analysis co-written by a University of Illinois expert in health care economics concludes that increases in the pace of medical innovation reduce overall physical risks to health, and thus function in a manner similar to an expansion of or improvement in the efficiency of health insurance markets.

  • Structural reform litigation is uniquely effective at combating misconduct in police departments, says Stephen Rushin, a professor of law at Illinois.

    Structural reform litigation an effective tool for curbing police misconduct

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 has served as the basis for the reform of many police departments in cities across the country, including Cincinnati, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. And in what's now seen as an increasingly likely next step, Ferguson, Missouri, will undergo its own Department of Justice-administered police reforms.

  • An influx of aid to war-torn countries can actually exacerbate violent conflicts, says new research co-written by Benjamin Crost, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics at Illinois.

    Paper: Development aid can exacerbate violence in war-torn countries

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Although development aid is commonly seen as an important tool in the quest to reduce poverty in conflict-riven countries, new research co-written by a University of Illinois expert in development economics concludes that large-scale foreign aid programs can backfire and actually exacerbate violence in some long-running conflicts.

  • A new book co-edited by U. of I. finance professor Jeffrey R. Brown examines the profound effect the financial shocks of the last decade had on higher education.

    New book explores Great Recession's impact on higher education

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - No sector of the economy was left unscathed in the aftermath of the Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009 but whose aftereffects continue to linger today.

  • Elizabeth Powers

    The child care dilemma for working families

    With dual-earner families increasingly becoming the norm, President Obama trumpeted the importance of "universal child care" in his State of the Union address - a pivot from previous years, when he advocated for universal pre-kindergarten.

  • Clocking extra hours at the office while juggling family demands takes a toll on the body mass index of individuals in dual-earner families, says a new study co-written by Amit Kramer, a University of Illinois labor and employment relations professor.

    Changes in work, family demands affect body mass index of dual-income earners

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A study co-written by a University of Illinois labor and employment relations professor shows that clocking extra hours at the office while juggling family demands takes a toll on the body mass index of individuals in dual-earner families.

  • The taxation of retirement income, an expansion of the sales tax base and an increase in the cost of health insurance benefits for state employees loom over the Illinois budgetary horizon as potential quick fixes for the revenue-strapped state, says Richard L. Kaplan, the Peer and Sarah Pedersen Professor of Law at Illinois.

    Tax changes loom for state of Illinois ahead of budget address, expert says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - As Gov. Bruce Rauner readies his first budget address, expect him to propose changes that could have major consequences for certain demographics, a University of Illinois expert on taxation issues says.

  • U. of I. Flash Index starts off strong in 2015

    The U. of I. Flash Index rose to 106.8 in January from its 106.5 level in December. The Illinois economy continues to improve as we enter 2015. This month builds on almost three years of slow and steady growth in which the index remained well above 100, the dividing line between growth and decline.

  • Walter W. McMahon

    Is the underfunding of higher ed pricing students out?

    Walter W. McMahon, a professor emeritus of economics and of educational organization and leadership at the University of Illinois, is the author of "Higher Learning, Greater Good: The Private & Social Benefits of Higher Education." An expert on the economics of education, McMahon spoke with News Bureau business and law editor Phil Ciciora about higher education funding in Illinois.

  • Medical malpractice reform has had relatively little impact on the U.S. health care system, says David Hyman, the H. Ross and Helen Workman Chair in Law and professor of medicine at Illinois.

    Research: Medical malpractice reform does little to contain health care costs

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Two papers co-authored by a University of Illinois expert in the regulation and financing of health care conclude that tort reform has had relatively little impact on the U.S. health care system.

  • Consumers bear the cost of "credential creep," says David Hyman, the H. Ross and Helen Workman Chair in Law at Illinois.

    Expert: Pervasive 'credential creep' bad for health care practitioners, consumers

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The outcome of a case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court last fall could potentially slow the trend of the ever-increasing number of occupations subject to state licensing, says a University of Illinois expert in the regulation and financing of health care.

  • It's increasingly important for educators to understand how mobile technology such as touch-screen tablets can enhance learning instead of being classroom distractions, says Dilip Chhajed, a professor of business administration at Illinois and co-author of new research from a team of University of Illinois experts in business and e-learning.

    Research: Tablet computers good medium for educational materials

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Despite being more commonly thought of as a device designed for the passive consumption of content, touch-screen tablet computers can support the learning process when used in an educational setting - and not just as a mere e-reader or laptop replacement, according to new research from a team of University of Illinois experts in business and e-learning.

  • The depreciation of organizational knowledge can mute the effects of a company's quality performance initiatives, says research co-written by Anupam Agrawal, a professor of business administration at Illinois.

    Research: 'Organizational forgetting' erodes quality gains in supply chains

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Just like physical assets, a company's organizational knowledge can depreciate over time. According to a paper co-authored by a University of Illinois expert in supply chain management, "organizational depreciation" can mute the effects of a company's quality performance initiatives, suggesting that mitigating those effects is essential to sustaining and enhancing quality performance in supply chains.

  • Don Fullerton

    The economic effects of falling crude oil prices

    A Minute With™... Don Fullerton, expert on finance and energy policy

  • Brenna Ellison

    Will newly required calorie info on menus affect your choices?

    A Minute With™... Brenna Ellison, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics

  • U. of I. Flash Index shows steady economic growth

    The U. of I. Flash Index rose slightly to 106.6 in November from its 106.5 level in October. The index has remained in the 106-107 range since February.

  • Robert Bruno

    Will you go shopping on Thanksgiving Day? Will you have to work?

    A Minute With™... Robert Bruno is a professor of labor and employment relations

  • Longer-run local temperature fluctuations are significant predictors of beliefs about the occurrence of global warming, according to a paper by Tatyana Deryugina, a professor of finance in the College of Business.

    Study: Climate change beliefs more influenced by long-term temperature fluctuations

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - In spite of the broad scientific consensus about its existence, global warming remains a contentious public policy issue. Yet it's also an issue that requires a public consensus to support policies that might curb or counteract it.

  • Evan P. Starr

    Noncompete agreements for low wage workers? Is that legal?

    A Minute With™... Evan P. Starr is professor of labor and employment relations and of economics

  • Economists Daniel A. Dias (right) and Christine Richmond say increasing resource misallocation in Portugal contributed to at least 15 years of sluggish economic growth, a finding that could explain the lackluster performance of other European Union countries in the lead-up to the eurozone crisis of 2009.

    Paper: Resource misallocation contributed to prolonged economic slump in Portugal

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A new paper co-authored by a pair of University of Illinois economists says increasing resource misallocation in Portugal contributed to at least 15 years of sluggish economic growth - a conclusion that also could explain the poor economic performance of similar peripheral European Union countries in the lead-up to the eurozone crisis of 2009.

  • Less-numerate investors are more susceptible to style and presentation effects in corporate social responsibility reports, according to research from W. Brooke Elliott, the Roedgers Fellow in Accountancy and Professor Ken Perry Faculty Fellow at the College of Business.

    Less-numerate investors swayed by style, presentation effects of corporate responsibility reports

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Publicly traded corporations are increasingly publishing social responsibility reports for investors, who now consider such information alongside traditional financial data before investing in a company.

  • Health care workers who spontaneously walk off the job or are no-shows during an infectious disease outbreak have scant legal protection, says University of Illinois labor relations expert Michael LeRoy.

    Labor expert: Hospitals at risk of no-show health care workers during Ebola outbreak

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Hospitals and other health care agencies are at risk of doctors, nurses, janitors and other essential workers walking off the job during an infectious disease outbreak, says a University of Illinois expert in labor relations.

  • Bev Wilson, a professor in urban and regional planning, has studied whether ethnicity affects annexation decisions.

    Illinois professors find that ethnicity doesn't appear to affect annexation decisions like race does

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - In the American South, race has been shown in numerous studies to play a role in municipal annexation decisions: predominantly white municipalities were less likely to extend the city limits to include adjacent areas with a higher percentage of African-American residents, according to prior studies. But how are annexation decisions made in the Midwest, where an increase in immigration has resulted in an uptick in the Hispanic population? That's the question two University of Illinois researchers set out to answer.

  • Academic research associations should found their own nonprofit journals to avoid the substantially higher subscription rates of commercial publishers, says U. of I. finance professor Don Fullerton.

    Expert: Academic journals should adopt nonprofit publishing model

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Shifting the publication of academic journals away from a private, for-profit model could save universities big bucks in the long term while also keeping the marketplace of ideas fully stocked, says a University of Illinois economist.

  • A new study from University of Illinois business professor Ravi S. Gajendran says telecommuting is positively associated with improvement in two important employee measures: task-based performance and organizational citizenship behavior.

    Benefits of telecommuting greater for some workers, study finds

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Even in a hyperconnected world where laptops, phones, tablets and now even wristwatches are tethered to the Internet 24/7, employers are still wary about the performance and social costs imposed by employees who work remotely.

  • John Kindt

    Why legalizing gambling on professional sports is a bad idea

    A Minute With™... John Kindt, a professor emeritus  of business and legal policy

  • Flash Index dips slightly; unemployment below 7 percent

    The U. of I. Flash Index fell slightly in August to 106.0 from its 106.2 level in July. The index has fluctuated in this narrow range (106.0 to 106.2) for the past four months.

  • Workers in collective-bargaining states subsidize the low-wage model of employment in right-to-work states, says a new study co-written by Robert Bruno, a professor of labor and employment relations on the Urbana campus.

    Workers in collective bargaining states subsidize low-wage earners in right-to-work states

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - States with right-to-work laws "free ride" on the higher tax revenues generated by workers in collective bargaining states, says a new study from a University of Illinois labor expert.

  • ELizabeth Chorvat

    The complicated equations that underlie tax inversions

    A Minute With™... Business professor Elizabeth Chorvat 

  • The best way to combat cyberattacks may be a joint public-private partnership between government and business, says a new paper from Jay Kesan, the H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois College of Law.

    Paper: To deter cyberattacks, build a public-private partnership

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Cyberattacks loom as an increasingly dire threat to privacy, national security and the global economy, and the best way to blunt their impact may be a public-private partnership between government and business, researchers say. But the time to act is now, rather than in the wake of a crisis, says a University of Illinois expert in law and technology.

  • Although popular with the public, reforming the existing system of tax benefits to housing, including the ever-popular deductions for mortgage interest and property taxes, would likely make the housing market more efficient, says research co-written by David Albouy, a professor of economics at Illinois.

    Research: Tax benefits for housing not as outsized as previously thought

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — New research co-written by a University of Illinois expert in urban economics indicates that tax benefits for housing, including the ever-popular mortgage interest deduction and the property tax deduction, are not as distortionary as previous research and some prominent critics suggest.

  • Patent examiners more likely to approve marginal inventions when pressed for time

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Haste makes waste, as the old saying goes. And according to research from a University of Illinois expert in patent law, the same adage could be applied to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, where high-ranking examiners have a tendency to rubber-stamp patents of questionable merit due to time constraints.

  • Michael LeRoy

    How much, and when, should NCAA athletes be paid for commercial use of their image?

    A Minute With™... labor and employment relations professor Michael LeRoy

  • Flash Index: Economy rebounding

    The U. of I. Flash Index rose slightly in July to 106.2 from its 106.0 level in June. The index has remained in the 106.0 to 106.2 range for the past four months, indicating the Illinois economy continues to grow since the rate has stayed above 100, the dividing line between growth and decline.

  • Trial courts in the 9th Circuit are more "player-friendly" than trial courts in all other circuits, which is bad news for the NCAA, says Michael LeRoy, a professor of labor and employment relations at Illinois.

    Expert: Give ex-players a slight edge in O'Bannon case

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - As the collegiate sports world awaits a federal judge's ruling in O'Bannon v. NCAA, the sport's governing body ought to be prepared to lose, as trial courts in the 9th Circuit are more "player-friendly" than trial courts in all other circuits, according to a statistical analysis from a University of Illinois expert in labor relations and collective bargaining in athletics.

  • Self-focus plays an important role in how consumers make decisions, says new research from business professor Ravi Mehta.

    'Big picture' thinking doesn't always lead people to indulge less, study says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Buy the latest electronic gizmo du jour, or use that money to fix a leaky roof? Go out with friends, or stay home to catch-up on work to meet that looming deadline? And after you've finished that big project, do you treat yourself to a slice of chocolate cake or settle for a piece of fruit?

  • The phenomenon of "boomerang employees" is not unique to professional athletes, says two studies co-written by T. Brad Harris, a professor of labor and employment relations at Illinois.

    Research: Business should embrace 'boomerang employees'

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The return of LeBron James to the Cleveland Cavaliers may have riveted the sports world and social media, but the phenomenon of "going home," whether to a geographic location or a former job, is not unique to professional athletes.

  • When student-athletes sue the NCAA, the governing body of college athletics eventually wins more than 70 percent of the time on appeal - a finding that could pressure both groups to adopt a new model for amateur athletics that more closely resembles the employment relationship, says Michael LeRoy, a professor of labor and employment relations at Illinois.

    Study: NCAA eventually prevails in most student-athlete lawsuits

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - When student-athletes sue the NCAA, they win the initial round of litigation almost half of the time. But according to a new study from a University of Illinois expert in labor relations and collective bargaining in athletics, the NCAA eventually wins more than 70 percent of the time on appeal - a finding that could pressure both groups to adopt a new model for amateur athletics that more closely aligns itself with the employment relationship.

  • Fritz Drasgow has been named the dean of the university's School of Labor and Employment Relations, pending approval by the U. of I. Board of Trustees.

    Fritz Drasgow named dean of U. of I. School of Labor and Employment Relations

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Fritz Drasgow has been named the dean of the university's School of Labor and Employment Relations, pending approval by the U. of I. Board of Trustees.

  • U. of I. Flash Index up in May

    The U. of I. Flash Index rose slightly in May to 106.2 from its 106.0 level in April, reversing three months of decline. The index reached its post-recession peak in January, and then declined slightly each month until May. Throughout 2014, the index has stayed above 100, the dividing line between economic growth and contraction.

  • An analysis of more than six decades of death rates from U.S. hurricanes by a team of University of Illinois researchers shows that severe hurricanes with a more feminine name result in a greater death toll. From left, Kiju Jung, a doctoral student in marketing in the U. of I.'s College of Business and the lead author on the study, and Madhu Viswanathan and Sharon Shavitt, both professors of marketing at Illinois.

    Study: Hurricanes with female names more deadly than male-named storms

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - In the coming Atlantic hurricane season, watch out for hurricanes with benign-sounding names like Dolly, Fay or Hanna. According to a new article from a team of researchers at the University of Illinois, hurricanes with feminine names are likely to cause significantly more deaths than hurricanes with masculine names, apparently because storms with feminine names are perceived as less threatening.

  • A law designed to combat police misconduct is hamstrung by limited resources, a lack of transparency and "political spillover" at the U.S. Department of Justice, according to a recently published article by Stephen Rushin, a law professor at the University of Illinois and expert in criminal law and policing.

    Paper: Police reform law underenforced by Department of Justice

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A law designed to combat police misconduct is hamstrung by limited resources, a lack of transparency and "political spillover" at the U.S. Department of Justice, says a recently published empirical study by Stephen Rushin, a law professor at the University of Illinois and expert in criminal law and policing.

  • Law professor Paul Heald says two recent high-profile Supreme Court rulings on intellectual property make it easier for courts to award attorney's fees, which will likely deter a number of questionable lawsuits brought by so-called patent trolls.

    Expert: Supreme Court decisions on patent cases a rebuke to 'baseless lawsuits'

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The U.S. Supreme Court recently handed down two decisions on patents, both of which were watched closely by technology companies because of their potential impact on nonpracticing entities, otherwise known - and pejoratively referred to - as "patent trolls." But according to a University of Illinois expert in intellectual property law, there's nothing inherently wrong with individuals and organizations that don't make things trying to enforce their rights as patent holders.

  • Four cases before the U.S. Supreme Court focus on issues involving intellectual property, the specialty of Paul Heald, the Richard W. and Marie L. Corman Research Professor of Law at Illinois.

    Intellectual property expert on pending Supreme Court cases

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Four cases before the U.S. Supreme Court focus on issues involving intellectual property, the specialty of University of Illinois law professor Paul Heald, who offers his take on each case:

  • John D. Colombo has been named interim dean of the College of Law, pending approval by the U. of I. Board of Trustees.

    John D. Colombo named interim dean of U. of I. College of Law

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - John D. Colombo, the Albert E. Jenner Jr. Professor, has been named interim dean of the University of Illinois College of Law, pending approval by the U. of I. Board of Trustees at its May 14 board meeting in Springfield.