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People of PRI
Illinois State Geological Survey

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  • Zohreh Askari

    Zohreh Askari: Geologic Specialist

  • Yang Fang

    Yang Fang: Reservoir Engineer

  • Friends of PRI honorees Dave Thomas and Bill Shilts stand with their plaque

    William W. Shilts and David L. Thomas, 2022 Friends of PRI Award

    Each year PRI honors individuals and organizations whose support contributes to the institute's success. This year we're commemorating the contributions of William W. Shilts and David L. Thomas, who played pivotal roles in the formation of the institute.   

  • A woman in sunglasses stands in front of a pool of water.

    Sunita Mahat, visiting scientific specialist

    Introducing Sunita Mahat, a visiting scientific specialist in GIS at the Illinois State Geological Survey. Sunita shares insights into her role in the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Inventory and Characterization Project, her passion for using technology to address environmental challenges, and her advice for aspiring GIS analysts.

  • highway bridge over water and through a forested area.

    Stephanie Wagner, environmental site assessor

    The 2022 Distinguished Research Specialist or Technician Award goes to Stephanie Wagner! Stephanie has worked as an environmental site assessor with the environmental assessment team at the Illinois State Geological Survey. Wagner and her environmental assessment colleagues help determine project costs, prioritize projects, and ensure the safety of workers, the public, and the environment.

  • Stefan Ilic, visiting scientific specialist

    We sat down with Stefan Ilic, a new visiting scientific specialist on the GIS team at the Illinois State Geological Survey. In this interview, Stefan shares insights into his journey to becoming a GIS specialist, his passion for geography and cartography, and the tools he relies on for his work.


  • Sohan Singh

    Sohan Singh, postdoctoral researcher

  • drilling team on site using a drilling rig.

    Shop and drilling team

  • Shah Bilawal Ali, research assistant

    Shah Bilawal Ali is an MS student in the Department of Earth Science & Environmental Change at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and a Research Assistant at the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS). He is now working on the Mitchell CarbonSAFE project, developing geologic models that could contribute to energy sustainability. Explore Ali’s story below to learn about his passion for sedimentology, his tools of the trade, and his ambitions for the future.

  • Sallie Greenberg

    Sallie Greenberg: Associate Director, Energy Research & Development

  • Robin Mattheus

    Robin Mattheus, coastal geologist

  • Riley Balikian in a grassy area

    Riley Balikian, geophysicist and hydrogeologist

  • Payton Ohler, summer research intern

    Payton Ohler recently completed her summer internship working with Sherilyn Williams-Stroud at the Illinois State Geological Survey. As a participant in the Graduate College’s Summer Research Opportunities Program, she focused on the social and technological implications of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects.

  • A woman with her arms outstretched in front of a mountain.

    Nina Athanasopoulos, undergraduate researcher

    Nina Athanasopoulos is an undergraduate researcher at the Illinois State Geological Survey and a junior at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she’s pursuing a degree in Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability. Starting with ISGS in January 2024, Nina spent the summer as a Potter Intern, exploring critical minerals research and geochemical analysis.

  • Morgan Bailey

    Morgan Bailey, associate geochemist

  • Molly Carlson, wetlands scientist

    Molly Carlson is a visiting scientific specialist in the wetlands geology section at the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS). With a B.S. in Wildlife and Conservation Biology from Ohio University and an M.S. in Freshwater Conservation from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Molly brings expertise in wetland ecosystems.

  • Mackenzie Marti, Wetlands Geology Specialist

  • Lori Walston-Vonderharr, 2024 Distinguished Support Staff Award recipient

    Human Resources Business Partner Lori Walston-Vonderharr is the recipient of the Prairie Research Institute’s 2024 Distinguished Support Staff Award, which recognizes non-scientific support staff who have shown exceptional performance and outstanding service in their work and are making an impact on PRI.

  • Lindsey Schafer, wetlands geology specialist

  • Mario Navarro, Lily Hearn, and Tahj Crofton sitting

    Lily Hearn, Tahj Cortes Crofton, and Mario Owens Navarro, 2022 Potter interns

    Lily Hearn, Tahj Cortes Crofton, and Mario Owens Navarro have been working with PRI scientists on research tackling some of the most pressing environmental issues. This group of undergraduate students was part of the first cohort of the Illinois State Geological Survey's Paul Edwin Potter Internship Program. 

  • Liane Rosario

    Liane Rosario, 2022 Potter intern

    Liane Rosario, a senior at the University of Illinois Chicago studying earth and environmental sciences is a 2022 Potter intern working on coastal research at the ISGS Lake Michigan office, gathering data using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) in caves and on beaches, and measuring the depths of Lake Michigan via boat using bathymetry data.

  • Scott Elrick accepting the Friend of PRI Award from Executive Director Praveen Kumar on behalf of Laurence Nuelle.

    Laurence Nuelle, 2024 Friend of PRI Award recipient

    Laurence Nuelle is the recipient of the Prairie Research Institute’s 2024 Friend of PRI Award, which recognizes service and commitment in helping PRI meet its mission of being the trusted science authority to the state of Illinois.

  • Kendall Taft

    Kendall Taft, reservoir geologist

    Geology was always a natural fit for Kendall Taft, a reservoir geologist at the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS). Born and raised in Jacksonville, Illinois, Kendall grew up fascinated by fossils and never grew tired of looking for them in limestone driveways. Working at ISGS, he now sets sights on interpreting 2D seismic data about reservoirs for potential carbon dioxide (CO2) storage.

  • A woman in cold-weather attire stands in front of a snow-covered mountain.

    Katie Spaulding, GIS Specialist

    We spoke with Katie Spaulding, a recent graduate of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the newest visiting scientific specialist of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Illinois State Geological Survey. Katie shared her journey from her undergraduate career to her current role at ISGS, where she combines her passion for the environment with advanced mapping technologies. 

  • Joshua Arneson, undergraduate intern

  • Josh Smith, economic geologist and affiliate researcher

    Josh Smith is a research specialist with the University of Illinois' Department of Earth Science & Environmental Change and a research affiliate with the Critical Minerals group at the Illinois State Geological Survey.

  • Jessica Ackerman

    Jessica Ackerman: Wetland Geologist

  • Greg Cane

    Greg Cane: stable isotope lab manager

  • A woman wearing a pink scarf and gloves and black winter hat is standing on top of a mountain and giving the "peace" sign". Snow-covered mountains and evergreen treen can be seeing in the distance.

    Fatima Tuz Zafrin Tuli, geoscience data R&D scientist

    Meet Fatima Tuz Zafrin Tuli, who goes by Tuli, is a geoscience data R&D scientist with the Illinois State Geological Survey. Her work at ISGS focuses on managing and advancing the use of scientific data—particularly GIS data—in research. 

  • A woman with a hat standing on a mountain top.

    Ellie Callahan, visiting scientific specialist

    Introducing Ellie Callahan, a geochemistry researcher at the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS), a division of Prairie Research Institute. With a B.S. in Geology and Environmental Studies from the University of Wisconsin Madison and a M.S. in Geology from the University of Oklahoma, Ellie's journey is fueled by a passion for understanding the Earth’s complex systems and for interdisciplinary problem-solving. Currently, as a visiting scientific specialist in geochemistry, she delves into groundwater vulnerability assessments at Illinois nature preserves and leads an exciting project revisiting outstanding geological features across the state. We sat down with Ellie to hear how she navigates the fascinating intersection of research, industry, and the great outdoors.

  • Steve Sargent and Mark Ryan with his award

    Distinguished Research Specialist: Steve Sargent, Illinois State Geological Survey

  • Carl Carman, research specialist

  • Caleb Bohus holding a microsaur fossil

    Caleb Bohus, 2022 Potter intern

    Caleb Bohus is a member of the first cohort of five Potter interns at the Prairie Research Institute (PRI). The Paul Edwin Potter Internships. Bohus, a junior at Southern Illinois University (SIU) in Carbondale, has been working with Joe Devera, a senior paleontologist at the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) and the Smithsonian on a paleontologcial project.

  • A woman wearing sunglasses and face mask standing in front of a volcano.

    Bridget Dale, GIS specialist

    Bridget Dale recently joined the Illinois State Geological Survey as a GIS specialist working alongside Dave Grimley. A graduate of NC State University with a degree in Geology and Paleontology, Bridget’s academic background includes research in planetary science and remote sensing

  • Brandon Curry, head of the quaternary and engineering geology section

  • A man in a cave wearing a fluorescent vest and hard hat.

    Alexander Rushing, historic mining specialist

    Meet Alexander Rushing, who usually goes by Sasha, a Visiting Scientific Specialist in Historic Mining & Geology at the Illinois State Geological Survey. At PRI, he is apart of the Abandoned Mine Lands and Mined Out Areas projects team.

  • A man stands on a ship on open water with a naval vessel in the distance.

    Aidan Neill, undergraduate researcher

    Aidan Neill, a Midshipman second class in the United States Naval Reserve and an undergraduate geology student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, combines a passion for the outdoors with a drive to explore rare earth elements.