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  • John Scott, a senior chemist with the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    How can Illinois address the problem of PFAS pollution?

    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are widespread, long-lasting and extremely difficult to remove from the environment. 'It seems that everywhere we look for PFAS, they turn up,' says U of I chemist John Scott.

  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign business professor and consumer marketing expert Maria A. Rodas.  Photo by Gies College of Business

    What explains the continuing appeal of Super Bowl advertisements?

    Maria Rodas, an expert in consumer behavior and brand management, speaks about the enduring popularity of Super Bowl advertisements. This year, the network broadcasting the game has sold several 30 second spots for a record-high $7 million.

  • Professor Ying Fang. Photo by Chris Beuoy

    Can pet dogs be infected with coronavirus?

    On Feb. 6, a team led by U of I pathobiology professor Ying Fang diagnosed a pet dog in Chicago with the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans. This is the first dog in Illinois to test positive for the coronavirus.

  • An empty Coors Field in Colorado. Photo by Jarrett Stewart via Flickr

    Who wins, who loses in MLB labor dispute?

    The current MLB lockout is already shaping up to be the most pivotal labor dispute in the sport since the mid-1990s, which means fans should prepare for the likelihood of more canceled games, says U of I labor law expert Michael LeRoy.

  • University Library professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe.  Photo by Cindy Brya

    How will termination of research partnerships with Russia affect global scientific research?

    Some research institutions are ending scientific collaborations with Russia since its invasion of Ukraine - actions that are a significant shift in policy from a long tradition of scientific diplomacy, according to Illinois professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe. 

  • Natural resources and environmental sciences professor Lowell Gentry. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    How do we solve the problem of agricultural nutrient runoff?

    Runoff from Midwestern farms is a major contributor to a vast 'dead zone' in the Gulf of Mexico where excess nutrients cause algae to overpopulate, suffocating other aquatic life. U of I researcher Lowell Gentry looks at possible solutions.

  • U of I history professor and expert on medical history Rana Hogarth. Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Can historical racism in medicine help explain current racial differences in medical care?

    Acquiring new medical knowledge and assessing health are not as objective as people think, and historical beliefs about racial differences continue to cause problems in medical practice and scientific research, said U of I history professor Rana Hogarth.

  • Aerospace engineering professor Kelly Stephani.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Why is the use of hypersonic missiles in the Russia-Ukraine conflict significant?

    Russia used a hypersonic ballistic missile to destroy an underground arms depot in western Ukraine, marking the first known use of a hypersonic missile in combat. Professor Kelly Stephani explains what makes hypersonic missiles different.

  • Firefighter enters a badly damaged Kharkiv regional state administration building. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

    How does Russian invasion exacerbate Ukraine's humanitarian crisis?

    The damage sustained by Ukraine during the ongoing Russian invasion will require years of rebuilding efforts, necessitating broad-based investments by the U.S., the EU and NATO member states, says Illinois professor Cynthia Buckley.

  • NFT intials on metallic lock that sits on computer board. Image by Marco Verch via Wikimedia Commons

    Q and A on NFTs: What they are and their legal, creative, and environment implications

    Many questions surround NFTs, such as what they are (or could become), why prices are so varied, what makes them special, and why there are now concerns about them. Prof. Lav Varshney and researcher Kyle Soska answer some of those questions.

  • Patrick Keenan. Photo by Illinois College of Law

    Will anyone be held accountable for war crimes in Ukraine?

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine looks increasingly like a clear-cut violation of the U.N. charter and a crime of aggression, which is illegal under international law, says Illinois expert in human rights and international criminal law Patrick Keenan.

  • adjunct law professor Taisa Markus. Photo by Michelle Hassel

    How effective have economic sanctions been against Russia?

    Sanctions imposed against Russia and Belarus as punishment for invading Ukraine have had an effect but may only have meaningful consequences in the longer term, says a U of I expert in securities law and cross-border capital markets.

  • Scott Irwin, the Laurence J. Norton Chair of Agricultural Marketing at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

    Will Russian invasion of Ukraine spark a global food crisis?

    Professor Scott Irwin: 'On the international front, the invasion of Ukraine is having a major impact on worldwide grain, livestock and food markets because of the role of the Black Sea region as a major supplier of the world’s grain needs.'

  • Plague doctor: ein Kleydung under den Todt. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

    How does history suggest work will change following the pandemic?

    Following a pandemic, workers historically have recognized the value of their labor and become unwilling to accept poor wages and working conditions, said medieval studies expert Carol Symes.

  • Richard L. Kaplan, the Guy Raymond Jones Chair in Law at Illinois and an expert on U.S. tax policy and retirement issues.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Expert: Secure Act regulations seek to dispel 'illusion of wealth' for older adults

    New disclosures on quarterly retirement account statements may alarm some workers who could find their projected monthly retirement income to be 'seriously deficient,' says law professor and tax policy expert Richard L. Kaplan.

  • U of I sociologist Cynthia Buckley. Photo by Brian Stauffer

    Considering a nation without Roe v. Wade

    How other nations deal with abortion reveals what the U.S. might face in the near future, and U of I sociologist Cynthia Buckley says the U.S. is not prepared to deal with a likely increase of unwanted and unplanned births.

  • Toby Beauchamp is a professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Why are so many states trying to limit transgender rights?

    An increasing number of states are proposing anti-transgender bills aimed at issues affecting children. They will lead to more legislation limiting the rights of transgender adults as well, says Professor Toby Beauchamp.

  • Edward A. Kolodziej, Emeritus Research Professor of Political Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and an expert in international relations and global politics.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    What are the global security implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine directly challenges the security order established by the Western democracies after World War II, said Edward A. Kolodziej, an expert in international relations and global politics.


  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign political science professor Brian Gaines.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Will the Jan. 6 committee hearings affect public opinion?

    'The one-sidedness of the entire process, where no one has presented alternative perspectives or cross-examined witnesses, hasn’t helped its cause,' says elections expert and Illinois political science professor Brian Gaines.

  • Silver carp produce more offspring than other carp species.  Photo by USGS

    Will renaming carp help control them?

    Illinois officials this month announced that Asian carp would now be called 'copi' in an attempt to make the fish more desirable for eating. Creating consumer demand will help enlist commercial fishermen to cull these invasive species.

  • What explains the cryptocurrency crash?

    Robert Brunner, the associate dean for innovation and chief disruption officer at the Gies College of Business, explains the cryptocurrency market.

  • Robert Brunner, the associate dean for innovation and chief disruption officer at the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  Photo by Fred Zwicky

    What’s the potential of blockchain technology?

    Blockchain technology has the potential to transform industries ranging from health care to government, says Robert Brunner, the associate dean for innovation and chief disruption officer at the Gies College of Business.

  • Political Science professor Nick Grossman

    What's the future of drones in counterterrorism operations, Ukraine war?

    International relastions expert Nicholas Grossman, author of 'Drones and Terrorism: Asymmetric Warfare and the Threat to Global Security,' talks about the implications of the U.S. killing former al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri by drone.

  • Eric Larson and Sally McConkey are standing in the U. of I.’s Red Oak Rain Garden, which has won conservation awards for its incorporation of water runoff features into a functional landscape.     Photo by Fred Zwicky

    How do we measure community disaster resilience?

    Illinois State Water Survey engineer Sally McConkey explores the factors that support – and the methods for measuring – county-level community resilience in the face of disaster.

  • Will pre-pandemic office life ever make a comeback?

    Amit Kramer, professor of labor and employment relations, speaks about the future of office work.

  • Professor Don Fullerton. Image by Brian Stauffer

    How will the Inflation Reduction Act affect US environmental policy?

    Funds in the Inflation Reduction Act targeted for energy security and climate change reduction will encourage a major transformation in the U.S. renewable energy infrastructure, says Professor Don Fullerton.

  • Professor Christopher Brooke. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    Who should get an omicron COVID-19 booster?

    Although the omicron variants seem less deadly, COVID-19 vaccine boosters are needed to keep up with the virus as it evolves, says University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign microbiology professor Christopher Brooke.

  • Professor YoungAh Park. Photo by Brian Stauffer

    What explains 'quiet quitting' in the workplace?

    'Quiet quitting' means forgoing the extra mile at work but is different than work withdrawal or employee disengagement, says U of I labor expert YoungAh Park, who studies work stress and recovery.

  • A Union Pacific freight train winds its way through Colton, on Wednesday, Mar. 18, 2015. Photo by the Orange County Register

    What were the underlying issues of the railroad labor dispute?

    A strike by railroad unions would have been bad news for the Biden administration and for an already-stressed economy, says Michael LeRoy, an expert in labor relations at Illinois.


  • Nancy Latham, the executive director of the Council on Teacher Education and an associate dean in the College of Education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Photo by Jeremiah Cox

    What's behind the teacher shortage in US schools?

    Teacher shortages plaguing primary and secondary schools in the U.S. could be game-changers for people entering the field by boosting salaries and improving benefits and working conditions, said education professor Nancy Latham.

  • graphic art shows giant hand giving document reading 'debt' to person in cap and gown

    Student debt relief plan: A shot in the arm

    'Student loan debt is impacting people’s lives,' says Prof. Jennifer Delaney. 'When you borrow for college, you’re much less likely to buy a house right away, you hold back on retirement savings, don’t start a small business, wait on starting a family.'

  • advertising professor Michelle Nelson

    What do we know about political advertising?

    Advertising professor Michelle Nelson has found that most adults – even those politically engaged – don't fully understand online targeting, sources and funding for political ads, or how political speech is treated differently from commercial speech.

  • Illinois scientist Ann-Perry Witmer leads research and an upcoming discussion that takes a fresh approach to climate change adaptation.

    What is place-based adaptation to climate change?

    Place-based knowledge fits a solution to a need, rather than the other way around. 'The impacts of climate change for farmers in Illinois, for example, are dramatically different than the impacts seen by the Navajo Nation in Arizona...'

  • English professor Jim Hansen in his office, surrounded by horror movie posters. Photo by Fred Zwicky

    Why do we love horror films?

    Horror films dominate Netflix queues right now. English professor Jim Hansen spoke about why we love horror. He says it’s because horror films let us 'choose the shape of our fears and then to face up to those fears.'

  • sideview of a man wearing a hearing device in his ear

    U of I audiologist ‘hopeful’ about FDA ruling allowing over-the-counter hearing aid sales

    There are several devices that can be used to simply amplify sound. These are not hearing aids and 'are not meant to treat hearing loss,' says audiologist Sadie Braun. Before buying anything, she urges people to get a professional hearing check.

  • U of I College of Law dean Vikram Amar

    Is the independent state legislature theory constitutionally valid?

    The debate surrounding the independent state legislature theory in a case the U.S. Supreme Court is considering is a lopsided one, says Law dean Vikram Amar. An originalist approach of interpreting the Constitution should lead to its rejection.

  • Atmospheric sciences professor Atul Jain. Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    How can the 2022 Global Carbon Budget report help inform UN Climate Summit?

    Atmospheric sciences professor Atul Jain hopes the latest global carbon budget report encourages policies that conserve global ecosystems, limit global warming – and continue to push for low-carbon tech and phasing out fossil fuels.

  • Robert Brunner, the associate dean for innovation and chief disruption officer at the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  Photo by Fred Zwicky

    What is the metaverse - and what's its business potential?

    The metaverse’s potential for transformation means it should be on everyone’s radar, says Robert Brunner, the associate dean for innovation and chief disruption officer at the Gies College of Business at Illinois.

  • Fatima Husain is an associate professor of speech and hearing science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and an expert in the physical, social, and emotional aspects of hearing loss. She's also a researcher at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, where she uses magnetic resonance imaging to understand how hearing loss and tinnitus impact the brain.

    Hearing loss expert Fatima Husain 'delighted' by over-the-counter hearing aids

    Professor Husain explains how access to affordable hearing aids could offer unique opportunities for individuals with tinnitus, turn the tide on social stigma, and contribute to a competitive industry and a collaborative research frontier.

  • Political science professor Brian Gaines. Photo by Brian Stauffer

    What message did voters send this midterm election?

    Professor Brian Gaines talks about the 2022 midterm elections, the message voters sent, what effect gerrymandering had, and what we can expect from a divided Congress, with a republican majority in the House, and a democratic majority in the Senate.

  • atmospheric sciences professor Ashish Sharma

    How can academia help implement lessons from the 2022 climate summit?

    Atmospheric sciences professor Ashish Sharma is cautiously optimistic that academia can partner with industry and government on climate and sustainability goals that will benefit their financial statements, their employees and their communities.

  • U of I communication professor Steward Coles

    Are outspoken social media users more polarized in their views on racial equality?

    'As racial resentment increases, support for All Lives Matter increases and support for Black Lives Matter decreases. This relationship persisted even when we controlled for factors such as political conservatism,' says study leader Stewart Coles.

  • agricultural and biological engineering professor Josie Rudolphi, who co-directs the North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center,

    What is driving the high suicide rate among farmers?

    This year saw good harvests in the Midwest and strong commodity prices, but the future is so uncertain. Commodity prices, input costs, and weather are all beyond the farmers' control - and those worries lead to mental health challenges.

  • Kinesiology and community health professor emeritus Thomas O’Rourke weighs in on effective public education and legislative strategies for promoting gun safety in the U.S.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    How can we tame the gun violence epidemic?

    Community health professor Thomas O’Rourke talks about how previous efforts to institute public health measures succeeded and how the same approaches can be employed to reduce the scourge of gun violence in the U.S.

  • Scott Althaus, the center’s director and a professor of both political science and communication at Illinois.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Why was the Jan. 6 assault on the US Capitol considered an 'auto-coup d’état'?

    An auto-coup occurs when 'the incumbent chief executive uses illegal or extra-legal means to assume extraordinary powers, seize the power of other branches of government, or render powerless other components of the government...'

  • Professor Robin Fretwell Wilson. Photo by L. Brian Stauffer, 2015

    What's the significance of the Respect for Marriage Act?

    'Civil rights aren’t like colliding trains, where one civil right has to take precedence over another. Protecting civil rights is not a zero-sum game with winners and losers. Civil rights can be like puzzle pieces that can be made to fit together.'

  • Trespassers on the ramp of the Congress Palace in Brasilia. Image via Wikimedia Commons. Credit:  Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

    What led to the attempted coup in Brazil, what comes next?

    Professor Jerry Dávila, who specializes in the history of Brazil in the 20th century, spoke about civil unrest in Brazil. 'It was a coup attempt, and it was styled after the (Jan. 6, 2021) attack on the U.S. Capitol.'

  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign legal scholar Jacob S. Sherkow argues that the state of California’s proposal to manufacture and distribute insulin at cost could be a game-changer for curbing out-of-control price increases and a boon to public health.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Paper: California's proposal to manufacture insulin could curb prices, improve public health

    Legal scholar Jacob Sherkow argues that the state of California’s proposal to manufacture and distribute insulin at cost could be a game-changer for curbing out-of-control price increases, but there are hurdles to overcome first.

  • Chicago's St. Regis tower, designed by the architecture firm of U of I alumna Jeanne Gang. Photo by J E Koonce via Flickr

    Why are so many tall and supertall buildings being built?

    Very tall buildings are attractive options in cities where land is at a premium, but they come with construction challenges, said University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign architecture professor Abbas Aminmansour.

  • Professor Robert Bruno. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    Should the workweek be shortened to four days?

    There’s nothing sacrosanct about the five-day workweek, which is long overdue for an overhaul, says Robert Bruno, a professor of labor and employment relations at Illinois.