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School of Social Work News

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  • Racial Justice Allies and Advocate Training

    1.0 Training | Wednesday, February 15, 9am–12pm

    2.0 Training | Wednesday, April 12, 9am–12pm

    Register at

    A Collaborative Project of Student Affairs, Coordinated by Diversity & Social Justice Education

    The Racial Justice Allies and Advocate training is designed to provide students, faculty, and staff with a core awareness of the structures of racism, its role in interpersonal relationships, and empower allies to elevate the voices of underrepresented populations at the University of Illinois. RJA Trainings are presented as a 1.0 (introductory) and 2.0 (advanced) levels. All participants are strongly encouraged to attend the 1.0 session prior to attending the 2.0 session. Register at

  • Women's Career Institute

    Registration link:


    Sandee Kastrul is president and co-founder of i.c.stars, an innovative nonprofit leadership and technology training program founded in 1999 to prepare inner-city adults for technology careers and community leadership. Prior to i.c.stars, Sandee’s experience as an educator, diversity trainer, educational consultant and a performing artist drew her creative talents to the forefront. Her accomplishments include designing a comprehensive science and civics interactive program for GED students at Jobs for Youth, implementing a professional development program with Harold Washington College Career Center, developing experiential learning modules for over 70 schools and creating artist in residency programs as well as training artists to work in classrooms for arts organizations.

  • Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) internship

    The Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) internship program provides students an opportunity to undertake creative and challenging assignments that promote cross-cultural understanding of global and Asian American experiences.

    This internship experience will be offered as a 2-unit Global Studies class (which meets weekly on Tuesdays 2-3:30 pm).

    Informational meetings at AACC (1210 West Nevada Street, Urbana) are as follows:

         Tuesday, Feb. 4 @1:30 pm
         Monday, Feb. 10 @ 5 pm
         Wednesday, Feb. 12 @ 7 pm

    Applicants must attend one of the above meetings. Federal Work Study strongly preferred but not required.

  • Opportunity - Mats for Humanity

    Mats for Humanity is a large scale plarning event for APO brothers, alumni and other organizations on campus, in which we turn plastic bags into mats that will be donated to the homeless. These mats provide a cushion from the floor and the plastic keeps the bugs away!

    Come join us in this large scale plarning event and represent your RSO while doing some sustainable service! There will be facilitators to teach you how to plarn/crochet if you don't know how to!

    If you want your RSO to be involved in this event and you haven't been contacted by us yet, you can reach out to Lilyia Garcia or at

    Facebook Event Link:

  • Counseling Center Paraprofessional Invitation to Social Work Students

    Counseling Center Paraprofessionals (CCPs) are students from ALL departments on campus and with many different majors. These students all have a the common goal which is providing developmental and preventative services to the students on the UIUC Campus. CCPs work closely with the counseling center and through the program are taught various social skills from effective communication, to cultural competency, to how to facilitate workshops and so much more.

    In order to become a CCP students must apply in the Fall semesters and complete an application when the link is provided on the cousueling center page (around September). Afterwards they will be interviewed by the CCP coordinators before being chosen to be a Paraprofessional. Students have to be at a sophmore or junior standing in order to apply as the program requires you to take one CCP class for three semesters (Spring, Fall, Spring) and Freshman are still getting accustomed to campus life their first year.  Below is the link to the cousueling center website as well as the dates for the upcoming Tuesday @7 workshops presented by current CCPs in the second semester of the program.

    Tuesday @7 Workshops 
    4/11/17: Chosing the Right Filter: Social Media in a Positive Light
    4/18/17: Navigating Skills for Supporting Survivors: Life After Trauma
    4/25/17: Redefining Selfish: Prioritizing Self Care

  • Writers Workshop Online Services

    This semester, the Writers Workshop will have online consultations available to provide writing feedback; we have a number of useful resources on our website; and we are available for virtual class presentations and collaborations by request through Zoom or other interfaces. Our event calendar for the semester will be live next week. You can also like us on Facebook (WritersWorkshopIL) and follow us on Twitter (WorkshopIL) for more news about upcoming events. 

  • YWCA's Women in Leadership internship program

    Women in Leadership (WIL) is an intensive, two semester leadership and project management internship. Structured as a group consulting project, the internship allows interns to work directly with local human services agencies to learn about the nonprofit sector; identify organizational challenges; and research, propose, and implement solutions over the course of a school year.

    In the fall, interns conduct research in a team about challenges that their assigned agency is facing, and in the spring, implement a project based on their research to provide solutions. The YWCA supplements interns’ work with additional training focusing on professional development, leadership skills, and building a working team, all of which are applied to team projects. Interns are guided through this process by mentors drawn from Urbana-Champaign’s excellent professional and graduate student pools.

    Applications are due September 20th. For more information visit the YWCA website

  • Majors and Minors Fair

    The Majors and Minors Fair will be held on Monday, September 23rd from 1: 30 PM to 4:30 PM in the I-Rooms A, B, and C.  This event allows students the unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with a large number of departments in one convenient location! If you're looking for that great minor to add to your Social Work degree, this is the place and time to get more information!

  • Fred S. Bailey Scholarship for Cause-Driven Leaders

    Application deadline: February 16   

    Award: $1,500/semester ($3,000 total) Who should apply?   All undergraduate students who will be enrolled at UIUC during the Fall 2017/Spring 2018 academic year are eligible to receive awards of $3000.  Students graduating in 2017-18 will also be considered for the $5000 Bailey Leadership Awards.


    Applicants must be able to demonstrate the impact of their service, community involvement, leadership, and action · Applicants must be able to demonstrate awareness and critical thought about the pressing issues facing the world today · Financial need and academic achievement will also be considered

    Got questions? We have answers. Come to an info session:   

    Monday, 1/23 - 5:00 PM University YMCA, Board Room

    For more information or to apply online, visit:

  • ACES in South Africa Service Learning Fall Course/Winter Break Trip 2017-18

    Location: Cape Town, South Africa
    Dates: Course: 2nd 8 weeks Fall 2017
    Winter Break trip: About 3 weeks departing Dec 27
    Application Deadline: April 20, 2017

    Program Summary: This 8-week course will introduce you to South African history, politics, and legacy of apartheid. You’ll learn about the role of youth in the liberation struggle, discover the impact of educational policy and family dynamics on South African families and children, and gain a deeper understanding of the post-apartheid society and the challenges they face relating to food security, poverty, crime and xenophobia. Then, join us for a winter break trip to experience South Africa through cultural and historical tours, and community service learning experiences with children, township health clinics, or community gardens.

    Apply: ‘programs’ and enter ‘ACES in South Africa’ in the field ‘program name.’
    Cost: 2017 Program Fee: $6,025. Program Fee includes housing and most meals, orientation, program excursions, and international insurance.
    Scholarships: Scholarships are available -see Study Abroad website
    Contacts: Oliver Ferguson at ACES Education Abroad at 333-3380 oraces-studyabroad@illinois.eduor Jan Brooks, Course Instructor at 333-2102 or

  • Job Opportunity with Immigrant Services of Champaign-Urbana

    Job Title: Pandemic Health Navigator                                    Department:

    Reports to: PHN Supervisor                                                  Effective Date:

    Job Summary: The Pandemic Health Navigator (PHN) will work to decrease the spread of COVID-19 through specialized and individualistic work with clients. PHNs will work with clients who do not often fit well within the standard medical model. The PHN will work closely with medical providers, primary care teams, and other agencies to improve patient outcomes and care. PHNs will complete an intake interview for their clients, provide regular follow-up care and documentation and provide referrals to other services, as necessary. This position will work to decrease the disparities in health due to COVID-19 and will help advocate for social and environmental needs as they arise. The PHN will work closely with PCPs, Local Health Departments, and Community Based Organizations to provide wrap-around services to encourage clients to remain in their homes while positive with COVID-19. The PHN will create a foundation of trust for continued care of socially vulnerable populations.

  • Community Service Project Organizing 101

    On Monday, April 3rd from 6:00p.m. to 7:30p.m. UniPlace will be holding a second student community leadership workshop. This workshop titled "Community Service Project Organizing 101" will be a workshop over dinner where students will learn how to effectively identify the needs of their community, organize a community service project, partner with community organizations, recruit volunteers, and learn how to be a volunteer leader.

    This is a great workshop for any student who wants to be a leader in a student community service organization or lead a community service project on their own.  The workshop is free and includes a free dinner.

    Those who wish to find out more information or wish to attend can sign up at:  

  • The School of Social Work Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research (JUSWR)

    The Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research (JUSWR) is an annual publication showcasing peer-reviewed undergraduate research and related works from social work and related disciplines.

    In Fall 2020, JUSWR will publish Volume 4. If you have written work, or projects relevant to the advancement of social and economic justice that you are proud of, consider becoming a part of this exciting venture by submitting your work to JUSWR.

    Submission deadline for Fall 2020 Volume 4: Friday, May 1, 2020

    Email submission files (including any supplementary materials) to JUSWR

    Submission categories considered for publication include:

    • Original research article
    • Policy Analysis
    • Literature review
    • Poster presentation
    • Creative piece (artistic expression or multimedia presentation)
    • Materials developed for Social Work and other social science classes this academic year or in the previous academic year will be considered.

    An email attachment sent to the BSW student listserv and Social Work Faculty listserv contains specific submission procedures and details listed below as well as other important information:

    • Submission Procedures
    • Manuscript Preparation Formatting
    • Rights for Authors and Copyright Statement

    Contact Dr. Rachel Garthe, for additional information

  • Career Development and Networking Event

    Friday, 4/5, 10 am – 1:30 pm, room 2030

    This event will help you prepare for the next steps after graduation. Registration is required and is on a first come, first served basis as there is limited seating available. Register click HERE. The registration deadline is March 15th.

  • Announcing the Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research (JUSWR) Issue 3 and JUSWR Call for Papers.

    The Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research (JUSWR) editorial team is pleased to announce the 3rd issue of the School of Social Work journal of undergraduate original work. Attached you will find the flyer announcing important information about the journal. We also attached the call for papers, which provides more specific details about the submission guidelines, dates, and review process. The JUSWR accepts original research, policy analysis papers, literature reviews, and creative pieces (artistic expression or multimedia presentations). Original work developed for this academic year's courses and the previous academic year will be considered. We hope you will give serious consideration to submitting your work and having the experience of being a published author! 

  • HOPE Scholarship

    Last Spring, the student body voted to create the HOPE Fee to support students who do not qualify for federal financial aid. This year, the HOPE Department has been focusing on the creation of the HOPE Fee Scholarship. The HOPE Scholarship was designed to help undocumented, transgender, and students with minor convictions be equipped with the resources to pursue a higher education at Illinois. Each scholarship recipient may be awarded up to $10,000 in aid. The inaugural year for this scholarship's application period is currently open and closes Friday, May 1st. 

    This scholarship also includes an emergency fund for international students who have faced financial barriers to their education due to unforeseen circumstances. 

    Link to the application:

  • CHLH 494: Trauma, Diversity, & Resilience

    Regardless of their career aspirations, our students will likely encounter traumatized individuals. Despite renewed awareness and concern about trauma in the public, systematic training about trauma is lacking. The goal of this course is to contribute to a better informed public and better informed healthcare professionals by exposing students to accurate information about trauma.

    Course Description: This course will examine the psychological and public health impact of a variety of traumatic experiences (e.g., sexual and physical assault, domestic violence, war and torture, community violence, and natural disasters) on diverse populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, veterans, women, children, aging populations, and individuals who identify as LGBTQIA. Students will be able to articulate the prevalence, incidence, and developmental impact of post-traumatic stress across the lifespan. Students will become familiar with the major risk factors for trauma-related dysfunction and cultural factors that exacerbate or ameliorate dysfunction. During course discussions, we will emphasize the influence of culture and history on how individuals and society responds to trauma. Students will begin to think critically about a person’s group memberships and identifications, and the effect of these memberships and identities on the way that an individual experiences and recovers from a traumatic experience. Students will discover how positive change can transpire following trauma exposure. We will investigate evidence-based intervention strategies. Students will have the opportunity to gain exposure to traumatized populations through service learning projects. Case accounts of traumatized individuals, original professional journal articles, classic texts written by trauma experts, service learning opportunities, and documentaries about trauma will enhance learning.

  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Stress Management Peer Leaders

    McKinley Heath Center’s Health Education Unit is seeking volunteers to become Stress Management Peer (SMP) Leaders.  SMP is dedicated to providing education & awareness to UI students on stress-related topics and concerns. We facilitate stress-related workshops; participate in campus-wide program planning and other organized events while embracing the diversity of our campus. This is a great opportunity to enhance leadership skills and meet new and interesting people. Strong communication skills desired. This hands-on experience is a great volunteer opportunity! 

    Learn to Stress Less! Limited time to join!  

    Interest session will be Wednesday, September 2nd, 5:00 p.m. Email Morgan to receive zoom link:   

    For more information please contact Aly: 

  • Job Opportunity at Austin's Place

    The Overnight Shelter Assistant is responsible for overnight assistance and oversight of women utilizing Austin’s Place Emergency Overnight Shelter. This position is a three-night-a-week overnight position, 11.5 hour shifts. Overnight staff is required to remain awake during the overnight hour. The Overnight Shelter Assistant reports to the Shelter Director.

    Qualifications: It is recommended that the overnight shelter assistant have at least a High School Diploma or GED equivalent. While no other specific credentials are required to fill this position (e.g.,LCSW, MSW, etc.), experience with the homeless population and/or mental illness is preferred. Presence of good judgment is required as intervention by emergency services may, at time, be necessary. This staff member should have strong attention to detail and organizational skills, as well as good communication skills, and be able to be compassionate with our guests. This person must have the ability to remain awake and alert during the hours on shift.

    Compensation/Hours: This is an hourly position. The rate of pay is based on experience and the hours are 7:45PM– 7:15 AM with one half-hour break. This position begins on November 1, 2019 with one paid 4-hour training session prior to this date. This is a temporary position that ends on April 15, 2020.

    Click the title above for job responsibilities.

  • Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders

    Info Session:
    Bailey Internship Scholarship
    Tuesday, October 17
    University YMCA 
    1001 S. Wright, Champaign
    Event on Facebook

    Are you interested in an unpaid internship but are concerned about the financial hardship it may cause? The Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders offers undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who receives an unpaid internship with a public service agency or not-for profit organization is eligible to apply. Awards are $1,000 for a part-time internship or $2,500 for a full-time internship and are given directly to the student. Got questions? We have answers. Learn more about the selection criteria, program requirements, application process & more.

  • DSC Donation Drive

    November 4th - November 21st

    Dish shop
    Dollar Tree Items (Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Snack Baggies)
    Don't like to shop? (Gift cards to Target, Wal-Mart, etc)

    Drop off locations:
    La Casa Cultural Latina - 1203 W Nevada St, Urbana, IL
    School of Social Work - 1010 W Nevada St, Urbana, IL

  • BSWA Presents: Zootopia!

    The BSWA is BACK and Wednesday, join your fellow Social Work students for a movie, pizza, and pop, before heading home for Thanksgiving Break. We'll be ordering Domino's pizza and watching Zootopia in Room 2015. 

    Join us at 5 PM and please RSVP if you're planning to attend so we can make sure to have enough pizza ordered!

  • Entrepreneurship Minor Survey

    Illinois Business Consulting (IBC) and Gies College of Business are developing an entrepreneurship minor to broaden the definition of entrepreneurship and particularly serve the needs of students outside of engineering and business. It is therefore extremely important to us that we understand the needs and wants of Social Work students, to create an offering for you. Please take only 7 minutes to fill out this short survey and enter a lottery to win up to $100 in Amazon gift cards: Thank you in advance – your perspectives are essential to create a lasting program. Contact: Aman Khinvasara,

  • Student Employment - Testing Accommodations Center (TAC) within the Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)

    The Testing Accommodations Center (TAC) within the Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) has an employment opportunity.

    We are now interviewing for student workers for the Spring 2018 semester who are available for any part or all of the following time:

    Mondays from 7:50am-10:30am

    Tuesdays From 10:30am-12:00pm

    Wednesdays 7:50am-10:30am

    Thursdays 7:50am-11:30am

    Please find attached the job descriptions.  If you are interested in working in the TAC and are available to work during the times listed above, please send the following items to Tina Rolfe at

    Your resume
    List of classes you are enrolled in for the Spring 2018 Semester and When you are available for an interview
    Please give a couple dates and times
    We will like to fill this position as soon as possible so this week would be great!
    The hours that you are available to work per week
    Please note each shift must be at least 1.5 hours long
    TAC is only open 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday.  Therefore you would not be permitted to work outside those hours except for finals week when the hours are extended.
    Student work schedules will be the same schedule for each week for the whole semester, until finals week
    Please list your hours of availability as such:
    Mondays 7:50am-9:30am and 2:00pm-3:30pm
    Wednesday s 10:00am-12:30pm

  • Virtual Suggestion Board

    If you have suggestions about how the School of Social Work can do anything better or facilitate anything through the next few weeks, please submit a suggestion to the Virtual Suggestion Box

  • Truman Scholarship Informational Events 10/10 & 10/11

    Dear Illini who want to change the world: 

    Are you concerned about issues facing your community, campus or country, and are you actively working to make change?  The prestigious Harry S. Truman Scholarship program is looking for the academically strong student who has a passion for public service.

    Evaluators look for leadership ability, potential for influencing public policies, community service and extracurricular involvement, strong academic performance, and potential to perform well in a graduate school program. It awards $30,000 merit-based scholarships to U.S. citizen college students who wish to attend graduate school in preparation for careers in public service.  Public service includes a wide array of career possibilities, such as public health; local, state, or federal government; educational policy; international relations; conservation; and environmental protection. Candidates should be able to demonstrate leadership experiences in campus and community service activities.

    Truman Scholars have pursued many fields of study, such as agriculture, engineering, economics, education, government, history, international relations, law, political science, public administration, and public health. Scholars are required to work in public service for three of the seven years following completion of a Foundation funded graduate degree program as a condition of receiving funding. 

    The University of Illinois may nominate up to four students for the Truman Scholarship.  If you are interested in applying, please plan to attend our informational sessions: 

    Truman Scholarship Information Session
    Thursday, October 10th, 3:30-4:30 pm
    514 Illini Union Bookstore

    Truman Scholarship Writing Workshop
    Friday, October 11th, 3:00-4:00 pm
    514 Illini Union Bookstore

    For more information, contact the scholarships office at or visit our website at 

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    The first main event that will kick off the month of October will be Peace Jam! Music for a World Without Violence! On Saturday, October 7th, 11:30am to 2:00pm. The event will feature live music, performances, art, and a resource fair aimed at speaking out against abuse within relationships and coming together as a community to support survivors and end domestic violence. The event is open to all ages and will be located at Lincoln Square Mall in Urbana.

    Our keynote speaker for the month will be Julie DiCaro, who will give a discussion-based presentation on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 from 7pm-9pm in Gregory Hall 112, free and open to the public. Julie DiCaro is a Chicago-based sportscaster with a background in domestic violence law, and a public figure who speaks up when she sees gender-based violence perpetrated by professionals in her highly visible industry. By connecting with our campus and local community at this DVAM event, Ms. DiCaro will center the importance of individual and systematic efforts to disrupt the socialized behaviors that contribute to cycles of violence, and we can collectively create a culture without abuse. 

  • Virtual Study Abroad Week

    The study abroad units across campus are hosting Virtual Illinois Abroad Week from Monday, October 19 – Friday, October 23. This event is for all students, especially first years and sophomores, who might be interested in pursuing both immediate virtual study abroad experiences and future in-person international opportunities. The event website can be found at and we are encouraging students to RSVP to sessions they want to attend.


    The Bailey Undergraduate awards are $3000 awards ($1500/semester) given each year to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who have demonstrated positive impact and commitment as a result of service, community involvement, leadership, and action. Financial need and academic achievement will also be considered. University of Illinois - Urbana campus undergraduate students in all programs are eligible to apply. 

    For more information or to apply online, visit: 

    Application deadline: February 28
    Contact: Kasey Umland

  • Winter Break Job Shadow Program

    The Career Center's Winter Break Job Shadow Program will help you engage with alumni, professionals, or companies of interest to help develop your professional network and explore career opportunities. 

    Job shadows are typically one-day commitments during winter break.

    Winter Break Job Shadow Program

    Apply in Handshake @ Illinois 

    To learn more about opportunities and how to apply, visit Handshake @ Illinois and follow these simple steps: 

    Make sure you are in the “Job Search” tab.Filter by using Keyword: “Job Shadow” and indicate Job Type: “Experiential Learning.” Read each job shadow posting to make sure you are interested and a good fit for that particular opportunity. Apply now!  Most job shadows will only be open to student applications through the middle/end of November

  • Apply to serve on the Subcommittee for Student Conduct and/or the Subcommittee for Sexual Misconduct

    Do you want to help make the decisions regarding the University’s response to student conduct?  You can apply to serve on the Subcommittee for Student Conduct and/or the Subcommittee for Sexual Misconduct.  Both of these groups get extensive training and then experience making the decisions in these cases.  The committees are comprised of students, faculty and staff. It is important that we have committees that reflect the entire campus community. The types of cases you would hear would be for students who have been accused of doing something that rises to the level of possibly being dismissed from the University. Those serving on these committees in the past have said that it is an eye opening experience that they learn a lot from.  If you are interested in serving on either of the subcommittees, please fill out the application no later than February 15, 2020: 

  • May 2019 Graduation Announcement

    Saturday, May 11, 2019, at Tryon Festival Theatre, Krannert

    The ceremony will begin at 2:00 p.m.  Students should arrive at 1:00 p.m. to line up.

    The final deadline to order attire online is April 24, 2019 at 10:00 p.m.

  • Colors of Faith Interfaith Dance Team Clinics and Auditions

    Colors of Faith, UIUC's first and only interfaith dance team, will be having Spring 2019 Clinics & Auditions! 


    Wednesday, January 23

    Time: 7 PM to 8 PM

    Location: ARC Multipurpose Room 5

    Thursday, January 24

    Time: 8:15 to 9:15 PM

    Location: ARC Multipurpose Room 4


    Evening of Monday, January 28

    Time & Location TBD

    If you're passionate about learning about other religions and dancing (no previous dance experience required!), then we would love to see you! For more information, email us at, or check out our Facebook and Instagram. Thank you!

  • Urbana Park District Summer Job Opportunities

    Click the link above for information about summer job opportunities with the Urbana Park District's Anita Purves Nature Center and Nature Day Camps.

  • Diversity and Inclusion Networking Exchange 4.1.2020

    April 1 | 6:30 - 8 p.m.Illini Union, Room BConnect with employers that value diversity and inclusionPractice networking in a casual settingHear what employers look for in new hiresLearn what questions you can ask to determine if an organization meets your needs

    Sponsored by: Career Services Community, Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations, Office of Minority Student Affairs, Illinois Promise, Disability Resources & Educational Services, Division of General Studies & Chez Veterans Center.

  • Make a difference on issues that matter this summer with the Fund for the Public Interest!

    What are you planning to do with your summer? Do you want to make a real difference, working to protect the environment or public health? Do you want to gain real-world experience and pick up valuable skills? Do you want to make good money?

    Apply for a job with the Fund this summer, and you could get all of that and more. We’re a national, non-profit organization that builds the people power for America’s leading environmental and social change organizations.

    We’re hiring in over 30 cities across the country this summer to raise money and get thousands of people to take action. You’ll make a real difference on important issues. You may be working to help stop global warming, fight fracking, get factory farms to stop overusing antibiotics or standing up for clean water.

    You’ll gain real-world experience and learn valuable skills. Making change happen isn’t easy, but history has shown time and again that when we build enough people power we can win. But to do that we need people who have the skills and leadership ability to get things done. And that’s what you’ll learn with the Fund.

    We have a great training program. Training starts the first day, and it continues throughout your time on staff. You will have the opportunity to learn how to lead a team, run news conferences, all while developing your public speaking skills, raising money and motivating people to get involved and take action… skills that will be valuable, no matter what kind of job you want in the future.

    And, you’ll make good money.

    Many people are faced with a tough choice for how to spend their summer. Do I earn money by waiting tables, painting houses or making lattes, or do I take that unpaid internship so I can get real-world experience, or work on something I care about? You don’t have to make that choice.

    You can make $4,500-$6,500 this summer while doing something you actually believe in—all while gaining the skills and experience you need to help you succeed in the future.

    This is not your typical summer job, but if you’re looking for a great experience where you can make a real difference, and work with some great people along the way, then apply today for a summer job with The Fund.

    We will be holding information sessions and interviews on campus  Tuesday 3/7 and Wednesday 3/8 and want to meet with as many interested students as possible while on campus.

    To apply, please visit or call 1-800-75-EARTH (1-800-753-2784).

  •  We CU community-engaged scholars program 

    You are invited to participate in the Fall 2020 We CU Community Engaged Scholars program. We CU honors students for their community-based work and provides them with training, connection to like-minded peers, and support from We CU program leaders. Students completing 20 hours of service each semester will be honored at a spring awards ceremony, with distinct recognition given to those who complete 300 hours of service over the course of four years.   

    Information Sessions

    Tuesday, September 29, 4 - 5 p.m.
    Wednesday, September 30, 6 - 7 p.m.
    Thursday, October 1, noon - 1 p.m.

    This opportunity will be particularly attractive to the following groups of students:  

    Students enrolled in academic programs that have built-in service requirements. These service hours can count toward We CU scholar recognition.  

    Studentsparticipatinginservicelearningcoursesor groups. We CU matches projects from community organizations with service learning courses and groups. These service hours can count toward We CU scholar recognition.  

    Students motivated to enrich their university experience, build their resume/CV, and make a positive impact in the community. We CU allows to students to view and sign up for open service opportunities. Students may also gain recognition for self-identified service  

    The fall scholars program follows an incredibly successful summer pilot empowering University of Illinois students to (remotely) respond to community needs and challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this month, 232 scholars representing 12 colleges across campus were recognized for their program participation and service over the 10-week summer program. Collectively, these students worked with more than 30 organizations, logging 4500 hours of community-based service.  

    Please refer to the one-page program summary, including frequently asked questions, and contact with additional questions.  

    Students may submit their interest in joining the program at  

  • 2017 Graduate & Professional School Fair

    The 2017 Graduate & Professional School Fair offers Illinois students the opportunity to interact with

    representatives from 135+ different schools & programs from across the country and around the world! 

    Search for programs by Program Category or Keyword at  (or on our app- see below)

    All undergraduates, graduate students, staff, and alumni are invited to attend to collect information and engage with representatives about advanced education offerings.

    Programs from various disciplines will be in attendance at the fair, including Business, Biomedical Sciences, Psychology, Public Health, Engineering. Medicine, and hundreds more!


    *RSVP to receive updates about schools/programs attending the fair.

    *Attire is casual.

    *Open-house style (visit and depart as convenient)

    *Search "Illinois Career Fair Plus" in the App Store or Google Play to find the app

  • Employment Opportunity - Personal Support Worker

    The Dabrowski family is looking for Personal Support Workers to assist their daughter with developmental disabilities to live independently; pay above minimum wage.

    Personal Support Worker (PSW)

    A personal support worker acts as an aide and companion to the individual with disabilities.  The PSW is hired for specific hours by the individual or their family and is usually paid through a state-funded program called Home-Based Services.  Duties might include transportation, helping the individual complete tasks of daily living, social activities and helping the individual become more independent in achieving their goals.  Pay is generally above minimum wage and is set by the individual that receives the service. 


    Please contact Melinda if you have any questions and she would be happy to provide more information. 

    Melinda Dabrowski
    (217) 637-1392  

  • Mary Ramier Grant

    Mary Ramier Grant

    The Mary Ramier Grant is set up to inspire undergraduate women to develop as successful leaders, activists, and professionals.  Mary Ramier, a 1923 graduate of the University of Illinois, was an attorney and activist from Indianapolis, IN.   She was remembered for tackling problems in her Irvington neighborhood, including a petition drive that led to much-needed urban renovation.  She also worked at the national level as an attorney and officer for the Mortar Board National Senior Women’s Honorary.

  • 2017-2018 Internship and Summer OVP Staff Positions

    Looking for a paid internship for the 2017-18 school year or summer job? Check out opportunities with the Office of Volunteer Programs.

    Barbara Seaquist Williams Internship: Apply for the Barbara Seaquist Williams Internship position in the Illini Union Office of Volunteer Programs for the 2017-18 school year. The intern will engage in volunteer-related activities and organize office projects related to service, the intern’s major, and other interests. There is one internship position opening. The intern will work between 12-15 hours a week and the pay rate is $9.50/hr. Applicants must be juniors or seniors during the 2017-18 school year. Completed applications are due Sunday, February 19, by 11:59 p.m. For more information and to complete an application go to

    Summer Student Employment: Summer help is needed for OVP. Summer employees typically work 10-20 hours per week for the regular summer hours as well as special events. Starting pay rate is $8.25/hr. Example job responsibilities are assisting with office duties, working on fall semester programs, and answering questions about how students can get involved in service projects. Applicants must be enrolled as an undergraduate student for Fall 2017 classes. Completed applications will be reviewed starting Monday, February 27. To apply, complete an Illini Union employee application. After you have filled out the form, email your cover letter, resume, and three references to Program Advisor John Race ( Work positions and hours are based on office need and student availability.

    Check out all the Student Affairs Internship opportunities at

  • MAYC Job Opportunities

    Teen Program Coordinator

    The Teen Programming Coordinator must have experience managing staff and working in youth-based programs. The Teen Director must be over the age of 19 and would typically be working toward a degree within the field of Education, Child Psychology, Social Work, or an equivalent field. The Teen Coordinator Position requires staff and space coordination, scheduling acumen, and clear communication with partnering organizations, staff, and parents.

    The coordinator must participate in 1.5 days of training before the Clubhouse opens for summer. Mahomet Area Youth Club will be open for summer from June 3rd through August 9th from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. The Teen Coordinator will attend all field trips and assist with program sponsored transportation. This summer-time position is a 10 to 12-week paid opportunity. If you are interested, please attach a resume along with a cover letter to  

    Counselor Positions (Seasonal)

    The Mahomet Area Youth Club (MAYC) is looking for individuals who love to work with kids to assist during summer break and/or spring break.  

    Counselors are responsible for a group of 15 to 20 children on a daily basis. They must ensure children's safety, manage children's behavior, act as a role model and mentor, and model constructive participation in all daily activities. They will work closely with the Programming Director and Executive Director to implement programming and to ensure the safety of all children. Counselors with the help of the children where appropriate are also expected to assist in cleaning up during the day and at the end of each day to ensure facilities are kept neat and tidy for continued use. Counselors should be at least 17 years of age. All Counselors must participate in 1.5 days of training before the Clubhouse opens for summer. Mahomet Area Youth Club will be open for summer from June 3rd through August 9th and spring break from March 18th to 22nd from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Counselors are expected to work a minimum of 20 hours per week. This is a paid position. Please attach resume along with an e-mail explaining why you are interested in the position to  

  • Elevating Voices: Visualizing Social Justice Through Art

    Webinar Discussion featuring Keenan Dailey

    The School of Social Work at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, is committed to facilitating important conversations surrounding the complexities of racial and social justice through artistic expression. With additional funding from the John N. Chester Estate Endowment Fund to support the acquisition of significant artwork for campus beautification, the School is excited to announce an open call for local artists to continue the promotion of cultural perspectives through art.

    Join us for a virtual interview and racial justice discussion as MFA student Keenan Dailey, discusses his mural, “Year 401,” recently unveiled as part of an ongoing art series project at the School of Social Work. Introduction by alumna and professor, Janet Carter-Black and interview conducted by Kris Koester, MSW ’12.

    9.25.2020 | 4-5 p.m.

    Webinar Registration


    We are currently seeking qualified artists to submit proposals for the series, which will be displayed at the School of Social Work, located at 1010 W. Nevada Street in Urbana, IL. This opportunity is open to students, professional artists in the Champaign-Urbana community, or artists with ties to the University of Illinois.

    All estimates should include the artist’s design fee, all costs of materials and fabrication of the work, and all materials necessary for installation of the work. The budget should not exceed $5k per project. Open to all art mediums.

    How to Apply:

    Please submit a proposed artwork concept, cost estimate, and explanation of your work to Amy Frederick at by October 19th, 2020. Submissions will be reviewed by committee and announced at a later date.

    Entries Due: October 19th, 2020

  • Illinois Student Government Executive Assistant Applications

    This year, the Illinois Student Government seeks Executive Assistants within our Cabinet and Legislative Branch to help fulfill weekly tasks and begin their journey in ISG with direct guidance from our current student leaders. This unique role teaches new members of ISG through genuine hands-on experiences and prepares students for how to be productive members of the organization with weekly training sessions!  

    We look forward to seeing the outstanding leaders! Apply Now!

    For questions or concerns regarding ISG or the application process, please contact Chief of Staff Katrina Rbeiz at  

  • AUDITIONS - INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre - Spring 2020


    Wednesday, December 4, 5 p.m. Thursday, December 5, 5 p.m. Tuesday, December 10, 5 p.m.or by appointment during finals week

    Armory Free Theatre (Armory Room 160)(You will only need to come to one audition session.)

    Students can elect to receive 2 hours of course credit by enrolling in Theatre 400M.

    Come prepared with a 1-2 minute monologue. (It doesn’t need to be memorized.) Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in. Open to all university students. Though useful, no previous experience is required.

    Auditions will be heldFor the following spring shows:

    written by Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown 

    written by Victor Ruiz

    Questions? Please call 217-244-0212 or email

    INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre takes on subject matter that is timely and often difficult to address. This requires a willingness to be open-minded and curious about social issues and justice on the part of all who participate in the project.Past topics have included hate crimes, sexual assault, body image, gender identity and transphobia, racism, socioeconomic status, and suicide. Join us for our 25th anniversary year!

    INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre is sponsored by the Counseling Center and the Department of Theatre at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

  • Credit/No Credit Policy Changes for Spring 2020

    You received an e-mail from the Provost sharing some changes to the Credit/No Credit Policy this semester. Program Director, Dr. Jan Carter-Black reiterated these changes last week. I am going to post them one more time with some thoughts and commentary.

    The deadline to elect a course to be graded Credit/No Credit is now April 30th. This is true for full semester and 2nd 8 week courses. 

    You can now utilize this option for major, minor, and general education courses and they will fulfill these requirements. The grading criteria for Credit/No Credit and process has not changed.

    If you wish to elect to take a course Credit/No Credit, you will need to fill out the appropriate form (e-mail Aaron and he can get you an electronic version) by April 30th. At the end of the semester your instructor will submit whatever grade you earned. Upon their submission your letter grade will be changed to either CR for Credit or NC for no credit. If you earned a C- or higher, your grade will be CR and you will have earned credit for the course. If you earned a D+ or lower your grade will be NC and you will not earn credit. Regardless, CR and NC grades do not affect your GPA, but some graduate and professional school may recalculate your GPA with their own method if you utilize this options.

    If you want to discuss this option further you can e-mail me or if you haven't had your fall advising appointment, we can have this discussion in conjunction with your fall advising. 

    Also, while it is good to be thinking about this option now, it is likely better to wait until the last week of April to make your final decision and evaluate where your grades are at that point. If you want to elect the Credit/No Credit option, we can fill out the form. 

  • Perinatal Mood Disorders: Components of Care Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Certificate Training

    March 27-28, 2019
    Champaign, Illinois

    Register online!

    This two-day course, taught by expert and engaging faculty, uses a thorough, evidence-based curriculum designed for psychiatrists, nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, and anyone interested in building skills for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood disorders.

  • SKY Happiness Retreat

    SKY Happiness Retreat is a total well-being training offered to thousands of university students, faculty, and staff across the country. Participants gain foundational stress-management and leadership skills, develop a personal evidence-based breathing and meditation practice, learn a short personal yoga practice, develop strategies for social connection and community building, and engage in peer-driven service initiatives. The SKY Happiness Retreat introduces SKY Meditation, an evidence-based meditation practice integrated with breath work that can significantly increase one's well-being and calmness, and significantly reduces anxiety and stress markers. The course features interactive group processes, experiential learning, emotional intelligence training, breathwork, yoga, evidence-based meditation, and service leadership. It's one of the coolest places to connect with yourself, make awesome friends, and, most importantly, have fun! We're happy to share that the SKY Happiness Retreat is offered with a full scholarship for UIUC students, staff, and faculty members. There are limited spots available for this retreat, and they are filling up fast. Availability is first-come-first-serve, by registration only and requires attendance to all sessions. Please contact for any questions.

    Location: Illini Union (on-campus)
    Timing:   -  February 21st(Fri): 6:00pm - 10:00 pm -  February 22nd and 23rd (Sat & Sun): 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
    Apply here:

  • Summer Teaching Positions Available: Teach Reading to Students of All Ages This Summer

    Earn more than $6,000 during the summer. Teachers typically earn between $520 and $700 per week while teaching. Gain over 500 hours of teacher-training and teaching experience with a variety of age groups. Help students of all ages develop their reading skills and ability to become imaginatively absorbed in books.

    The Institute of Reading Development is seeking candidates for summer 2017 teaching positions. We seek applicants with an undergraduate degree or higher from any discipline. We provide a paid training program and comprehensive on-going support.

    We hire people who:

    Have strong reading skills and read for pleasure Are responsible, hardworking, and have good communication and organizational skills Will be patient and supportive with students

    The Institute teaches developmental reading programs in partnership with the continuing education departments of more than 100 colleges and universities across the United States. Our classes for students of all ages improve their reading skills and teach them to experience absorption in literature.

    We invite you to submit an online application and learn more about teaching for the Institute at:

  • Study Abroad in South Africa with ACES

    Interested in Studying Abroad in South Africa? Attend an information meeting with the on-site provider on September 20th and get the details for upcoming trips.