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School of Social Work News

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  • Provost's Undergraduate Student Advisory Board

    What is the purpose of the Provost’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board?

    The Provost’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board was created in 2007 to provide feedback on programs, policies, and initiatives established or supervised by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. This year, the Board will be primarily concerned with aspects of the Student Success Initiative, which is designed to ensure the successful graduation of all Illinois undergraduate students.

    What do Provost’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board members do?

    Board members will meet a few times each semester to share suggestions to strengthen the undergraduate student experience at Illinois. This year’s focus will be on challenges to and opportunities for student success on campus.

    What would be the time commitment?
    Your time commitment for this opportunity will include 2-5 meetings each semester that will last 1-2 hours.

    What are the benefits of joining?

    As a member of the Provost’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board, you will:
    Gain campus leadership experience.
    Work with students, faculty/staff, and administrators from units across campus.
    Directly impact future campus programs and policies 

    What are the requirements to apply?
    Be a currently enrolled undergraduate student.
    Be present on campus for the full academic year (i.e. not studying abroad or graduating early).
    Be willing to share your opinions on the undergraduate student experience at the University of Illinois

  • Upcoming Free Healing Solutions Training

    We're looking for 'a few good people'  who want to address community violence and want to better equipped to heal and help!

    If this sounds like you (someone you know, work with, or know ) please plan on attending the upcoming Healing Solutions/Community Healing training. (also spread the word)

    Currently, we have spaces currently available!

    The training will start on October 6th 

    This training is perfect for anyone who wants to make a difference in this community and improve their crisis response skills!

    If you are interested in attending the training but can't commit to the entire series...please give us a call and let us know about your interest. 


    For more information contact the Champaign-Urbana Area Project at : 217.373.2827

    If you want to help respond to community violence as a "Neighborhood Champion,' TRUCE Community Advocate, or in some other ways - this training is for you!If you want to know more about trauma and the best practices to address trauma in the community or in your own life - this training is for you!If you want to learn more about the root causes of about community violence and the best practices to address it- this training is for you!If you're tired of complaining about the problems and want to be a part of the solution - WE WANT YOU!*Attending the training can count toward community service/public service. Healing Solutions Training is an Effort of the Champaign County Community Coalition and is funded in part by the Champaign County Mental Health Board. 

  • Decoma Day Camp Summer Jobs

    We run a small, private day camp in one of the northern suburbs of Chicago and are looking for staff for the summer of 2020- group counselors and activity specialists. 

    Winter break is the perfect time to set up an interview.In addition we are going to be making an appearance at the U of I job fair held on April 2nd.  We will be hiring on the spot for any students looking for an AWESOME summer job. If you could pass this on to your sorority members we would be very appreciative!

    Decoma Day Camp is located in Northbrook, IL and we serve campers aged 3-13. We are a traditional day camp and offer every activity "under the sun".  We are currently looking for staff: group counselors and activity specialists.  If you are looking for a fun summer job look no further! Check out for more information.

    Feel free to send me an email to set up an interview over winter break if you will be home and in the Chicago land area.  

    Come meet with us at on Thursday, April 2nd 2020, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm The Career Center201 E Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820

  • DGS Summer Peer Advisor Position

    DGS is excited to be hiring for summer peer advisors again this year. Attached you will find the position description. While we would love some former DGS students on our team, it’s not required to apply. Please send to students who  may be a good fit per the required and preferred qualifications listed.

    Additionally, we will be hosting two informational sessions so students can learn more about this position. It’s not required that a student attend one of these to apply, but we do highly encourage their attendance.

    February 26: 9-10am in IUB 514

    March 5: 3-4pm in IUB 514

  • Greece Study Abroad Application Deadline Extension and Zoom Information Meeting

    Interested in Studying Abroad in Greece? The application deadline for the trip has been extended to February 9th! Hellen McDonald (MSW Field Faculty and native of Greece) will be hosting two online, ZOOM information sessions on Monday, February 3rd, and Tuesday, February 4th. Please join for any questions you might have before applying! Two former students will be attending the Tuesday session including, Michaela Hillen, MSW alum.

    Monday, Feb. 3 at noon:

    Tuesday, Feb. 4 at noon:

  • Fred H. Turner Fellowship Application

    Fred H. Turner Fellows serve in a professional paid fellowship out of Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. This position offers students the opportunity to undertake professional assignments and manage campus wide initiatives under the guidance of the Vice Chancellor and staff during their senior year. Turner Fellows are assigned projects related to a wide variety of issues, including strategic planning, student fees, campus and student trends, leadership development, campus safety, and wellness. Fred H. Turner Fellows better the Illinois student experience, while providing insight on student concerns and gaining knowledge about the operations of Student Affairs at Illinois. For more information please visit or email

  • October-Grad School Prep Month

    10/4 Finding Research Opportunities: The Career Center Interview Suite, 616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 213, 4-5 PMCo-hosted by The Graduate College and Office of Undergraduate Research

    10/5 Exploring Graduate SchoolThe Career Center Interview Suite,616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 231, 3-4 PM

    10/11 Crafting Your Personal StatementThe Career Center Interview Suite, 616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 213, 4-5 PM

    10/12 Making the Most of the Graduate & Professional School FairThe Career Center Interview Suite, 616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 213, 3-4 PM

    10/26 Taking the Next Step: After the Graduate & Professional School FairThe Career Center Interview Suite, 616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 213, 3-4 PM

    10/27 International Graduate Student Panel: How to Prepare for Graduate School ApplicationsThe Career Center Interview Suite, 616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 213, 4-6 PM

  • Prison-based volunteer opportunity, info session 2/6

    CAVE, which stands for Community Anti-Violence Education, is a democratically organized, peer-led counseling and education group initiated by men incarcerated at the Danville state prison in 2010 in order to help the neighborhoods from which they came, places devastated by violence, through spreading the knowledge and practice of trauma-informed practices. The group launched its outreach program in 2014, and since that time has worked with dozens of men at the prison, many of whom are now back home. Run by one of the program's alumni, a CAVE program is now operating at a re-entry facility in Chicago. In order to keep functioning at Danville, however, the program requires outside members to come in and contribute their time and heartfelt participation.

    Other than a willingness to listen and be reflective, NO SPECIAL CLINICAL EXPERTISE IS REQUIRED. The operational foundation of CAVE is a curriculum based on psychiatrist Sandra Bloom's Sanctuary Model (, and we frequently consult with Elena Quintana, a Chicago-based psychologist with a long history of facilitating conflict resolution and restorative justice in low-income communities and carceral institutions.

    CAVE is a program of the Education Justice Project (, a unit of the College of Education at the University of Illinois, is an initiative that has since 2008 been teaching higher-level undergraduate courses and leading related programs at the nearby Danville state prison. Graduate students, community members, and faculty are encouraged to get involved with EJP's prison-based work.

    We will hold an information session on Tuesday, February 6, from 12:15-1:00 at the EJP community space in the University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright St., room 121-- just off of the first floor cafe area. All are welcome, and we'll have some light snacks. Flyer attached to this email. Feel free to bring your lunch!

    All EJP applicants should be at least 21 years of age. Applications for EJP programs, including CAVE, are all due on Thursday, March 1. We will hold interviews before or shortly after that date, as there is clearance paperwork to be immediately completed for accepted applicants, and then a semester or so of waiting to be cleared to enter the prison.

    Please contact me personally at, and my co-coordinator Ian Scott at, with any questions. You can also reach out to EJP operations manager Jamie Hines at, or EJP director Professor Rebecca Ginsburg at

  • Advocacy Day Registration and Bus RSVP

    This year’s 2018 Advocacy Day will occur on Wednesday, April 11, 2018, and take place at the Bank of Springfield Center (formerly the Prairie Capital Convention Center) in Springfield, IL.  Join an anticipated 1000+ social workers and work students from across the state for this event. Transportation will be provided by the SSW.

    Registration is required, see details below.

    Advocacy Day:

    Register at

    Early Bird Online Rate: $15.00(increases on March 5, 2018)

    Regular Online Rate: $20.00

    Transportation: Register at by 5 pm on 4/6/18

    If accessibility accommodations are needed, please register by 5 pm on 4/2/18

    Departure time: 7 am from the SSW

    Return time: 5 pm at the SSW

  • Help us plan Earth Day 2020 activities!

    2020 will mark Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, 20 million Americans have volunteered in the planet’s largest civic event leading to the passage of landmark environmental laws in the United States such as the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts ( Despite these past successes, today, we face greater environmental challenges that need action at all levels of society. Solving the environmental crises requires multidisciplinary perspectives and applications. Social work discipline endeavors to address injustices for all people and now we recognize that the natural environment is a crucial element in securing justice for current and future generations (Erickson, 2018). The purpose of this committee is to educate and mobilize social work students to grow and support environmental activists through participation in Earth Day 2020. The committee will develop and lead UIUC School of Social Work Earth Day activities.

    If you are interested in serving on the committee, please complete the survey at by Friday, 10/18.

  • 2019 Illinois LAtino Council on Higher Education Scholarship Opportunities

    The Illinois LAtino Council on Higher Education is accepting applications for two scholarships:

    The Dr. Arias Scholarship Award for Writing and the ILACHE Scholarship (2 recipients will be selected for this one). Please see attached documents.  

    The deadline to apply is March 8th, 2019. All scholarship recipients will be recognized during the 2019 ILACHE Conference on April 19th in Chicago, Illinois (

    I am chairing the selection committee, so I’ll be happy to answer questions about these two funding opportunities. Thank you in advance for passing along this opportunity students.


    Moises Orozco Villicana, Ph.D.

  • Personal Assistants Wanted

    Personal assistants wanted to help with activities of daily living.

    Hi my name is Jennifer Welker. I’m looking for Personal Assistants to help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, toileting, meal preparation and occasional light housekeeping.

    Pay is $13.00 an hour. One shift is equal to one hour. Flexible times available for shifts. I am willing to work with you but I also need you to be flexible with me. I am dependent on public transportation and sometimes buses run late.

    Location is One-South on North Lincoln Avenue. This is off campus however there is a bus stop directly in front of One-South with buses running every 10 minutes.

    Please contact me with any questions


  • Submission Request for Counseling Center Solidarity Garden Project

    My name is Allie Wyland and I am a Counseling Center Paraprofessional at the UIUC Counseling Center. I am part of the International Student Outreach (ISO) and Asian Pacific American and Asian International Outreach (API Roots) teams. This semester we are requesting story submissions for our Solidarity Garden Instagram page. 

    The purpose of this project is to collect and share stories of people from different identity groups allying with each other. Collected stories will be posted on the Solidarity Garden Instagram page. This project is initiated by the API Roots and ISO teams at the UIUC Counseling Center to promote the well-being of students through psycho-educational programming and outreach activities. 

    You can share your Solidarity Story via (

  • Social Work 330: Domestic & International Service Learning: Global Refugee Crisis Athens, Greece

    The school of social work is offering a study abroad class to Greece.  Contact Helen McDonald at for more information.  The application is due online by Sunday, 2/2. Complete the application at

    Links to the information session held in September

    Going on the trip and want to increase your Greek language skills? You can audit GRKM 202 on Wednesday 1:00-2:50 pm at 1068 Lincoln Hall with Prof. Maria Hadjipolycarpou.

  • Campus Faculty Association Social Justice Scholarship for UIUC Undergrads -- due Nov 1

    The Campus Faculty Association is proud to announce that we are awarding up to five $1000 scholarships for undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to social justice in the community. Winners will be chosen on the basis of their commitment to social justice in the community. To be considered, an undergraduate must be currently enrolled as a student in good standing at the UIUC with at least one more semester of study before graduation. Preference will be given to students who will be involved in social justice activity during the period of the award. Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a short (250 word) essay describing the student’s involvement in social justice work, and the name and contact information for one reference who can speak to the student’s record in this regard. We will begin to accept applications on September 15, 2017, and applications are due by November 1, 2017. Awards will be announced at the beginning of the Spring 2018 semester.

  • Enhanced Registration Guide and Plan Ahead Feature

    The Office of the Registrar has created a guide for Enhanced Registration if you are trying to make changes to your schedule. You can also Plan Ahead your course schedules for the next 4 years in Student Self-Service. Plan Ahead is an option in the Enhanced Registration area of Student Self-Service.  The plans can be created at the course level, then section details can be added once the Class Schedule is published for the applicable term.  The plans can be changed at any time or saved or printed for further use.

  • Research opportunity for BSW and MSW students.

    Any BSW or MSW students interested in receiving hands-on experience in qualitative research involving topics in childhood trauma and forensic interviewing are encouraged to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 12th, 2017 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in room 2015 at the School of Social Work. Students can volunteer or receive class credit (in addition to creating individual learning goals). No prior research experience necessary. Lunch will be provided. Contact for more information.

  • Learn How to Learn Boot Camp: New 1 hr second eight-week course!

    Section Information: No matter what you want to do with your life, if you want to be successful one of the most important and useful skills you can acquire is mastering the ability to learn. In Learning How to Learn Bootcamp we will teach you how to implement research-based learning strategies and ways of thinking that will transform your study practices, making them more effective, efficient, and focused. Through a variety of assignments and activities, you will have the opportunity to apply what you are learning to improve your scores in your current courses. Don’t let yourself fall behind, be proactive and set your sights on learning how to learn! Recommended for students with Freshmen and Sophomore standing.

    Some Key Topics: Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, Metacognition, Taxonomies of Learning, LSU Study Cycle, Time Management, Test Taking, Stress Reduction, Emotions and Learning.

    Text: Teaching Yourself How to Learn (2018) by Saundra McGuire with Stephanie McGruire

  • Fred S. Bailey International Travel Scholarship Application Open Now

    The FRED S. BAILEY INTERNATIONAL SERVICE TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP FOR CAUSE-DRIVEN LEADERS offers scholarships of $600-1800 dollars to University of Illinois undergraduate and Master's level graduate students leading international service projects who plan to travel within the specified period.  Recipients will be selected on the basis of their demonstrated commitment to the project/program, long-term career goals in international development or related fields, the trip’s potential impact on the student’s learning and professional development, potential for positive impact on the host community and financial need. If selected, all recipients must participate in a 6-week online pre-departure course.  

    Application Period 2
    (For trips that occur between May 1, 2018 - January 17, 2019)
    Applications Open: January 14, 2019
    Application Deadline: February 19, 2019
    To learn more and apply, visit:

  • MDA Summer Camp Volunteer Opportunity

    As part of MDA’s mission to transform the lives of people affected by neuromuscular disease, MDA Summer Camp gives kids ages 8-17 the freedom to be kids with others who are just like them during a life-changing week of fun and friendship — all at no cost to their families. Summer Camp opens a world of possibilities to kids with neuromuscular diseases who often experience limitations in life and daily activities. Kids call Summer Camp the “best week of the year.”

    Locally, we are recruiting volunteers to support the MDA Summer Camp of Illinois program taking place at the Timber Pointe Outdoor Center in Hudson, IL from Saturday, July 6th – Friday, July 12th. MDA relies on the support and dedication of volunteers who are by campers’ sides day and night so that they can do all the fun activities that camp offers such as zip-lining, horseback riding, swimming, fishing, and more. Volunteers will participate in activities with the campers, push wheelchairs, lift and transfer kids, assist with daily living tasks, and have fun!

    Our camp program is overnight, and we need volunteers to commit to being on site the entire week. MDA provides pre-camp training to all volunteers, and all meals and lodging are provided. We award 144 service hours for the week, and it is a great way for students to enhance their resumes and help make them stronger candidates when applying for scholarships, graduate school, internships, and employment. More importantly, camp will enrich students’ lives and inspire them in ways they never dreamed possible.

    To apply to be an MDA Summer Camp volunteer students can visit

  • 2020-21 NASW-Illinois Chapter Student Liaisons still needed

    Student liaisons still needed

    Our Chapter student liaisons met earlier this and plan on meeting monthly.  We would like to have all schools represented,  Any students still interested should complete the following liaison form online at

    Join the NASW Illinois Chapter Board of Directors

    The Chapter is now accepting nominations for its volunteer leadership team.  Students (BSW representative and MSW representatives) and faculty (all other open positions) are encourage to consider the following opportunities:

  • Turning Inward with yoga

    March 31st, LSC student Annalisa Hammeleff will guide students through a mindful movement yoga class that focuses on posture and breathing.

  • COVID-19 Resources and Website

    The University has created a COVID-19 website with resources and information for all students. If you're looking for information start here and if you can't find the answer that you are looking for please contact the School of Social Work and we'll help you find the answer. 

  • Illinois Cares: COVID-19 Support Program

    From the Office of the Dean of Students:

    We understand that some students and families will experience financial hardship associated with the impact of COVID-19.

    Spring 2020

    If the financial hardship is related to Spring 2020 enrollment, emergency grant funding may be available.

    • Student Emergency Grant funds of up to $1,000 may be available to students experiencing a COVID-19-related financial hardship due to unexpected expenses, loss of off-campus employment, out-of-pocket medical expenses, technology needs, living expenses or other basic needs. Amounts in excess of $1,000 may be considered in extraordinary situations.
    • All students are eligible to be considered for these funds including those who have not previously received financial aid.
    • Other agencies, including some colleges/departments, are also providing emergency aid to students and families. Students should only be receiving emergency funding from one source.
    • Undergraduate students should complete the Undergraduate COVID-19 Emergency Grant Application.
    • Emergency Grant aid will be awarded in accordance with federal, state and institutional rules and regulations. Please note that students may be asked to provide documentation of their situation.
  • VA Social Workers: Purpose, Advocacy & Veteran-centered Care

    Wednesday, February 8th12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (lunch provided)Room 2015 at the School of Social Work

    Did you know that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the largest employer of professional social workers in the country? Many social workers, regardless of their primary practice area or employer, will work with clients and / or their family members who are Veterans or are actively serving in the military.

    Join us on Wednesday, February 8, to hear from some of our alumni as they share their own experiences in working with Veterans, their family members, and communities-at-large in the complex VA system.

    Alumni Speakers:

    Jeremy Bosch, LSW (MSW – 2005)
    Angelique D. Forney, LSW (MSW – 2009)
    Sara Runyon, LCSW (MSW – 2012)
    Jeff Stroud, LCSW (MSW – 2005)
    Geri Young, LCSW (MSW – 2012)

  • Field Education Day - Save the Date!

    When: Friday, September 15, 2017
    9:30 am – 11:30 am. Registration begins at 9:00 am.

    Where: I Hotel and Conference Center, 1900 S 1st St, Champaign, IL

    What: An opportunity for students who are preparing to enter their Field placement to talk with many of the organizations that provide internship experiences and to learn about internship opportunities. This event is for information gathering - you will not be interviewing for internships on this day. Further internship planning will be done through the Field Education Office.

    Who: BSW Juniors and Seniors; MSW students who anticipate beginning their internship in May 2018 or August 2018

    Please dress professionally and do not bring a resume


    Job Fair

    When: Friday, September 15, 2017
    12:00 pm – 2:00 pm. Registration begins at 11:45 am.

    Where: I Hotel and Conference Center, 1900 S 1st St, Champaign, IL

    What: An opportunity to talk with organizations about employment opportunities. This event is separate from the Field Education Fair and is not to be used to seek internship opportunities. Students may interact with any organization at the Job Fair to seek employment opportunities.

    Who: All School of Social Work students and alumni

    Please dress professionally and bring your resume

  • School of Social Work - Policy-Practice Conference


    Friday, March 30th, 2018


    I-Hotel, Champaign, IL

    Conference Theme: Social Work Policy and Practice Responses to the Opioid Crisis

    (tentative title) Social Work Policy and Practice Responses to the Opioid Crisis: Opportunities for Advocacy, Intervention, and Community Empowerment

    Target audience: SSW students, faculty, staff and guests by invitation  

    Registration required! (Coming soon!)   

    Includes complimentary breakfast and lunch for all attendees

    Cost: free or $5 donation to a charitable cause (TBD very soon!)

    Confirmed presenters;  PCC Wellness team presenting on their HRSA grant to address opioid and SUD via integrated care models; CU-PHD with public health perspectives and Narcan training and free kits; Legislative advocacy opportunities; and a pending invitation to a high ranking public official from the Opioid Task Force (TBA!)   

    Sponsors: School of Social Work, HEALS program, CSWE, NASW, and TBD

  • Social Justice Group Dialogue Courses - EPSY 203

    EPSY 203 Social Justice Group Dialogue courses are now open for enrollment. These 1 credit hour, second 8 week courses provide students with opportunities to converse on specific diversity and social justice topics and are offered as separate sections under the course heading. Each section uses a structure dialogue format to explore intergroup and intragroup differences and similarities within historical and contemporary contexts.  May be repeated in the same term to a maximum of 2 hours. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours.

    This Fall 2017 semester we are offering the following dialogue topics: Exploring Sexual Identity; Being White in a Multicultural Society Dialogue; 2 sections on Race/Ethnicity; Resisting Marginalization; Exploring Socioeconomic Class; and Conservative/Liberal (Political Affiliation) dialogue. At a later date we will offer a section on Exploring Disability. For specific day/time and location information and to register go to the Enterprise Self-Service Application. For descriptive information on the section topics please go to:

  • Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) Employment Opportunities

    Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) has two areas of employment available.

    The Testing Accommodations Center (TAC)

    Accessible Media Services (AMS) Captioning

    We are now interviewing for student workers for the Spring 2019 semester in both of these areas. Please find and review the attached the job descriptions for both areas.  If you are interested in any of these areas please send the following items to Tina Rolfe at for the TAC and/or Ann Fredricksen at for AMS:

    Your resume
    List of classes you are enrolled in for the Spring 2019 Semester  
    When you are available for an interview
    Please give a couple dates and times
    Will only interview until 12/7/2018
    The hours that you are available to work per week

    Student work schedules will be the same schedule for each week for the whole semester, until finals week.  Each shift must be at least 1.5 hours long if not longer with a minimum of 5 hours per week for TAC and a minimum of 10 hours for AMS.

    Students are permitted to work in both areas.  Therefore if you are interested in both areas, you can apply for both with only going through the interview process once.

  • Camp Firefly is hiring

    Camp Firefly is looking for counselors for our overnight camp programs from June 24-July 3. Camp Firefly is a unique, summer camp experience for boys and girls, ages 9-18, who have been diagnosed with social disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, and Non-Verbal Learning Disorder. You can learn more about Camp Firefly and information about the paid positions on our website, Feel free to contact Liz at for more information or with any questions. 

  • Guide to Fall 2020 Credit/No Credit Decisions

    Should I elect Credit/No Credit this semester?

    This is a complicated question and there are individual answers. I will try to provide a thorough guide below to help you make decisions. If you want to discuss your situation in a one on one meeting after reading this, please make an appointment via the appointment scheduler, please make sure you do so before January 5th.

    Why consider electing credit/no credit?

    • If you only need the course for elective, Gen Ed, minor, or major credit and you will pass with a C-, C, C+, or B- but don’t want that grade to impact your grade point average.
    • If you are in a course that is preparing you for the next level of a subject (i.e. Chem 101 preparing for Chem 102) and you want to continue to be enrolled and learning in that prep course but don’t want the grade to factor into your GPA.

    Why lean toward keeping the course for a grade (rather than electing C/NC)?

    • If you are going on to a professional school, such as Law, Pharmacy, Medicine, etc. you should be checking with those schools to see how they will interpret a CR/NC grade, particularly a NC grade, before you make a decision.
    • If the course is a requirement of some sort (you need the credit), you never want to re-take the course and/or do not have time to re-take in a future semester before your internship, and it is not preparing you for the next level of a course (i.e. Chem 101 preparing for Chem 02) and you will pass the course with a D-, D or D+.
    • If you will pass a course with a B+ or higher, I would recommend taking the grade you have earned for the semester.

    When is it tricky?

    If you’ve got a B is probably the trickiest. A “B” is not a bad grade at all and I would probably recommend in most cases you take the grade, but there might be situations where it might be the right decision.

    You also need to take into consideration any requirements related to your Financial Aid award. Information about that can be found here:

    How do I elect CR/NC?

    The Registrar’s Office is creating a form for students to elect Credit/No Credit. Beginning Saturday, you can go to or on the MyIllini student dashboard

    If you have ANY questions, please reach out to me and we can e-mail or set up an appointment to discuss your situation.

    Happy Holidays and Enjoy your break!

  • Supportive Roommate/Community Builder Job Opportunity

    Can you help? We are looking for a Supportive Roommate/Community Builder to move in August 2018 with free rent as compensation.

    We are looking for someone to live in the same house with our daughter with Down Syndrome. You would act as a support in case of emergencies, assist in organizing the household and share some weekly activities. The idea is to do this while continuing your normal life. In exchange you would be able to live in the house rent-free.

    The house is in a quiet area of Urbana with parking in the alley. We are close to downtown shops in Urbana and all Urbana bus lines. The room is furnished. There is a washer and dryer in the basement. You will have access to the common areas of the home, living room, kitchen, and bathroom. We are looking for a non-smoker and prefer someone who can provide reliable transportation.

    If this sounds like it might suit you, please contact Amy Wyatt at Community Choices, Be sure to include a resume and at least two references.

  • Illinois Board of Higher Education Strategic Plan Survey

    The Illinois Board of Higher Education, in cooperation with the Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, is developing a new Strategic Plan for higher education. As a stakeholder of Illinois's higher education system, they would like to hear what issues are most important to you through this brief survey. Please provide your responses by Friday, October 9th. 

    They will be providing more information soon on the strategic planning process.  Please watch their website at for updates.

    They look forward to hearing from you!

  • Inclusion, Equity & Intersectionality

    Join Senior Social Work Students: Hannah GOodman, Sabrina O'Connor, and Natalia Villa as they present:

    Inclusion, Equity & Intersectionality

    Please join us on November 12, 2020, from 6 PM- 7:30 PM for our webinar, “Inclusion, Equity, and Intersectionality,” where we will be exploring different topics regarding racial justice. Our project is a step towards the Grand Challenge Initiative to eradicate racism in collaboration with the Champaign Mental Health Board. We will be presenting this webinar to the Champaign/ Urbana community and we will be using this session as a guide for feedback. 

  • Holiday Toy Drive

    Make the holidays brighter for the children of Children's Home & Aid.

    Place a new, unwrapped toy in the donation box for children ages 0-5 between November 1st and and December 6th.

  • Winter Break Job Shadow Program

    The Career Center's Winter Break Job Shadow Program will help you engage with alumni, professionals, or companies of interest to help develop your professional network and explore career opportunities. 

    Job shadows are typically one-day commitments during winter break.

    Winter Break Job Shadow Program

    Apply in Handshake @ Illinois 

    To learn more about opportunities and how to apply, visit Handshake @ Illinois and follow these simple steps: 

    Make sure you are in the “Job Search” tab.Filter by using Keyword: “Job Shadow” and indicate Job Type: “Experiential Learning.” Read each job shadow posting to make sure you are interested and a good fit for that particular opportunity. Apply now!  Most job shadows will only be open to student applications through the middle/end of November

  • Tuesdays at 7 - Mental Health Ally Training


    Mental Health Ally Training February 13 @ 7PM Psychology Building Room 31

  • BSWA Service Learning Project - Child Abuse Prevention Month

    Help assemble pinwheel kits for Family & Graduate Housing's Pinwheel Garden, for child abuse awareness & prevention month in April

    Wednesday, March 27
    5-6 PM
    School of Social Work Room 2015

  • Illinois Club Scholarships

    Over $25,000in Scholarships!

    If you…

    • Are a UI undergraduate with at least a 3.0 GPA
    • Will have at least 60 hours of credit by the beginning of the Spring 2021semester
    • Will graduate no earlier than December 2021

    ...then you may qualify for one of our scholarships.

    More information and an application can be found at

    Application process begins September 8
    Application deadline is October 17, 5:00 PM

  • Community-Academic Scholar Initiative

    The Community-Academic Scholars Initiative supports undergraduates interested in pursuing research projects that address health disparities, brain health, and/or poverty in our community. We are hoping to reach both students and faculty across campus in our outreach efforts. Last year, our scholars came from Social Work, Applied Health Sciences, ACES, and FAA.

    The Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute is now accepting applications for Summer 2020 Community-Academic Scholars to address health disparities, brain health, and/or poverty in our community. Learn more:

  • Study Abroad in Greece Summer 2019

    WHAT COURSES ARE YOU TAKING THIS SPRING 2019? How about: “An innovative, experiential course offering which culminates in Greece”?







    SOCW330/561: 10 weeks in the U.S. and 2 weeks in Athens, Greece (May 11-May 25, 2019)

  • Study Abroad Application Deadline

    The application deadline for students to study abroad during the Fall or Summer 2019 is February 15.  Deadlines vary by program, so check out the online brochure pages for exact deadlines.

  • Perinatal Mood Disorders: Components of Care Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Certificate Training

    March 27-28, 2019
    Champaign, Illinois

    Register online!

    This two-day course, taught by expert and engaging faculty, uses a thorough, evidence-based curriculum designed for psychiatrists, nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, and anyone interested in building skills for assessment and treatment of perinatal mood disorders.

  • Interfaith Dance Team Announcement

    If you are interested in diversity and inclusion, dancing for fun, and learning about other cultures, then we hope to have you on Colors of Faith!

    Colors of Faith is an interfaith dance team, and we dance to songs of various faiths to foster unity. We have danced to songs of Jewish, Sikh, Christian, and Hindu faiths and hope to expand. This semester, all our practices and socials will be virtual, yet we still plan on creating an engaging experience! Undergraduate and graduate students of all identities are welcome.

    Our Virtual Clinics will be on Thursday, September 10 from 9-10pm CST. During clinics, we will teach the tryout piece step-by-step, and you'll have a chance to meet the team. To receive the Zoom link, please fill out our interest form at The detailed information for both clinics and auditions is available on our Instagram and Facebook pages, as well as in the graphics attached. We hope to see you there!

  • Scholarship Announcements

    Winter break is a great time to work on scholarship applications like the Boren ($20K for lang. study - Jr/Sr), Beinecke ($34K for grad. programs in arts, humanities/social studies - Jr), or Udall ($7K towards environmental studies -Soph-Jr).  Schedule an appointment with David or Jeff before you leave campus so you have everything you need. 

    Call: 217 333-4710 or email:
    We are open for appointments Dec. 4-8 from 8:30-5:00 pm.

    Summer UK Fulbright Program for Freshmen and Sophomores

    The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are three-to-four week programs for US Fresh-Soph students who have not yet traveled outside the US.  All expenses paid by the Fulbright program and the application is short!  Participants explore the culture, heritage, and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university.  Come to an info session to learn how to apply and meet a U of I student who recently won this award.

    Friday, Dec. 8th  3:30-4:30 pm  Rm 514  Illini Union Bookstore Building.

    For more information of any of these scholarship programs, contact:

    Jeff Yockey Ph.D.
    Scholarships Coordinator
    National and International Scholarships Program
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    217 333-4710

  • SKY Happiness Retreat

    SKY Happiness Retreat is a total well-being training offered to thousands of university students, faculty, and staff across the country. Participants gain foundational stress-management and leadership skills, develop a personal evidence-based breathing and meditation practice, learn a short personal yoga practice, develop strategies for social connection and community building, and engage in peer-driven service initiatives. The SKY Happiness Retreat introduces SKY Meditation, an evidence-based meditation practice integrated with breath work that can significantly increase one's well-being and calmness, and significantly reduces anxiety and stress markers. The course features interactive group processes, experiential learning, emotional intelligence training, breathwork, yoga, evidence-based meditation, and service leadership. It's one of the coolest places to connect with yourself, make awesome friends, and, most importantly, have fun! We're happy to share that the SKY Happiness Retreat is offered with a full scholarship for UIUC students, staff, and faculty members. There are limited spots available for this retreat, and they are filling up fast. Availability is first-come-first-serve, by registration only and requires attendance to all sessions. Please contact for any questions.

    Location: Illini Union (on-campus)
    Timing:   -  February 21st(Fri): 6:00pm - 10:00 pm -  February 22nd and 23rd (Sat & Sun): 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
    Apply here:

  • Summer Teaching Positions Available: Teach Reading to Students of All Ages This Summer

    Earn more than $6,000 during the summer. Teachers typically earn between $520 and $700 per week while teaching. Gain over 500 hours of teacher-training and teaching experience with a variety of age groups. Help students of all ages develop their reading skills and ability to become imaginatively absorbed in books.

    The Institute of Reading Development is seeking candidates for summer 2017 teaching positions. We seek applicants with an undergraduate degree or higher from any discipline. We provide a paid training program and comprehensive on-going support.

    We hire people who:

    Have strong reading skills and read for pleasure Are responsible, hardworking, and have good communication and organizational skills Will be patient and supportive with students

    The Institute teaches developmental reading programs in partnership with the continuing education departments of more than 100 colleges and universities across the United States. Our classes for students of all ages improve their reading skills and teach them to experience absorption in literature.

    We invite you to submit an online application and learn more about teaching for the Institute at:

  • Study Abroad in South Africa with ACES

    Interested in Studying Abroad in South Africa? Attend an information meeting with the on-site provider on September 20th and get the details for upcoming trips. 

  • Elevating Voices: Visualizing Social Justice Through Art

    Webinar Discussion featuring Keenan Dailey

    The School of Social Work at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, is committed to facilitating important conversations surrounding the complexities of racial and social justice through artistic expression. With additional funding from the John N. Chester Estate Endowment Fund to support the acquisition of significant artwork for campus beautification, the School is excited to announce an open call for local artists to continue the promotion of cultural perspectives through art.

    Join us for a virtual interview and racial justice discussion as MFA student Keenan Dailey, discusses his mural, “Year 401,” recently unveiled as part of an ongoing art series project at the School of Social Work. Introduction by alumna and professor, Janet Carter-Black and interview conducted by Kris Koester, MSW ’12.

    9.25.2020 | 4-5 p.m.

    Webinar Registration


    We are currently seeking qualified artists to submit proposals for the series, which will be displayed at the School of Social Work, located at 1010 W. Nevada Street in Urbana, IL. This opportunity is open to students, professional artists in the Champaign-Urbana community, or artists with ties to the University of Illinois.

    All estimates should include the artist’s design fee, all costs of materials and fabrication of the work, and all materials necessary for installation of the work. The budget should not exceed $5k per project. Open to all art mediums.

    How to Apply:

    Please submit a proposed artwork concept, cost estimate, and explanation of your work to Amy Frederick at by October 19th, 2020. Submissions will be reviewed by committee and announced at a later date.

    Entries Due: October 19th, 2020

  • Fall 2020 Cooking Classes from Campus Rec with Zoom option

    The Dietetics concentration within Food Science, and Human Nutrition are offering cooking classes and you can attend virtually this fall. Click the link above for a flier with each class being offered!