blog posts EITP Training Events This page lists upcoming training events sponsored by the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program (EITP). Upcoming Sessions of the Online System Overview One-Day Follow-up This page lists upcoming training events for the "Online System Overview One-Day Follow-up" sponsored by the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program (EITP). EITP Online Events COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources Quick access to our COVID information and related pages on Live Video Visits, IDHS updates, Re-Entry, and Safety All Kids All Kids provides resources related to Healthcare for All Kids including a link to the All Kids website, an All Kids presentation, All Kids application and State of Illinois Health and Wellness information. Acronyms & Terminology Acronyms & Terminology provides a variety of resources related to common acronyms, terminology, and definitions used in early intervention. Assistive Technology (AT) Assistive Technology (AT) provides a variety of resources including information on obtaining and implementing assistive technology, assistive technology equipment and billing codes, assistive technology equipment programs, and other resources related to assistive technology. Autism Autism provides links to a variety of national and local resources related to Autism. Billing & Documentation Billing & Documentation resources include information on billing and documentation requirements, billing insurance, service descriptions, billing codes and rates, non-billable activities, authorizations, record keeping, and more. Child & Family Connections (CFCs) Resources include a link to the CFC Procedure Manual, links to learn more about the CFC Consultative & Support Services, such as Parent Liaisons and Local Interagency Council Coordinators, and the contact information for all 25 CFC offices.