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  • EITP Training Events

    This page lists upcoming training events sponsored by the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program (EITP).

  • EITP Online Events

  • Upcoming Sessions of the Online System Overview One-Day Follow-up

    This page lists upcoming training events for the "Online System Overview One-Day Follow-up" sponsored by the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program (EITP).

  • COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources

    Quick access to our COVID information and related pages on Live Video Visits, IDHS updates, Re-Entry, and Safety

  • All Kids

    All Kids provides resources related to Healthcare for All Kids including a link to the All Kids website, an All Kids presentation, All Kids application and State of Illinois Health and Wellness information.

  • Acronyms & Terminology

    Acronyms & Terminology provides a variety of resources related to common acronyms, terminology, and definitions used in early intervention.

  • Assistive Technology (AT)

    Assistive Technology (AT) provides a variety of resources including information on obtaining and implementing assistive technology, assistive technology equipment and billing codes, assistive technology equipment programs, and other resources related to assistive technology.

  • Autism

    Autism provides links to a variety of national and local resources related to Autism.

  • Billing & Documentation

    Billing & Documentation resources include information on billing and documentation requirements, billing insurance, service descriptions, billing codes and rates, non-billable activities, authorizations, record keeping, and more.

  • Child & Family Connections (CFCs)

    Resources include a link to the CFC Procedure Manual, links to learn more about the CFC Consultative & Support Services, such as Parent Liaisons and Local Interagency Council Coordinators, and the contact information for all 25 CFC offices.