Feb 8, 2023 1:15 pm24 views
The Forbes Biological Station is seeking two research technicians to assist with multiplestudies assessing wetland and waterbird ecology along the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. Thesepositions will include a mix of field and lab work. Primary field duties will include marshbird nestsearching/monitoring and waterfowl trapping. Primary lab work will be processing automatedrecording unit (ARU) data of hunting disturbance. Other potential research opportunities includeparticipating in vegetation, waterfowl, shorebird, and secretive marshbird surveys; sediment core, box,and sweep-net collection and processing; trapping, banding, and potential tissue collection ofwaterfowl, marshbirds, and geese; vegetation identification and cover-mapping of wetland basins; safeoperation of small and large boats, ATVs, and 4-wheel drive trucks; data entry and management;maintenance of equipment and facilities; and other duties as assigned.