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College of Education Announcements

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  • Access to qualitative data analysis software with the DAWN project

    The DAWN (Data Analysis Workstation and Network) project is a student-led initiative offering fellow students free access to ATLAS.ti, a powerful qualitative data analysis tool used for analyzing textual, graphical, audio, and video data.

    Our goals are (1) to provide broad access to ATLAS.ti so that students can try novel analyses, and (2) to build an informal community of researchers using this tool. To help accomplish these goals, we now have a Windows desktop with software available for use in Room 10E.

    During the month of April in the Spring 2018 semester, you can get involved in the DAWN project in two ways.

    1. Visit a drop-in session. Stop by to check out the software. A DAWN team member will be present to help you get oriented with the basics of the software. Drop-in sessions will be held on the following dates and times:

    Wednesday, April 4, 9:00–10:30 a.m.

    Thursday, April 5, 2:30–4:00 p.m.

    Monday, April 9, 2­–3:30 p.m.

    2. Apply for project time. If you would like to reserve project time on the computer, please write a brief summary (150-200 words) conveying your project needs and email it to Rob Wallon at, with the subject “DAWN Application.” Applications will be reviewed by the team on a rolling basis, and time will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.

    For more information, please visit the project web site at

  • A Celebration of Aging Research at Illinois to launch the Beckman Initiative Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and Resilience (CLEAR)

    A Celebration of Aging Research at Illinois

    to launch the Beckman initiative

    Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and Resilience (CLEAR)

    Friday, February 19, 2016
    Beckman Room 5602
    1:30 Welcome remarks
    2:00 Aging Research Blitz
    3:30 Break

    Beckman Atrium
    3:45 Poster session

    Refreshments will be served.

  • Active secondary ed minor named to 2017 Illinois Homecoming court

    Cierra Phillips, a senior who is minoring in secondary education, was named to the 2017 Illinois Homecoming court.

  • Added Course Sp 2014: EPS 420-G/SOC420-G Sociology of Education, Tue, 1-2:50pm

    EPS 420-G/SOC 420-G “Sociology of Education”  is a social foundations course that provides a  sociological examination of education and schooling in society. It introduces, synthesizes, and evaluates  diverse and competing major sociological theories, scholarly research, and important issues in the sociology of education. Click headline to read more...

  • ADHD Coaching Group, In Focus

    This group is a 6-week long supportive and skills group for students identifying concerns common to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. We meet on Wednesdays from 1-2:30 in the Counseling Center. Students do not need a diagnosis of ADHD nor do they need to be clients of the Counseling Center to join. Registration is required, as spaces are limited. The fall 2013 group is planned to start on Oct. 30th.  A flyer is attached. Contact for more information. 

  • Adler University Recognizes Rebecca Ginsburg as “Social Justice Visionary”

    Adler University has announced Rebecca Ginsburg, co-founder and director of the Education Justice Project, will be recognized with its “Social Justice Visionary” Award during an event on May 16, marking the public launch of the University’s “The Campaign for Social Justice.” This will be the university’s first public campaign to fund scholarships, groundbreaking research, strategic partnerships, and capital projects.

  • Admissions Instagrammer Application

    Applications are now being taken for the University of Illiniois Undergraduate Admissions Instagrammer position. Deadline to apply is April 29, 2016.



  • Ad Placement in 2017 NACADA Region V Conference in Rosemont, Ilinois

    The NACADA Region 5 conference planning committee is inviting graduate programs to secure an ad placement in the conference program booklet being held in Rosemont, Illinois from March 15th to March 17th. We are anticipating over 800 academic advisors from across the Midwest will be in attendance for this regional conference.

    If you would like to highlight your graduate program, please consider securing one of the following options:

    Full-page $600

    Half-page $300

    Quarter page $150

    The deadline to secure ad placement is Feb. 15th. This will be awesome opportunity to share with academic advisors the numerous benefits of pursuing an advanced degree in your program.

    If you are interested, please contact Moises Orozco ( He will provide you with additional information.

  • Dr. Adrienne Dixson

    Adrienne Dixson Selected to 2021 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings Cohort

    Education Week recently unveiled the 2021 Rick Hess Straight Up Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings, which identify top university-based scholars in the U.S. who shape educational practice and policy.

  • AERA 2020 Brown Lecture in Education Research | College of Education Watch Party and Panel Discussion

    This year’s speaker is William F. Tate IV, Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs at the University of South Carolina, and leading expert on the intersections between race, education, society, and public health. Our watch party will be an interactive opportunity to engage with colleagues in the College and submit questions for our post-watch party panel discussion!

  • AERA 2020 Virtual Awards Celebration: October 3, 2020

    All 2020 AERA-wide awardees, including the 2020 Presidential Citation recipients—one of whom is James D. Anderson, Dean of the College of Education at Illinois—will be honored at a Virtual Awards Celebration on Saturday, October 3, 2020 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. CDT.

  • AERA Announces 2020 Award Winners in Education Research

    Professor of EPOL Adrienne Dixson and College of Education alumnus David Stovall are among the 2020 award winners.

  • AERA's Research on Women and Education Group Awards Dr. Adrienne Dixson

    Dr. Adrienne Dixson, professor in the department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, has been named the 2019 Willystine Goodsell Award Winner, bestowed by the AERA special interest group Research on Women and Education.

  • African American Studies 50th Anniversary Events

    In 1619, twenty enslaved Africans were imported into Virginia in an act that many people recognize as the beginning of the European slave trade to the Americas. This 400th anniversary is being widely observed. The activities listed here will help us understand why such historical developments are so significant. These are a series of events sponsored by the Department of African American Studies and many other units across the campus.

  • AIESEC ILLINOIS Team Member Recruitment

    Looking for opportunities to gain or expand your skills in corporate sales, organizational development, team management, marketing, and finance? Is so then AIESEC is for you! 

  • Aiman Ghani, ElEd '22, Named a U. of I. Fulbright Student Scholar

    Sixteen University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign students and recent graduates were offered Fulbright grants to pursue international education, research, and teaching experiences around the globe this coming year. Another six Illinois students were named Fulbright alternates.

    The Fulbright U.S. Student Program builds international relationships to help solve global challenges. This flagship international educational exchange program of the U.S. government awards grants to students based on their academic and professional achievement, as well as their ambassadorial skills and leadership potential. The Fulbright student program will fund approximately 2,200 U.S. citizens to live abroad for the 2022-23 academic year.

  • AISO updates name to GSSO

    The Academic and Instructional Services Office (AISO) has changed its name to the Graduate Student Services Office (GSSO).

  • Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

    All Are Invited to the Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

    The Gies Access and Multicultural Engagement Team want to extend an invite to our College of Education neighbors to join us for our Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration scheduled for Wednesday, October 6 from 4 to 7 pm on the Sixth Street Lawn (the grassy area between BIF and KAM).

  • Alum Matt Linick Featured in Institute of Education Sciences Video

    Former graduate Matt Linick is highlighted in a What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) post about how Cleveland Public Schools uses the WWC to inform policy and practice.

  • Alumna and EPOL Lecturer Asia Fuller Hamilton Named Principal of Garden Hills Academy

    Congratulations to Asia Fuller Hamilton, M.Ed. EOL '07, PhD EPOL '17, who has been named the new principal of Garden Hills Academy in Champaign's Unit 4 School District.

  • Alumna Ebonie Durham, Ed.M. '14, EAL, Named Pahara-NextGen Fellow

    Congratulations to Educational Administration & Leadership alumna Ebonie Durham, who has been named a Pahara Institute Next-Gen Fellow for their Winter 2020 cohort.

  • Alumna Evthokia Stephanie Saclarides Featured in Latest Podcast from Math Teacher Educator Journal

    Check out the latest podcast from the Math Teacher Educator Journal featuring C&I alumna Evthokia Stephanie Saclarides, Ph.D., now at the University of Cincinnati.

  • Alumna expounds on benefits of utilizing librarians

    Regina Sierra Carter, Ph.D. ’16 EPOL, is a teaching and learning librarian at the University of Virginia who recently contributed a piece to Inside Higher Ed called “Hidden Figures: Librarians.”

  • Alumna, Husband Receive 2018 Lou Liay Spirit Award

    Pat Meyers Giles '69 C&I and her husband, Bob, are the recipients of this year's Lou Liay Spirit Award, an honor established in 1997 to recognize graduates who consistently display extraordinary spirit and pride toward the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  • Alumna Karen Graves receives Brickman Teaching Award from Denison University

    Denison University honored an outstanding professor with the prestigious Charles A. Brickman Teaching Excellence Award at the college’s Academic Awards Convocation held on Friday, April 12, in Swasey Chapel. Karen Graves, professor of educational studies, was honored with the 2019 Brickman award, which is given to members of the faculty who are master craftsmen in the profession and models of dedication to students and to student learning. The recipient has demonstrated a vibrant interest in the learning process, as well as an understanding of teaching as a continuously evolving art form.

    Graves joined Denison in 1993. She holds a B.S., M.Ed., and Ph.D., from the University of llinois, Urbana-Champaign. Graves is a professor and chair of the Department of Education. 

  • Alumna named principal of Nationally Honored Arcadia Elementary School

    Stephanie Newman Healy ’02 C&I has been appointed principal of Arcadia Elementary School, which was named a Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Office of Education in recognition of its ranking among the top 10 percent of Illinois schools.

  • Alumna Shalonda Carr a finalist for national award

    Shalonda Carr, Ed.M. ’06 C&I, a teacher at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary and a cooperating teacher of the College of Education, has been selected as a state finalist for the 2015-2016 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching. The award is known as the highest national recognition teachers of math and science can receive.

  • Alumna Shawna Cooper-Gibson Appointed Vice President of Student Services at Seton Hall University

    Shawna Cooper-Gibson, Ed.D., a national leader in academic, co-curricular and multicultural student development, has been appointed Vice President of Student Services. Cooper-Gibson currently serves as the Assistant Provost for Student Academic Services at Loyola University Chicago and will officially begin her new position on October 14, 2019.

  • Tatyana McFadden

    Alumna Tatyana McFadden to Compete in Sixth Paralymic Games

    Education alumna Tatyana McFadden, who trains at the Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) on campus, is among the 18 Illini chosen to represent Team USA in the Paralympic Games happening in Tokyo, Japan, later this summer.

  • Dr. John Trach

    Alumnus and Former Associate Professor Emeritus Dr. John Trach Passes Away

    Dr. Trach, Ph.D. '89 SPED, and associate professor emeritus in Special Education, passed on December 9, 2023. 

  • Alumnus Freeman Hrabowski receives national lifetime achievement award

    Freeman A. Hrabowski III, Ph.D. 75 Ed., the nationally known president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has earned a prestigious lifetime achievement award from a higher education organization.

    The American Council on Education will present the award—which is not given every year—to Hrabowski at its annual meeting next week.

    Learn more...

  • Alum Joseph Pickell

    Alumnus Joseph Pickell, Ed.M. '12 C&I, Receives CU Schools Foundation Award

    Joseph Pickell, Franklin STEAM Academy 6th grade Social Studies teacher, was surprised with the Mann-Hankel Teaching Excellence Award from the Champaign Urbana Schools Foundation during his 6th grade social studies class on Friday, the last day of school.  This is the first year for this award, established by Barbara Mann and her husband Steven Hankel.  The award recognizes a Unit 4 tenured teacher who exemplifies the traits of Dedication, Integrity, Commitment to Every Student, Service, & Excellence.

  • Alumnus named executive director at Society for Vascular Surgery

    Kenneth M. Slaw, Ph.D. '87 Ed.Psych., has been named executive director at the Society for Vascular Surgery, a nonprofit medical society made up of specialty-trained vascular surgeons.

  • Alumnus reflects on ‘the way we were’ in new book

    Alumnus Michael Woods spent nearly 50 years as a teacher and coach in public schools and as an Illinois faculty member. Basketball was a major part of his youth, which he reflects on in a new book he wrote called The Game: The Way We Were to the Way We Are.

  • Alumnus Royel Johnson, EdM '10, EPS, Cited as Emerging Scholar

    Royel M. Johnson, EdM '10, EPS, now assistant professor of higher education within the Department of Education Policy Studies in the Penn State College of Education, has been selected as an Emerging Scholar Designee by the American College Personnel Association (ACPA), a comprehensive student affairs organization that engages students for a lifetime of learning and discovery. He will receive the award at the ACPA20 convention to be held March 2-5 in Nashville, Tennessee.

  • Royel Johnson

    Alumnus Royel Johnson Named Co-Editor of AERA Educational Researcher Journal

    Johnson is a two-time Illinois graduate with a master's degree in Education Policy, Organization and Leadership. He is currently an associate professor at the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California.

  • Alumnus Scott Woods recognized for outstanding research in middle-level education

    College of Education alumnus Scott C. Woods is the recipient of this year’s Graduate Student Award from the Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group, an affiliate of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).

  • Tyrone Williams Jr.

    Alumnus Tyrone Williams, Jr., Named 2023 Illinois History Teacher of the Year

    Tyrone Williams, Jr., a three-time University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign degree earner and a two-time College of Education alumnus, has been named the 2023 Illinois History Teacher of the Year by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.

  • Ananya Tiwari, EPSY Doctoral Candidate, Wins Illinois Innovation Prize for SwaTaleem Foundation

    Congratulations to Ananya Tiwari, PhD candidate in Educational Psychology, for winning the Illinois Innovation Prize! She is transforming government schools in remote parts of India into model schools to increase educational outcomes for young girls.

  • Ananya Tiwari

    Ananya Tiwari Named 2020-2021 YMCA Fred S. Bailey Fellow

    For her contributions and acheivements to community leadership, service, and activism, Educational Psychology PhD candidate Ananya Tiwari has been awarded one of two 2020-2021 YMCA Fred S. Bailey Fellowships for graduate students and professionals on campus.

  • Ananya Tiwari

    Ananya Tiwari Receives International Dissertation Fellowship

    EPSY doctoral candidate Ananya Tiwari recently received the Rita and Arnold Goodman Fellowship, supportsing graduate students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who work in the field of women, gender, and international development issues.

  • Announcement of Faculty Promotions

    James D. Anderson, Dean, is extremely pleased to announce the promotion in rank of four College of Education faculty members. Congratulations to the following faculty on achieving these exceptional milestones.

  • Announcement of Faculty Promotions

    College of Education Dean announces the promotion of nine faculty members.

  • Announcing New Book by James G. Shriner Developing Educationally Meaningful and Legally Sound IEPs

    Hot off the presses, Special Education faculty member James Shriner is an author of a new book on IEPs.

  • Distinguished Alumni and Young Alumni Achievement Awards

    Announcing our 2021 Distinguished Alumni & Young Alumni Achievement Awardees

    On behalf of the College of Education, the Office of Advancement is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2021 Distinguished Alumni and Young Alumni Achievement Awards.

  • Announcing the 2022 College of Education Public Engagement Faculty Fellows Program

    The new Public Engagement Faculty Fellows Program is open to full-time faculty with their primary appointment in the College of Education. A maximum of three faculty fellows will be selected for the 2022-2023 academic year. Faculty at the assistant professor level are especially encouraged to apply.

  • Announcing the College of Education Volunteer Week: July 25-29, 2022

    We are pleased to announce the inaugural College of Education Volunteer Week July 25-29, 2022. Before his retirement, Dean Anderson approved faculty and staff to use OPL (other paid leave time) for 1-3 hours of community volunteering during the week of July 25-29, 2022.

  • Annual free book jackets & posters giveaway

    It is time once again for the SSHEL book jacket and poster giveaway!

    This year the festivities take place the week of November 7th through the 11th in the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (100 Main Library). The giveaway will be going on during all hours that SSHEL is open.

    The fun begins in the School Collection Room (Room 112) at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 7th. Come and pick up free posters, book jackets, and more!  Posters and book jackets are a great resource for:

    - decorating your classroom or office

    - book talk visual aids

    - art projects

    - library displays

    - creative writing (have students predict or create a story from the picture/title and write about it)

    Please share this information with anyone who might be interested. We will be giving the posters and book jackets away until they are all gone.

    If you have any questions about this event, please call the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (217-244-1864) or email Nancy O'Brien (

  • Annual free book jackets & posters giveaway in Library

    It is time once again for the SSHEL book jacket and poster giveaway! This year the festivities take place the week of November 10th through the 14th in the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (100 Main Library). The giveaway will be going on during all hours that SSHEL is open. The fun begins in the School Collection Room (Room 112) at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 10th. Come and pick up free posters, book jackets, and more! Posters and book jackets are a great resource for:

    • decorating your classroom or office

    • book talk visual aids

    • art projects

    • library displays

    • creative writing (have students predict or create a story from the picture/title and write about it)

    Please share this information with anyone who might be interested. We will be giving the posters and book jackets away until they are all gone. If you have any questions about this event, feel free to call the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (217-244-1864) or email Nancy O'Brien (

  • Annual Goldstick Family Lecture in the Study of Communication Disorders


    Enlisting Parents as Therapists: A Distance-Delivered, Parent-Implemented Language Intervention for Individuals with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities

    Thursday, October 27, 2016

    4:00-5:30 p.m.

    Beckman Institute, 405 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801

    Guest Scholar and Speaker: Dr. Leonard Abbeduto, University of California, DavisDirector, UC Davis MIND Institute and Tsakopoulos-Vismara Endowed Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine

    Dr. Abbeduto's research focuses on the development of language across the lifespan in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. His current projects focus on the factors accounting for variation in the course of language in children, adolescents, and young adults with fragile X syndrome, autism, and Down syndrome.