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School of Social Work News

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  • Summer Study in Italy and France

    The University of Illinois Landscape Architecture summer semester program in Italy and France offers students an opportunity to engage in the past and present designs of bothcountries’ landscapes, architectural styles, ecologies, art and culture. Students are invited from a variety of disciplines, including landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning, art, history, and ecology.

    Led by Landscape Architecture Instructor & Designer in Residence, Katherine Kraszewska, and History Visiting Faculty Gracjan Kraszewski, the program consists of an 8-week study based in Cremolino, Italy. The program will run from May 19 to July 13th and is offered through the Landscape Architecture Department at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. The experience comprises site-visits—including to Milan, Genoa, Cinque Terre, Florence, and Siena—along with investigations of Tuscan and Roman cultural landscapes, lectures by tutors, French instructors and historians, and, finally, a ten day focus on the French countryside surrounding Paris, Versailles, and Le Mont Saint-Michel. The students will also participate in an intensive course in Italian and French Literature and History, all the while being immersed in the host countries’ culture and language while living communally in the Casa Wallace mansion that will serve as the group’s base.For Any questions, Please contact Katy Kraszewska at and visit the program website to register: (registration form)

  • Study Abroad Application Deadline

    The application deadline for students to study abroad during the Fall or Summer 2019 is February 15.  Deadlines vary by program, so check out the online brochure pages for exact deadlines.

  • 2019 Undergraduate Creative Writing Awards

    Deadline: Noon, Monday, February 25, 2019

    The English Department announces its annual undergraduate literary competitions in Short Fiction and Poetry. Depending on available funding, there will be 2-3 prizes in Fiction and 2-3 in Poetry this year. Past prizes have ranged from $100 to $1000. Stay tuned to for further information and any reminders/updates.

    Contest rules are as follows:

    Short Fiction:  no contestant may submit more than one unpublished story (7500 words, maximum length)

    Poetry:  no contestant may submit more than 200 lines, as a single unpublished poem or a group of unpublished poems

    Only UIUC undergraduate students are eligible to compete. To be considered for a prize, submissions must adhere to the following rules. All submissions must be sent to the following email address: Depending on your entry (poetry or fiction), the subject line of your email message must read as follows: UNDERGRAD POETRY or UNDERGRAD FICTION (not both). If you enter in both categories (poetry and fiction), you will need to send separate emails. Your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, net id, status (undergrad), and UIN number must appear in the body of the email. Your fiction OR poetry entry is to be contained in one attachment (doc, docx, or rtf only), the name of which must be as follows: contest category followed by your last name, such as FICTIONJONES or POETRYJONES. Your name should not appear in the attachment itself.

  • Apply to Work @ the ILC!

    Are you a student looking for a rewarding on-campus job for the 2019-2020 Academic Year? Look no further! We are hiring for a variety of positions, and we want YOU to join the ILC family. Learn more here:

    Apply now:

  • Gilman International Scholarship Program Informational Events 1/31 & 2/1

    Are you interested in study abroad, but concerned about the cost?

    The Gilman International Scholarship Program provides awards of $5,000 (plus up to a $3,000 supplement for critical languages) for U.S. citizen undergraduate students to pursue summer, semester, or academic-year study abroad opportunities in other countries. This is a need based award, and to be eligible, students currently must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant. 

    The National and International Scholarships Program will assist in reviewing your scholarship application material. In fact, we welcome the opportunity to help make your application more competitive!  To get you started, we are offering a two-day informational event about the Gilman Scholarship.

    Gilman International Scholarship Information Session

    Location: 807 S. Wright St. Floor 5 (514 IUB)

    Date: January 31, 2019   3:30 - 4:30 pm  

    Gilman International Scholarship Writing Workshop

    Location: 807 S. Wright St. Floor 5 (514 IUB)

    Date: February 1, 2019   3:00 - 4:00 pm  

    For more information, contact the scholarships office at or visit our website at

  • Become a McKinley Fitness Peer!

    Become a McKinley Fitness Peer!

    The Health Education Unit of McKinley Health Center is looking for student leaders interested in fitness and overall health. Our Fitness Peers are volunteers that are dedicated to spreading awareness to others about the benefits of fitness and wellness through workshops, campaigns, and events. Our Fitness Peers are competent and passionate individuals who enjoy working with others across campus and in the C-U community. Enhance your leadership skills and meet new people on campus who share the same interests as you!

    Limited time to join: Fitness Peers information meeting will be held at the ARC in meeting room 2 on Monday February 4th at 4pm.

    For more information please contact and follow us on FB & Instagram @FitnessPeersUIUC

  • Stress Management Peer (SMP) Leaders

    McKinley Heath Center’s Health Education Unit is seeking volunteers to become Stress Management Peer (SMP) Leaders. SMP is dedicated to providing education & awareness to UI students on stress-related topics and concerns. We facilitate stress-related workshops; participate in campus-wide program planning and other organized events while embracing the diversity of our campus. This is a great opportunity to enhance leadership skills and meet new and interesting people. Strong communication skills desired. This hands-on experience is a great volunteer opportunity!

    Learn to Stress Less! Limited time to join!

    Interest session will be held at the Illini Union, Room 406 on Wednesday, January 23rd at 5:00 p.m. For more information please contact Jessica:

  • Mary Ramier Grant for Undergraduate Women

    The Mary Ramier Grant is set up to inspire undergraduate women to develop as successful leaders, activists, and professionals.  Mary Ramier, a 1923 graduate of the University of Illinois, was an attorney and activist from Indianapolis, IN.   She was remembered for tackling problems in her Irvington neighborhood, including a petition drive that led to much-needed urban renovation.  She also worked at the national level as an attorney and officer for the Mortar Board National Senior Women’s Honorary.

    The grant will be awarded competitively and can be used to

    Support research research travel research materials such as books, recording equipment, etc. conference travel Creative projects such as, but not limited to zines films plays Field trips that are related to gender and women’s studies Other activities that promote the advancement of women 


    Awards are usually between $50 and $500.  The Gender and Women’s Studies awards committee will determine the amount and number of awards per year based on the merit of individual proposals and financial need.  Money will not be awarded for tuition costs or living expenses.   

    Requirements: All undergraduate women in good standing are eligible to apply.  Applicants should fill out an application form, and include the name of a faculty member who might be called for reference. 

    Fall Semester Deadline:                October 1

    Spring Semester Deadline:           March 1

    For more information about the grant, please contact Jacque Kahn at the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies by e-mail:


  • Upcoming Career Center Events

    Tuesday, January 22

    Peace Corps General Information Session  ​​5 - 6 p.m.​, The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Creating Your Powerful Resume  ​​6 - 7 p.m.​, The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Thursday, January 24 

    Career Fairs: Maximizing Your Experience 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Monday, January 28

    Career Fairs: Maximizing Your Experience 5 - 6 p.m., The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Thursday, January 31

    Snack Bite: Exploring Health Professions (Explore)  ​​4:15 - 4:45 p.m.​, The Career Center, Conference Room 143,715 S Wright St. 

  • May 2019 Graduation Announcement

    Saturday, May 11, 2019, at Tryon Festival Theatre, Krannert

    The ceremony will begin at 2:00 p.m.  Students should arrive at 1:00 p.m. to line up.

    The final deadline to order attire online is April 24, 2019 at 10:00 p.m.

  • Colors of Faith Interfaith Dance Team Clinics and Auditions

    Colors of Faith, UIUC's first and only interfaith dance team, will be having Spring 2019 Clinics & Auditions! 


    Wednesday, January 23

    Time: 7 PM to 8 PM

    Location: ARC Multipurpose Room 5

    Thursday, January 24

    Time: 8:15 to 9:15 PM

    Location: ARC Multipurpose Room 4


    Evening of Monday, January 28

    Time & Location TBD

    If you're passionate about learning about other religions and dancing (no previous dance experience required!), then we would love to see you! For more information, email us at, or check out our Facebook and Instagram. Thank you!

  • Research Support Grant (RSG) and Proposal Writing for Undergraduate Researchers Workshop

    This grant provides students from all disciplines with the funds necessary to conduct research or creative projects during the academic year both on and off campus (including summer terms). Awards will be up to $2,000 and are meant to cover research travel costs, living expenses incurred during academic breaks (i.e., winter break and summer terms, NOT regular semester living expenses), and materials or other ancillary costs. We hope that this competition will both broaden and deepen the types of research being conducted by undergraduate students on campus, and that the recipients are able to use this opportunity as a way of engaging with their fields.

    For details and eligibility requirements please visit:

    The deadline for applications is March 8, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

    ** In collaboration with the Writers Workshop, the Office of Undergraduate Research is offering a Proposal Writing for Undergraduate Researchers Workshop. We encourage all students interested in applying to the RSG to enroll in this free workshop. During this workshop, we will discuss the fundamentals of proposal writing, guiding students to formulate successful research projects and explain their research in a concise and compelling manner that is understandable to a general audience. For details and information on how to apply, please visit our workshops page:

  • Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Grant

    This grant provides awards of up to $350 for undergraduate students to travel to professional conferences to present their research posters, papers, or creative works. Please note, the Office of Undergraduate Research does not provide funds for conference travel for attendance only; grants are meant for students who will present their work.

    For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit:

    The deadline for applications is February 21, 2019 at 11:59pm.

  • 2019 MLK Celebrations

    The 2019 MLK celebration is happening Jan 18 to Jan 26. This year's theme is Lead, Challenge, Impact. For more information about each event, check out the Facebook page for the celebration.

    Friday, Jan 18

    Annual County-wide Dr. MLK, Jr. Celebration

    Sunday Jan 20

    34th Annual Dr. MLK, Jr. Service of Celebration

    Monday Jan 21

    24th Annual Unity Breakfast

    Monday Jan 21

    Day of Service

    Wednesday Jan 23

    Walking the Talk: Bringing Social Justice to Direct Practice

    Friday Jan 25

    Poverty Simulation

    Saturday Jan 26

    Community Celebration

  • OVP Blood Drive

    The Office of Volunteer Progams is holding a blood drive, and we need your help. 


    I am very pleased to announce that we’re partnering with the Community Blood Services of Illinois on January 23rd from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm to hold our own blood drive.


    Personally, I feel great pride in knowing that the Office of Volunteer Programs is becoming a part in what MVRBC does to strengthen our local community by providing safe and ready access to life-saving blood products. 


    38% of the population is eligible to donate blood. Fewer than 10% actually do.


    This is a problem. Every day, many Americans depend on blood donations from generous volunteer donors for critical components of their medical care…it is truly the most personal natural resource.


    By giving less than thirty minutes of your time, you can help save lives and get a cookie on top of it! Please sign up to help save others!


    The form can be found here:

  • Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders

    The Bailey Undergraduate awards are $3000 awards ($1500/semester) given each year to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who have demonstrated positive impact and commitment as a result of service, community involvement, leadership, and action. Financial need and academic achievement will also be considered. University of Illinois - Urbana campus undergraduate students in all programs are eligible to apply. 

    For more information or to apply online, visit: 

    Application deadline: February 15

    Not sure if you should apply? working on an application and feeling stuck?  Don't quite understand the financial information?  Attend an info session to ask questions and get advice from the Scholarship Director -- all in the comfort of your own home. More information >>

  • Fred S. Bailey International Travel Scholarship Application Open Now

    The FRED S. BAILEY INTERNATIONAL SERVICE TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP FOR CAUSE-DRIVEN LEADERS offers scholarships of $600-1800 dollars to University of Illinois undergraduate and Master's level graduate students leading international service projects who plan to travel within the specified period.  Recipients will be selected on the basis of their demonstrated commitment to the project/program, long-term career goals in international development or related fields, the trip’s potential impact on the student’s learning and professional development, potential for positive impact on the host community and financial need. If selected, all recipients must participate in a 6-week online pre-departure course.  

    Application Period 2
    (For trips that occur between May 1, 2018 - January 17, 2019)
    Applications Open: January 14, 2019
    Application Deadline: February 19, 2019
    To learn more and apply, visit:

  • Study Abroad in Greece Summer 2019

    WHAT COURSES ARE YOU TAKING THIS SPRING 2019? How about: “An innovative, experiential course offering which culminates in Greece”?







    SOCW330/561: 10 weeks in the U.S. and 2 weeks in Athens, Greece (May 11-May 25, 2019)

  • Fulbright UK Summer Institutes - Information Session 1/15

    Dear freshmen and sophomores,

    Do you want to study in the United Kingdom this summer for free? The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes offer nine programs for 2019: 

    Interested in global leadership? Join the Future Leaders of a Global Age summer institute at the University of Westminster in London.
    Interested in the environment? Study climate change issues at the University of Exeter.
    Interested in social justice or education policy? Explore these in the post-conflict setting of Northern Ireland at Queen’s University Belfast.
    Interested in the performing arts? Practice combat and swordplay, movement, dance and design at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater.
    Interested in arts as activism?  Consider how social policy, philosophy and the arts have been combined to promote social change at the University of Bristol.
    Interested in technology and design? Explore Scotland’s creative and technological industries through study at the University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art.
    Interested in media?  Explore film and media culture in the UK at the University of Birmingham.
    Interested in British or Irish studies? Explore British culture at the University of Sussex or Irish studies at the Queen’s University Belfast.
    Interested in international politics? Study identity and nationhood at the Aberystwyth University in Wales.

    The Summer Institutes cover the majority of the participant costs (round-trip airfare from the US to the UK, tuition and fees at the university, room and board, and social programs).  Students must be US citizen freshmen or sophomores with a GPA of 3.7 or above.

    More information about the institutes and their application can be found at:

    Our info session will tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of attending a Fulbright UK Summer Institute and how to be a competitive applicant. We’ll also hear from previous Illinois recipients.

    UK Summer Fulbright Information Session
    Tuesday, January 15, 3:30-4:30 pm
    514 Illini Union Bookstore

  • "The S Word" Documentary

    A suicide attempt survivor is on a mission to find fellow survivors and document their stories of unguarded courage, insight, pain, and humor. Along the way, she discovers a national community rising to transform personal struggles into action. THE S WORD chronicles her journey and these survivors in a powerful feature documentary that puts a human face to a topic that has long been stigmatized and buried with the lives it has claimed. Suicide affects people of all ages, races, faiths, ethnicities, gender presentations, sexual orientations, professions, and so much more. THE S WORD skillfully weaves stories of survivors from a cross section of America including LGBT, African American and Asian American communities, who candidly share their profoundly emotional stories of trauma, mental health challenges, survival and advocacy. The film’s narrative flows organically from one story to the next, starting with personal moments and building emotional momentum before widening out to show how their journeys are driving the national movement to take the “S” word from unthinkable to preventable.Trailer:

    Showings:Saturday January 12th 9:30am-11:45pm Champaign Library Robeson rooms A&B (200 W Green St Champaign)

    Wednesday January 16th 6:30pm-8:45pmRantoul Township High School Cafetorium (200 S Sheldon St Rantoul)

    Friday January 18th 6:30pm-8:45pmParkland College Room C-118 (2400 W Bradley Ave Champaign)Park in B, C, or M lots and follow signs

    Saturday January 19th 10:00am-12:15pmMahomet Public Library Edgar Meeting Room (1702 E Oak St Mahomet)

    One additional showing is being scheduled and will be added at a later date. A discussion/Q&A session will follow each showing. Resources, information, and support services will be available. This film is not rated, but is appropriate for ages 10+. Spanish subtitles are available. All showings are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.

  • Rural Healthcare summer program Informational

    Tuesday, Jan. 29 | 12-1pm and 4-5pm
    School of Social Work, RM 2015
    1010 W. Nevada

    Information session available to all health professions students!

    A representative from the National Center for Rural Health Professions (NCRHP) will provide information on three rural healthcare programs available in summer 2019.

    Two separate sessions are offered to accommodate student schedules.

    More information can be found at under Student Opportunities.

  • Spring 2019 i-Program Series Dates

    The Illinois Leadership® Center (ILC) would like to inform you about upcoming free leadership development opportunities to share with your students.

    As the premier initiative of the ILC, I-Programs are designed as half-day long seminars (typically on Saturdays) which focus on a particular aspect of leadership practice. Each program is applicable to all academic majors and programs. Below are dates for the spring 2019 semester: 

    ROLLS-ROYCE INNOVATION: Jan. 19th & Mar. 9th 

    Students who participate in Innovation will develop skills in these areas and also an understanding of their dominant problem solving style and its impact on organizations and people.

    INTERSECT: Jan. 26th 

    Students who participate will focus on interpersonal communication and team building by working with fellow students to accomplish team challenge goals.

    PETULLO INSIGHT: Feb. 2nd 

    Students who participate will focus on self-awareness by identifying their personal values and personal leadership philosophy, while exploring their personal strengths and social identities. 

    IGNITE: Feb. 9th 

    Students who participate can expect to develop skill in leading change initiatives, as well as learn about systems thinking and coalition building to develop a plan for their own change initiative. 

    IMPRINT: Feb. 23rd 

    Led by Illinois alumni from a variety of professions, students will develop skills needed for displaying leadership during times of transition, and learn to maintain the personal and professional networks to sustain success in any environment.

    INTEGRITY: Mar. 30th 

    Focusing on the skills necessary for interpersonal and organizational ethical leadership, students who participate in Integrity are faced with ethical challenges and learn how to successfully navigate them with the help of skilled facilitators.

    INCLUSION: Apr. 13th

    Students who participate will focus on concepts such as equity, equality, diversity, inclusion, and bias by recognizing the values of others, and identify differing social identities in relation to leadership. 

  • Illinois in Washington Information Session

    Illinois in Washington (Summer 2019 Washington, DC Internships): Information Session, January 17th Illinois in Washington (IIW) is an academic internship program open to all U of I undergraduates. Participants live and intern in Washington, DC, while taking U of I classes.  IIW offers an exceptional opportunity to gain rewarding work experience while enjoying the political, intellectual, and cultural experiences that only the nation's capital can offer.  Student internships have included positions with members of Congress, think tanks, social justice organizations, and government agencies.  Join us for an unforgettable semester in one of the most exciting cities in the world. Apply by February 1, 2019, at


    LOCATION: David Kinley Hall, Room 119

  • NASW Illinois Chapter Student Survey

    In advance of their spring meeting, NASW Illinois Chapter sent a survey all student members of NASW IL with the goal of trying to see what their specific needs are as they enter the professional world following graduation. The survey responses will help them prepare presentations to students on a wide range of professional issues.  Students who complete this survey and provide their email will be entered in a raffle for two, $10.00 Starbucks gift cards!

    Students can click the link below to complete this survey.

     Survey link:

  • Illinois Enactus' Info Night

    Illinois Enactus is an organization that aims to create real change through our projects while preparing our members to succeed in their future careers. We are committed to using entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world. We rank Top 12 in the nation among hundreds of Enactus teams. We accept students of all majors and are looking for individuals who are committed to creating sustainable change. You can find out more about us at or through our Facebook Page. Email with questions.    

    Tuesday, January 22, 7:00 p.m.
    Wohlers Hall, Room 141
    llinois Enactus' Info Night

  • Senate Committee on Student Discipline and the Office for Student Conflict Resolution

    The Senate Committee on Student Discipline and the Office for Student Conflict Resolution are now seeking to fill vacant student, staff, and faculty seats on the Subcommittee on Undergraduate Student Conduct and the Subcommittee on Graduate Student Conduct, and vacant faculty, student and staff seats on the Subcommittee on Sexual Misconduct. Applications are due on Feb. 28, 2019

  • Opportunity for Those Going Abroad Next Semester

    Hello fellow Social Work students! I am in the process of creating a database as part of a post-abroad follow up assignment. The intent is to provide the DRES office with data regarding accessibility in various study abroad programs to encourage those with disabilities to seek out opportunities abroad. The ultimate goal of my project is to increase study abroad participation among students with disabilities on campus. This database will be a collection of study abroad programs and the types of accessibility offered in host countries. This will allow students with disabilities to access information when choosing a study abroad program to ensure that they identify an opportunity that is most supportive of their needs. If you are willing to collect this information during your time abroad, please reach out to me via email (provided below). This is not limited to Social Work students.  Anyone going abroad can participate, so if you have a friend in a different major that is studying abroad in the Spring of 2019, please pass this information along! This would be completely on your own time and not a huge commitment, being that you will have all semester to gather this info.  And you have the opportunity to support others in their study abroad experiences!  All you would be responsible for is noting your observations in an excel spreadsheet. (Accessible restaurants, bathrooms, stores, doors, means of transportation etc). If you are interested and looking for more info please do not hesitate to reach out! 


    Becky Diamond


  • Crisis Nursery Donation Drive

    SOCW 455 is holding a donation drive as a final project. We are collecting donations for Crisis Nursery in Urbana! Please consider donating much-needed products like: children’s supplies—diapers, powder, wipes, toys etc., individual snacks—animal crackers, pretzels, popcorn etc., and Children’s clothes—please check flyer for details. Let’s work together to make these resources easily accessible especially during this holiday season!

  • MLK Day of Service 2019 — Lead, Challenge, Impact

    MLK Day of Service 2019 — Lead, Challenge, Impact

    MLK Day of Service is an opportunity for students to learn about the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the impact he made throughout the country and around the world. Join us on Monday, January 21, 2019, from 1:00pm-4:00pm to commemorate Dr. King's ideals of community involvement, share his legacy, and translate his dreams into action on campus and around the community!

  • Social Work Job Board

    If you are looking for an internship or job opportunity, check out the School of Social Work job board. Jobs are added continuously!

  • Fulbright UK Summer Institutes - Information Session 12/7

    Dear freshmen and sophomores,

    Do you want to study in the United Kingdom this summer for free? The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes offer nine programs for 2019: 

    Interested in global leadership? Join the Future Leaders of a Global Age summer institute at the University of Westminster in London.
    Interested in the environment? Study climate change issues at the University of Exeter.
    Interested in social justice or education policy? Explore these in the post-conflict setting of Northern Ireland at Queen’s University Belfast.
    Interested in the performing arts? Practice combat and swordplay, movement, dance and design at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater.
    Interested in arts as activism?  Consider how social policy, philosophy and the arts have been combined to promote social change at the University of Bristol.
    Interested in technology and design? Explore Scotland’s creative and technological industries through study at the University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art.
    Interested in media?  Explore film and media culture in the UK at the University of Birmingham.
    Interested in British or Irish studies?  Explore British culture at the University of Sussex or Irish studies at the Queen’s University Belfast.
    Interested in international politics? Study identity and nationhood at the Aberystwyth University in Wales.

    The Summer Institutes cover the majority of the participant costs (round-trip airfare from the US to the UK, tuition and fees at the university, room and board, and social programs).  Students must be US citizen freshmen or sophomores with a GPA of 3.7 or above.

    More information about the institutes and their application can be found at:

    Our info session will tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of attending a Fulbright UK Summer Institute and how to be a competitive applicant. We’ll also hear from previous Illinois recipients.

    UK Summer Fulbright Information Session

    Friday, December 7th, 3:00-4:00 pm

    514 Illini Union Bookstore

  • Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Allies Job Opportunity

    Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Allies is a state AmeriCorps program supporting prevention, treatment, and recovery agencies throughout Chicago and suburban Cook County. SUD Allies AmeriCorps members engage clients, youth, and providers through a variety of comprehensive services, including case management, health insurance enrollment assistance, prevention education, and anti-stigma education. Administered by Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago, SUD Allies increases resources to combat substance use disorder for individuals, families, and communities. PHIMC provides the members with the training and professional development necessary to successfully enter the public health workforce.  Interested candidates can find more information at

  • Research Participants Needed

    My name is Amber Strickland, and I am an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. I am currently working as a research assistant for two graduate students in The Ohio State University’s sociology department, Laura Frizzell and Sadé Lindsay. We are conducting interviews for a research project, and I was hoping that you could be of assistance in disseminating information to people who may be interested in participating. We are looking to interview approximately 120 Black women about the impacts of police violence. Virtually all research on police violence has examined Black men’s experiences, so we think it’s critical that Black women be able to tell their stories as well. We’re looking to interview all Black women - not only those with direct experiences of police violence - because we expect that the experiences of acquaintances and media portrayals of this violence will also have an impact on Black women’s lives. This research project has been ethically cleared by our Institutional Review Board, and all participants will be compensated with an Amazon e-gift card.

  • Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) Employment Opportunities

    Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) has two areas of employment available.

    The Testing Accommodations Center (TAC)

    Accessible Media Services (AMS) Captioning

    We are now interviewing for student workers for the Spring 2019 semester in both of these areas. Please find and review the attached the job descriptions for both areas.  If you are interested in any of these areas please send the following items to Tina Rolfe at for the TAC and/or Ann Fredricksen at for AMS:

    Your resume
    List of classes you are enrolled in for the Spring 2019 Semester  
    When you are available for an interview
    Please give a couple dates and times
    Will only interview until 12/7/2018
    The hours that you are available to work per week

    Student work schedules will be the same schedule for each week for the whole semester, until finals week.  Each shift must be at least 1.5 hours long if not longer with a minimum of 5 hours per week for TAC and a minimum of 10 hours for AMS.

    Students are permitted to work in both areas.  Therefore if you are interested in both areas, you can apply for both with only going through the interview process once.

  • Help the Homeless - Canteen Run Donation Drive

    Local to Champaign County, Canteen Run provides supplies to those experiencing homelessness in our community. Please consider donating any of the following items by November 29th:
    ● Socks
    ● Toiletries (i.e. shampoo, body wash)
    ● Deodorant
    ● Large sized Men’s shirts
    ● Long sleeved shirts
    ● Men’s & Women’s underwear

  • Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders

    Are you interested in an unpaid internship but are concerned about the financial hardship it may cause? The Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders is available to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who receive an unpaid internship with a public service agency or not-for profit organization. Awards are $1,000 for a part-time internship or $2,500 for a full-time internship and are given directly to the student to help with educational expenses.

    Students completing internships that are part of an academic program's graduation requirements (community health practicum, social work internship, student teaching, etc) are not eligible to receive the Bailey Internship Scholarship. We highly encourage students in these programs to consider applying for the Bailey Undergraduate Scholarship, due February 15. For more information on the Bailey Undergraduate Scholarship program, click here.

    Spring 2019 (For internships that occur between January 1, 2019 - May 15, 2019)
    Application Deadline: November 13

  • Registration resources from the Registrar's Office

    The Office of the Registrar has some excellent tools for you to use as you are registering for classes. A guide on how to use Enhanced Registration, and a variety of tools and information. Don't forget to use the Class Schedule if you get an error message as you register.

  • Most Popular Gen Eds for Social Work Students

    Here is a list of the most popular Gen Eds for the various categories that Social Work students have taken over the past 8 years.

  • Expanding the Champaign County Museums Network

    The Museums at the Crossroads Consortium is expanding its membership and changing its name to reflect its new partnership strategy. It’s now the Champaign County Museum Network. Champaign County is filled with fun and interesting museums. Since 1996, many of these museums have worked together as the Museums at the Crossroads Consortium.  Brought together originally for a Museums in the Classroom grant, the organization meets monthly and has collaborated on a wide variety of projects that benefit all its members, including advertising publications, classes for local Osher Lifelong Learning Institute members, and an annual informational and activity tent at the Urbana Sweetcorn Festival. “When we work together, we save a great deal of time and energy,” said Network vice president Pam Leiter. “For example, sharing one tent at the Urbana Sweetcorn Festival means representatives of each museum only need to work a short shift to keep the tent staffed. This allows museums with fewer employees to participate in larger events without exhausting their resources.”

    In addition to the current museums, the Network is adding memberships for both individuals and a wide variety of area organizations.  “Museums don’t stand alone in the county,” stated Leiter. “We are part of a larger network of volunteers, teachers, archivists, emerging museum professionals, schools, libraries, historical societies, convention and visitors bureaus, and media groups that work together to provide fun and educational opportunities to central Illinois communities.  Our new updates, such as adding affiliates like the Illinois Distributed Museum, better represent who we are and how we work.”

    The Network follows this mission: The Champaign County Museums Network (CCMN) empowers members by forging connections that encourage best practices among museums and museum professionals and promotes each institution as relevant, engaging, and integral members of our community.

    The Museum Members of the Network:

    Anita Purves Nature Center (Urbana Park District)
    Champaign County History Museum
    Homer Lake Interpretive Center (Champaign County Forest Preserve District)
    Krannert Art Museum (University of Illinois)
    Museum of the Grand Prairie (Champaign County Forest Preserve District)
    Orpheum Children’s Science Museum
    Pollinatarium (University of Illinois)
    Sousa Archives and Center for American Music (University of Illinois)
    Spurlock Museum (University of Illinois)
    William Staerkel Planetarium (Parkland College)

    For more information on the Network, its museums, and membership opportunities, visit its website at

  • CU Fair Training on immigration

    You are invited to attend a training workshop that will be held by CU FAIR (Champaign Urbana Friends and Allies of Immigrants and Refugees) for volunteers who provide, or who wish to provide, direct assistance to recently arrived immigrant families.

    November 7, Wednesday, 5:30 pm

    Room St. Luke

    St. Patrick Catholic Church, Urbana

    708 E. Main Street

    Urbana, IL

    [ Free parking and entrance in back of Church ]

    The workshop will provide the following:

    General information on immigrant population in Champaign County with a special focus on the needs of those family that recently arrived in our community;Explanation of the Case Management approach CU FAIR follows to assist these families to progress successfully from a dependency to a condition where they achieve social and economic self sufficiencyPresentation on core (essential) social services that are usually needed by these families and the resources available in our community;Outline the different types of services volunteers provide and the time commitment they imply for volunteers.

    For further information, please contact Luis Cuza, or 217-954-8371 or Nils Jacobsen, or 217-384-4862.

  • Beinecke Scholarship Informational Events - 11/1 and 11/2

    If you are a high-achieving junior and plan to attend graduate school after graduation in the arts, humanities or social sciences, but have concerns about being able to afford it, consider applying for the Beinecke Scholarship.

    The Beinecke Foundation is looking for students who have demonstrated superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement, and personal promise during their undergraduate years. The program seeks to encourage and enable highly motivated U.S. citizen juniors to pursue graduate studies in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Each scholar receives $4,000 immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school. Preference is given to candidates for whom the awarding of significant financial aid would increase the likelihood of the student's being able to attend graduate school.

    The University of Illinois is one of a select few institutions that may endorse a candidate for the Beinecke Scholarship, and the National and International Scholarships Program has planned two sessions to assist students interested in earning this $34,000 award. The campus deadline for nomination is January 22, 2019. Additional information about the award may be found at:

    If you are interested in applying, please plan to attend our informational sessions: 

    Bienecke Scholarship Information Session

    Thursday, November 1st, 3:30-4:30 pm

    514 Illini Union Bookstore

    Bienecke Scholarship Writing Workshop

    Friday, November 2nd, 3:00-4:00 pm

    514 Illini Union Bookstore

    For more information, contact the scholarships office at or visit our website at

  • Exercise and Concussion Study

    If you sustained a head injury/concussion and experienced lingering symptoms (headache, difficulty concentrating, trouble remembering), you may qualify. Participating adults (18+) will complete testing (pre & post) and a 4-wk exercise program (14 total hours). Week 1 includes (3) 1-hr sessions in lab (repeated at home for 3 weeks). Compensation is $30 upon post-test completion. Interested individuals may complete an eligibility survey here: or contact / 217-300-7484

    End date: December 20, 2018

  • Undergraduate Research Symposium 2019 - Now accepting student submissions

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is now accepting submissions for the 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 18. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 14-20), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. Over the course of the day, students present their work in concurrent oral and poster presentations (including creative performances), the breadth and scope of which reflect not only the wide range of academic disciplines at the University of Illinois, but also speak to the caliber of our undergraduates. 


    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on the URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit: 


    Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Friday, February 1, 2019, at 11:59 pm. 

  • #RelatableRelationships Week for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    #RelatableRelationships Week for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    This year, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are piloting our #RelatableRelationships Week series. This set of programs will be filled with workshops, panels, and discussion groups around how to engage in healthy and responsible relationships, beyond the typical lens of not perpetuating abuse. What are things we want to cultivate in our relationships with friends, roommates, and partners? What needs and wants do we want fulfilled in our different relationships? Topics include:

    Relationships in the Age of Apps How Do I Live with This Person? Navigating Living Spaces and Communication #RelationshipGoals: What the Media Tells Us Real Relationship Stories (a panel of student speakers) Bystander Intervention (ICARE specific for Relatable Relationships) How Do I Relationship? (IHeart for Relatable Relationships)

    #RelatableRelationships week creates the space to explore the nuances of dating, talking, hooking up, and relationships, through programs that are FOR students, BY students.

    Monday, October 22

    Event Details:   Relationships in the Age of Apps

    7:00-8:00pm | Allen Hall

    Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, and Allen Hall

    How do dating apps influence our romantic relationships and friendships? This event focuses on two critical ideas: why we use dating apps in the first place and how these apps influence the way we talk with others.

    “Relationships in the Age of Apps” aims to normalize how widespread dating apps are on college campuses—over 27% of millennials in the US have used Tinder—while acknowledging the healthy and fun aspects of using these apps in different types of relationships.

    Tuesday, October 23

    Event Details:   I Heart Healthy Relationships

    7:00-8:00pm | Women’s Resources Center

    Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, and Students Against Sexual Assault

    In this interactive session, Students Against Sexual Assault (SASA) will lead a discussion with peers about what healthy relationships looks like. I HEART includes activities on effective communication, the role of “needs” and “deal-breakers” in relationships, how to support survivors of dating abuse, and information about available support services on campus.

    Wednesday, October 24

    Event Details:   ICARE Bystander Intervention

    8:00-9:00pm | Illini Union Room 209

    Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, and Girl Up

    Girl Up helps to advocate for global change for girls, and will be hosting a workshop on bystander intervention for #RelatableRelationships Week. This discussion will provide students with practical ways to step up and interrupt, or stop problematic behaviors when they witness them on our campus.

    Friday, October 26

    Event Details: Real Relationship Stories

    3-4pm | Asian American Cultural Center (part of Global Engagement Lounge)

    Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, OIIR-International Education, and Asian American Cultural Center

    Come and enjoy a chance to hear real life relationship stories from your peers! This will be a question and answer session about the formation and maintenance of healthy relationships.

  • Developmental Service Center Non-Consumable Drive - BSW versus MSW

    Lets Celebrate Our Differences

    Would you enjoy some healthy competition while also fundraising for Developmental Service Center members? DSC is a non-profit organization that aids children and adults with disabilities.

    Their mission: "DSC supports people to live a rich and meaningful life."

    A competition between the MSW and BSW will be held from Monday, October 29th - Wednesday, November 7th to fundraise non-consumable items as listed:

    Donation Drive Collection

    Laundry Pods (Tide Pods) (Used in Residential Services Snacks-Gerber Puffs, Goldfish Crackers, Veggie Straws, Cheerios, Bottled Water (Teen Mom groups for Family Development) Gift Cards-(Target, Meijer) (Used for Employment Preparation Groups) Restaurant Gift Cards (El Toro, not too expensive restaurants) (Used by Community Groups in Employment for Life/Employment Skills)

    Three separate boxes will be placed in the School of Social Work each labeled as MSW and BSW. You won’t miss it!

    An event will be held in room 2027 at the School of Social Work on Wednesday, November 7th from 4-4:50 P.M. The announcement of which team fundraised the most will be announced and a guest speaker for DSC will be there! (Food will be provided as well…)

  • 8th Annual Disability Awareness Program “Student Engagement in the Disability Community”

    Wednesday, November 14th
    SDRP Multipurpose Rooms (2nd Floor, ABC)

    Any and all disability-related questions answered by Student Panel
    Get free food and drinks!
    Enter to win giveaways!

    If you require disability related accommodations, or an alternative flyer format, please contact Susann Sears at 217.333.4602 or

    Featuring Keynote Speaker Katy Hoyer, MSW, LSW
    BS in Psychology ‘11 MSW ‘13

  • MSW Open House

    The School of Social Work will be hosting an MSW Open House for prospective MSW students on November 1st from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. 

    Please register for the event if you'd like to attend and learn more about the MSW program at Illinois.

  • Walk-in Advising for Drop Deadline

    The deadline to drop a full semester course is Friday, October 19th. Aaron will be hosting walk-in/drop-in advising with no appointment required on Thursday, October 18th, and Friday, October 19th from 9 AM to Noon and 1-4 PM. 

    Stop in either day, check in at the reception desk and let them know you're there for drop-in advising and Aaron will see you as soon as he can.

  • 10/20 Mansfield Foodmobile Volunteers needed

    My name is Emily Stoerger and I am the Community Relations Coordinator at the Eastern Illinois Foodbank. We have an upcoming Foodmobile at the Northern Piatt Fire Protection District, 108 Washington St., Mansfield, IL on October 20th from 8:45 am - 12:15 pm. We need volunteers to be able to distribute food. I was wondering if you would be interested in volunteering at this site or helping us spread the word about this upcoming opportunity.

    Foodmobiles are mobile food pantries focused on alleviating hunger among vulnerable populations. Foodmobiles target rural and under-served communities. Volunteers are needed to set up the food distribution area, hand out product to recipients, help recipients carry product to their cars, and clean up after distribution is complete. A short orientation will be provided by a Foodmobile Captain or EIF Staff member on-site at 8:45 am. This volunteer project requires volunteers to lift, bend and stand during distribution preparation and throughout the distribution period.

    This is a great way to make a lot of impact in a short amount of time. Most of our Foodmobiles feed anywhere from 100-250 families in a single morning! These Foodmobiles will service all of Piatt County for the month of October but so far we only have a handful of volunteers to work the distribution. Without volunteers, these distributions are simply not possible.

    If you are interested, you should sign up online here If anyone has any questions they can contact me by email at or by phone at 217-328-3663.

    Our Foodmobiles help us get food to under-served locations and they would not be possible without you volunteers. 

  • Big Ten Student Design Challenge--Now Open

    You may have heard about the Big Ten Student Design Challenge. UIUC and other Big Ten campuses, in collaboration with Herman Miller, have announced an opportunity for student teams to redesign an informal space on their campuses, and compete for close to $100K in prizes for the winning design.

    More information is available at the Big Ten Student Design Challenge main website. (Note: Ohio State is the main organizer of the event so much of the branding including the main website points to OSU. This should not discourage our students from participating in the challenge.) You or your students must enter an email under the Competition tab to request a packet of materials about the competition and the UIUC space to be redesigned.

    The space that was chosen for redesign on this campus is in the basement of the Foreign Language Building, an airy, well-traveled space that is easily accessible to anyone who wants to dream up a fantastic redesign solution.

    Student teams of 3 or 4 undergrad or grad students in any discipline are invited to submit a proposal to be judged in this national competition by November 27. The top 3 teams in the final running will travel to Herman Miller headquarters for design consultation in February. One winning team/campus will receive up to $80K in Herman Miller furniture, a $20k stipend to cover building costs, and a $2,000 cash prize. The winning design will be installed in summer 2019.