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School of Social Work News

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  • Notify Me - Receive a notification when a seat in a full section or course becomes available

    Want to know when a seat becomes available in a section of a course? 

    Course explorer is launching a “Notify Me” option in Course Explorer. This feature lets any authenticated user select “Favorites” and opt to receive an email if a seat becomes available in the section—when the status changes from Closed to Open. (FYI, the section status updates in Course Explorer from Self-Service every 10 minutes.)

    To set up a notification follow these steps:

    In order to do this go to and log in. The log in link is on the top right hand side.
    Then navigate to the course that you’re interested in for example.
    Then in the 3rd column, click on the star. This will add it to your favorites. When you do that a little window pops up that you can go to your favorites in
    Or you can click on “My Favorites” which is an orange box toward the right hand part of the screen.
    The second column on this screen “Notify Me” has a checkbox you can click to be notified via e-mail if someone drops the course and space opens up.

    The email notification will state the following:

    This is an automated message from the Course Explorer system notifying you that a seat has become available for the following section:

    Meeting day/time:

    This notification does not guarantee you the seat nor indicate that you are eligible to enroll in that section.

    Visit Student Self-Service to register for classes once your Time Ticket is active.
    Modify your notifications in the Course Explorer.

  • I STAR Application Open

    The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is currently seeking to hire students for the spring semester! We are looking for students who are articulate, flexible, reliable, and energetic, and students who have a positive attitude and are enthusiastic about Illinois. The main function of an I-STAR is to serve as a representative at Illinois and to give tours to prospective students and families visiting campus. I-STARS also assist in the logistics of running our on-campus visit programs. 

    The application is currently open and can be found on Handshake, the Virtual Job Board or online here: Please encourage all students that you think could be a good fit for this position to apply! The deadline to apply is November 1st. 

    You acan contact,, with any questions about this position. 

  • Senior 100 Honorary

    Senior 100 Honorary is a ceremony and reception held in April that recognizes the most outstanding graduating seniors. This event recognizes not only the most successful students academically, but more heavily focuses on campus involvement and service. This highly prestigious award allows hard-working seniors to be acknowledged for their commitment to the University of Illinois throughout their four years here on campus. 

    Apply now at
    Deadline for application: March 15th at 11:59 PM

  • Information about registering for ASL classes and SHS 222

    For Spring 2020, the department is managing enrollment in all three ASL classes, as well as in SHS 222, via a wait list, which is why these courses appear on the class schedule to be noted as closed or restricted. If you have students who are interested in taking any of these classes, please share with them that although registration does not open until November 4, they can go to the Course Explorer website and put themselves on the waitlist now for any of these classes. They will find the link to the URL below each class section’s meeting time, which is as follows: (The URL is updated each semester.) Students will be prompted to fill out the online form and should note the specific course and section of the class they are interested in taking.

    It is important to also inform students that being placed on the wait list does not guarantee registration in any of these courses but communication about enrolling off the wait list will come from Andrea Paceley ( in the SHS office, 217-333-2230.

  • Financial Planning for Young Adults

    Financial Planning for Young Adults (FPYA), developed in partnership with the CFP Board, is designed to provide an introduction to basic financial planning concepts for young adults. The FPYA course is organized across eight separate modules within a 4-week window. Topics covered include financial goal setting, saving and investing, budgeting, financial risk, borrowing and credit. Because financial planning is such a personal topic, you will be encouraged to define your own financial goals and objectives while we discuss concepts and provide tools which can be applied in helping you reach those goals.

    Within each module, you will view a combination of traditional lecture style videos along with video vignettes that introduce financial topics for discussion among participants. The video vignettes provide a unique and exciting component to this course. Each vignette introduces a real-world scenario where financial decisions must be made and financial planning concepts can be applied. You will be challenged to think critically about each scenario and decide how you might come to a resolution if ever faced with a similar situation.

    Finally, the course also includes material throughout which is focused on career opportunities in financial planning, including video interviews with actual CFP® professionals and other professionals working in this exciting and growing career area. The final module in the class is devoted to the topic of financial planning as a career.

  • Employment Opportunities at DRES

    Accessible Media Services (AMS) and the Testing Accommodation Center (TAC) within Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) are currently looking for student workers for the fall with some summer employment is available as well.

    If you are interested a position, please let us know. Job descriptions are attached available by clicking the link.

    To be fully considered for a position, please submit the following:

    Fill out this webform.
    Send a copy of your resume to and

    When filling out the webform, note that interviews must take place between March 27th and April 12th between the hours of 9:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. Please list a few times that you are available to come in as interviews will be filled in on a first come, first serve basis.

  • Illio Senior Portraits

    Illio will be hosting a Senior Picture Pop-Up Session in a couple weeks, February 18th through March 9th. Taking a photo is the only way a senior can be in the yearbook. 

    February 18 - Mar 9, cap and gowns will be provided

    YMCA: Wahl Room
    1001 S. Wright St.
    Champaign, IL 61820

    Book your appointment at to reser the spot that works best for you.

  • Pre-Health Ambassadors

    The Career Center is accepting applications for our new Pre-Health Ambassador program! The Pre-Health Ambassadors will assist the health profession advisors beginning in Spring 2019 with various events, while providing insight to students on what it is truly like to be Pre-Health at Illinois. Students must be pursuing a health profession (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant, vet med, nursing, etc.) and at least a sophomore. The application process will involve an interview and selected students must attend a mandatory training-date TBD.

    The deadline to apply is October 31! Students can apply at Questions can be directed to me at

  • 2020 Undergraduate Creative Writing Awards

    The English Department announces its annual undergraduate literary competitions in Short Fiction and Poetry. Depending on available funding, there will be 2-3 prizes in Fiction and 2-3 in Poetry this year. Past prizes have ranged from $100 to $1000. Stay tuned to for further information and any reminders/updates.

    Contest rules are as follows:

    Short Fiction:  no contestant may submit more than one unpublished story (7500 words, maximum length)

    Poetry:  no contestant may submit more than 200 lines, as a single unpublished poem or a group of unpublished poems

    Only UIUC undergraduate students are eligible to compete. To be considered for a prize, submissions must adhere to the following rules. All submissions must be sent to the following email address: Depending on your entry (poetry or fiction), the subject line of your email message must read as follows: UNDERGRAD POETRY or UNDERGRAD FICTION (not both). If you enter in both categories (poetry and fiction), you will need to send separate emails. Your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, net id, status (undergrad), and UIN number must appear in the body of the email. Your fiction OR poetry entry is to be contained in one attachment (doc, docx, or rtf only), the name of which must be as follows: contest category followed by your last name, such as FICTIONJONES or POETRYJONES. Your name should not appear in the attachment itself.

    Deadline: Noon, Friday, February 28, 2020

  • Student Advocacy Coalition

    The Student Advocacy Coalition (SAC) is a bi-partisan student organization that promotes civic engagement and lobbies legislators for higher education and student rights on behalf of the University of Illinois. SAC is housed under the University’s Office of Government Relations and provides opportunities for students to engage with state and federal legislators online and in person. SAC members are students from all walks of campus, diverse backgrounds and majors. Members build professional development skills through one-on-one interactions with their legislators, panels with alumni who are trailblazers in their field,  and discussions on critical issues impacting our country. This year, our calendar includes a Dialogue Series with the 4 major political parties on campus, Policy Panels with state legislators and community leaders on the Black Lives Matter movement, and more! SAC believes being involved is more than attending mandatory meetings, it’s about participating in activities that are actually interesting, and spending your time in a community of people who care about making a difference! Our Virtual Info Session is on September 1st at 6pm and the link is as follows Our online application will be released on our website: and Facebook page: All applications are due September 15th and will be followed by Zoom interviews. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to send us an email at

  • Employment Opportunities at DRES

    Accessible Media Services (AMS) and the Testing Accommodation Center (TAC) within Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) are currently looking for student workers for this semester.

    AMS has a flexible schedule.  However, the TAC is looking specifically for individuals that would be able to work all or part of the following shifts:

    Mondays, 9:30am-11:00am
    Tuesdays, 10:00am-11:30am and 12:30pm-2:00pm
    Wednesdays, 2:00pm-3:30pm
    Thursdays, 11:00am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-3:30pm

    Please find both job descriptions attached. 

    If you are interested a position and to be fully considered for a position, please submit the following:

    Fill out this webform.Send a copy of your resume to and

  • CCAMPIS Child Care Access Means Parents in School Grant

    The Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program supports the participation of low-income parents in secondary education through the provision of campus-based child care services. It is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.


    To be eligible for the CCAMPIS program, students must:

    - Be enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, taking at least 12 credit hoursof classes

    - Be a U.S. citizen orpermanent resident- Have a child or children between 6 weeks and 4 years old

    - Be receiving or eligible for a Federal Pell Grant through the Office of Student Financial Aid

  • Camp Healing Hearts

    Children respond to death in different ways. They have so little life experience that moving through the grief process can be extremely difficult and have lifelong consequences.

    Camp Healing Heart provides a safe and caring environment for children who have experienced the death of a loved one or friend. Here, campers express their grief, emotion, fear and concerns and learn coping skills that will continue to help them through adulthood.


    • Be a “buddy” to a camper for the day (1-1 interaction with a camper).
    • Lead or assist with arts, crafts, sports, or music activities.
    • Assist with registration and check-out activities.
    • Facilitate grief group activities.
    • Volunteer as a runner to help with camp from set-up to clean-up.

    Visit to request a volunteer application.

  • Provost's Undergraduate Student Advisory Board

    Dear Students,

    We hope that you are well, and the semester has been off to a smooth start. Last fall, the campus launched the Student Success Initiative. Chancellor Jones noted the Student Success Initiative is an effort to better identify the factors that lead to positive and productive experiences for our undergraduate students. Last year we gathered valuable data from faculty, staff, and students! This year, our focus will be on using the data collected and recommendations to implement change on campus.

    We are seeking a diverse group of students to serve on our Provost Undergraduate Student Advisory Board. We hope you will consider applying to be involved in providing additional feedback and helping us to operationalize the recommendations provided through their lens. Student voice is a critical part of student success; thus, we need your valuable input to continue improving our campus community. 

    The application can be found here, and a set of frequently asked questions can be found by clicking the link above. If selected to participate as a Board member, appointments will be for one full academic year. All applications will be due by Friday, October 9, 2020 at 11:59pm CDT.

    We genuinely appreciate your consideration!


    Colvin Georges, Jr.
    Strategic Initiatives Coordinator for Student Success
    Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost


    Kathy Martensen
    Assistant Provost for Educational Programs
    Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost


    Join Illinois Student Affairs and collaborating campus units as we host the 4th Illini Wellness Week! Illini Wellness Week is a series of health-focused events to highlight wellness programs on the University of Illinois campus. From free massages to a farmers market on the Quad, there is an event for everyone. For a full events schedule, check out the Illini Wellness Week website and Facebook Page.

  • Alternative Seasonal Breaks

    You're who we've been waiting for! Alternative Seasonal Breaks (ASB) is having its first meeting/info sessions of the semester on Sunday 9/16, Monday 9/17, and Tuesday 9/18 at 6pm at the University YMCA. We know you're tired of pizza by now so we promise we will mix it up a bit!

    ASB is a non-profit volunteer rso at UIUC and an affiliate of the University YMCA. ASB sends U of I students on nationwide service trips twice throughout the year (winter and spring break). ASB participants travel throughout the country to learn about and actively combat social justice and environmental issues. Trips concern issues such as homelessness, poverty, animals, healthcare, environment, and many more. Each trip offers participants a unique, hands-on opportunity to make a difference in the lives of both communities and individuals nationwide. In preparation for each trip, participants meet weekly to reflect on issues, promote awareness, volunteer within the Urbana-Champaign community, and to simply get to know one another prior to their week together.

    If this sounds like something you are interested in, please contact Diamond Ruffin or Jacob Kraft at for more information and to be added to the email list. Also, visit the website!

  • Volunteers are Headed to Los Angeles- Spring Break 2020 Service Surge

    The Office of Volunteer Programs will travel (by plane) with a group of students to Los Angeles, California this Spring. Travel dates are Sunday, March 15 through Friday, March 20, 2020. We'll forge community partnerships with Homeboy Industries, Project Angel Food, and the Los Angeles Mission. Arrangements for a bonus volunteer site are in the works!

    There will be TWO mandatory pre-trip meetings on Saturdays, February 22nd & 29th to prepare for the trip, one will include a volunteer experience with Salt and Light in Urbana, IL to fortify our team. Meetings times will be made available in advance of dates. Trip cost is $250/person. 

    February 22 - $150 nonrefundable free fee, February 29 - remaining $100 deposit.

    To appy for this opportunity, visit:

  • IConnect Facilitator Applications

    Are You Passionate About Diversity and Inclusion? Do you want to help make change on our campus? Become an I-Connect Facilitator!

    Diversity and Social Justice Education is looking for undergraduate students to facilitate I-Connect Diversity and Inclusion Workshops starting in Spring 2019. 

    This paid position will ask facilitators to use their positionality and unique perspectives to guide new students to understand and accept diversity and inclusion, not only on the University of Illinois campus, but in their personal and professional lives as well.

    The I-Connect Diversity and Inclusion Workshop is an initiative of Diversity & Social Justice Education. Students of color, LGBTQ students and allies, international students, and students with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply.

    The position is paid, and interviews will be held in early-October.

    Priority application date is October 1st at the link:

  • Champaign Unit 4 School Supplies Drive

    Donate School Supplies for Champaign Unit 4 Schools

    Help newcomer students by donating supplies such as:

    notebooks, pencils, pens, backpacks, folders, lanyards, colored pencils, markers, planners, or clothes (especially winter attire).

  • SKY Happiness Retreat

    The SKY Happiness Retreat is a 20-hour immersive, innovative life-skills training and self-development program offered to thousands of students at more than 40 universities across the country, including Stanford, Ohio State and MIT. Students gain foundational stress-management and leadership skills, develop a personal daily breath-meditation practice, develop strategies for social connection, and engage in peer driven service initiatives. Taught over 3 consecutive days, the retreat introduces the SKY meditation technique, a scientifically validated breathing practice that significantly increases one's well-being and calmness and reduces anxiety and stress markers. It's one of the coolest places to connect with yourself, make awesome friends, and have the most fun! 

    We're happy to share that the SKY Happiness Retreat Workshop is offered with a full scholarship for UIUC students, staff and faculty members. There are limited spots available for this retreat and they are filling up fast. Availability is first come-first serve, by registration only and requires attendance to all sessions. Please contact for any questions. 

    Location: Illini Union (on campus)
    Timing: November 1st-3rd
    Apply here:

  • Register for upcoming Field Education Day, Sept.13th! DEADLINE EXTENDED to Tuesday September 10th

    Hello Students!

    Welcome to the 2019-2020 Academic Year! Every year, the Field Education Office hosts an internship fair, which we call Field Education Day. This year Field Education Day is on Friday, September 13th from 9:30am-11:30am at the I-Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. If you are a BSW Junior or Senior, or an MSW student planning to enter internship in May 2020 or August 2020, please plan to join us! Click on the title for more information and the link to register.

  • LENS Diversity Program

    “Join the LENS Certificate Program and gain important skills for working and living in a diverse multicultural society. Take classes, develop projects, engage in critical discussion with your peers and change the world!

    Applications accepted from undergraduate students with a full year left of classes until Monday, September 10th. To register for the certificate program or learn more, please visit

    The first LENS cohort meeting will be Tuesday, September 11th at 6pm.”

  • Most Popular Gen Eds for Social Work Students

    Here is a list of the most popular Gen Eds for the various categories that Social Work students have taken over the past 8 years.

  • Credit/No Credit Policy Changes for Fall 2020

    The deadline to elect the Credit/No Credit grade mode has been extended to 11:59 p.m. CST Jan. 5, 2021.

    A link to the Fall 2020 Credit/No Credit form will be located HERE starting Dec. 19th

    You can find more information about the Credit/No Credit Policy Modification on the Provost web page.

    Just a few highlights we want you to be aware of:

    There is no limit to the number of courses for Fall 2020 that can be taken CR/NC.
    Courses taken for CR/NC in Fall 2020 will count toward completion of major, minor, and general education requirements.
    Grades of C- or above are required to earn credit.
    If CR/NC is elected, grades of D+, D, D-, and F for courses do not earn credit.
    CR/NC does not impact cumulative Illinois GPA.
    Social Work students do not need to meet with an advisor to elect CR/NC. 
    Students must complete the Registrar’s form and submit themselves.
    Students cannot do Grade Replacement for courses taken for CR/NC. 
    Electing CR/NC will rescind previous grade replacement requests. 
    For example, if a student has failed Math 220 last semester, is retaking the course this semester for GR...if they elect CR/NC, the GR is rescinded.
    Students on academic probation may elect CR/NC for any course.
    Students may elect CR/NC for POT A courses.
    Although NC grades will not impact GPA, they may impact academic standing.  For instance, students earning multiple NC grades may be placed on academic probation after Fall 2020 or considered for dismissal.
    Earning CR for courses will most likely NOT remove a student from academic probation.

  • Census Jobs $15.50 per hour

    Apply online!

    2020 Census jobs provide:
    Great pay
    Flexible hours
    Weekly pay
    Paid training

    For more information or help applying, please call 1-855-JOB-2020

  • Fall 2106 Dean's List

    The School of Social Work would like to congratulate the following students on their academic success for the Fall 2016 semester by earning Dean's List honors.


  • Avicenna Community Health Center Case Management Team Application

    Avicenna Community Health Center is a health clinic that provides free health care for the uninsured and underinsured populations in Champaign-Urbana. Avicenna is currently working to re-establish its case management team, which networks with community organizations that provide free or low-cost continuing care and other services and connects those organizations/resources to Avicenna’s patients.

    Avicenna is actively looking for volunteers for its case management team. Case managers will directly interact with patients during secure video appointments, and conduct assessments. They will communicate with Avicenna providers and other Avicenna staff to identify the needs of the patient, and will work to connect patients to community and government agencies.

    Avicenna Community Health Center is open on Sundays from 1-4pm. Volunteers will be expected to attend online volunteer training sessions via Zoom, and are also expected to attend online consultation meetings. For the Fall 2020 semester, this opportunity will be completely online. Volunteers may reapply to volunteer during later semesters.

    Students of all disciplines and levels of education are encouraged to apply. To apply, please send your resumé/CV to Angelina Wilton (, and fill out this Google Form:

    If you have any questions, please email Angelina Wilton ( The deadline to apply is Sunday, September 13th at 11:59pm.

  • Summer 2020 Internship Program at Siebel Center for Design

    The Siebel Center for Design (SCD) is offering a unique opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to learn more about human-centered design and design thinking as part of our 2020 Summer Internship Program.


    We are looking for passionate, dedicated individuals who want to dive deep into design thinking. This internship includes joining a project team with individuals across various disciplines and attending workshops on personal and professional development, as well as opportunities to help set up the new Siebel Center for Design building. 

    Undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are welcome to apply within any year or discipline. SCD strives to promote interdisciplinary work among students. Therefore students within any major/discipline are encouraged and welcome. 

    Interested? We hope so! For full details, please join us on Thursday, January 23 at 4:00 p.m. in 223 Gregory Hall for our informational session. Please bring a hard copy of your resume with you!

    Questions? Contact SCD at

  • Most popular General Education courses for Social Work Students

    Hello students!

    As you prepare for registration, consider these General Education courses, which have been the most popular over the past several years for Social Work students, but don't be afraid to try something else that's not on the list!

  • HDFS 494: Developmental Assessment and Screening Project

    HDFS 494: Developmental Assessment and Screening Project

    Contact: Meghan Fisher

    Course times- You will be assigned to one section for the semester, and will also be required to attend one of the two available orientations at the beginning of the year. (Please let Meghan know which section works best for you, or if either does.)

    Section 1: Mondays @ 11-11:50am (weekly classes) and Thursdays @ 5-6:30pm (4 training sessions in September/October)

    Section 2: Mondays @ 4-4:50pm (weekly classes) and Tuesdays @ 5-6:30pm (4 training sessions in September/October)

    Orientations: TBA- These will be most likely held in the first week of classes. You will be required to attend 1 two hour orientation, and this orientation will be held twice. (You just need to attend one of these sessions, and you can attend either one regardless of section you are assigned.

    Please note: In addition to class times, you will be spending time in the CDL classrooms with children approximately 3-4 hours a week (3 hours during the first half of the semester, 4 hours in the second half of the semester). These times will be between 8:30-12pm and 3-5pm. Due to scheduling, you should have approximately at least 5-6 hours free a week during these times

    Developmental screenings are conducted each year at the Child Development Laboratory for two general purposes:  1) To alert CDL staff and parents of any potential problems children may be having so that additional attention can be given to these children, and 2) As a service for researchers who utilize CDL and need baseline data about the developmental status of the children who will participate in their studies.  There are 160 children at ECDL and CDL, and the screening process could not be accomplished without the help of interested undergraduate students.  This is the eighth semester that the screenings will be conducted as part of a structured research internship offered for course credit.  

  • Active Minds Survey

    Hello, I am Alissa Tomanek, a junior here at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Clinical Psychology. I am also a part of a mental health organization here at UIUC called Active Minds. 

    Active Minds is a national organization with over 500 chapters across the US. Active Minds UIUC's mission to create a better campus by bettering the students' mental health. Our main goals are to change the conversation about mental health and advocate for the students' mental health needs. We've been able to accomplish these missions by working with the school and the dean of student affairs (Stephen Bryan) to discuss the current climate of mental health on campus. We also have many successful initiatives such as the iCard initiative, whose purpose is to print the Suicide LifeLine on the back of all the students iCards. We have also worked hard on a syllabus requirement that would have all the mental health resources on every student's course syllabi.

    Right now, we are working hard to understand what mental health resources are most beneficial to the student body, and if there is a need for some changes to those resources. Right now, I am emailing on behalf of Active Minds UIUC to ask you if you would send out this mental health survey to all the students within your department. We want to have a better understanding of how students feel about the current climate of mental health on campus. 

    I have linked the URL to this survey below and hope that you will support our mission to better the students', at UIUC, mental health.  

  • National Social Work Month Trivia

    March is National Social Work Month. Students will be given an opportunity to participate in Social Work Trivia each week, except during Spring Break. They will receive a link each Thursday which will provide them with trivia questions. All who answer the questions correctly by the 11:59 pm deadline will be entered into a drawing for some social work swag on the following Mondays (3/9, 3/23, and 3/30).  The winners will be announced in the BSW, MSW and PhD weekly newsletters.

  • Research Participants Needed

    My name is Amber Strickland, and I am an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. I am currently working as a research assistant for two graduate students in The Ohio State University’s sociology department, Laura Frizzell and Sadé Lindsay. We are conducting interviews for a research project, and I was hoping that you could be of assistance in disseminating information to people who may be interested in participating. We are looking to interview approximately 120 Black women about the impacts of police violence. Virtually all research on police violence has examined Black men’s experiences, so we think it’s critical that Black women be able to tell their stories as well. We’re looking to interview all Black women - not only those with direct experiences of police violence - because we expect that the experiences of acquaintances and media portrayals of this violence will also have an impact on Black women’s lives. This research project has been ethically cleared by our Institutional Review Board, and all participants will be compensated with an Amazon e-gift card.

  • Become a FY-CARE Facilitator

    At the Women’s Resources Center, we are a dedicated group who are hopeful that through our educational initiatives and confidential advising, we will be able to put a stop to sexual misconduct at Illinois. The Women’s Resources Center prides itself on 4 peer-facilitated workshops, those being FYCARE, ICARE, I Heart Healthy Relationships, and GUARD. Each year we are able to conduct these workshops for over 9,000 students, but we are only able to operate because we are so heavily student based. Not only would you have the opportunity to actively engage with their campus community, but you will also be paid if they choose to become a peer facilitator. Attached you will find all of the information necessary for your students to join our cause. 

  • Senior 100 Honorary

    The Senior 100 Honorary is a highly prestigious award granted to 100 of the most outstanding seniors in the graduating class. Senior applicants are anonymously evaluated by an extensive team of impartial judges. Those selected to receive this honor are recognized for their accomplishments in the classroom, their profound impact on our campus community through service and involvement, and their commitment to serving a positive role as alumni after graduation. A ceremony including a brunch, keynote speaker, and award presentation will take place for the recipients of this distinguished honor on Sunday, April 29th. at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. Applications are currently live on our Student Alumni Ambassadors website, and they are due at 11:59 PM, March 5th.

  • Illini Student Etiquette Dinner

    Join our interactive learning experience about proper dining etiquette guaranteed to help you stand out at your next professional setting. You will also engage with employers during the event in order to perfect your networking skills. For just $10 you will receive a four-course meal, etiquette tips and a bundle of new contacts!

    Wednesday, September 27

    6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

    Student Dining and Residential Programs Building (SDRP) 2nd Floor


  • School of Social Work Scholarship Applications Open!

    The online applications for School of Social Work scholarships are now officially open!

    There are 6 BSW scholarships available this year. You may submit multiple applications. The deadline for scholarship applications is 5:00 p.m. (CST) on February 1, 2020. Application link to all BSW scholarships is below.

    Helpful info:

    All of the listed scholarships are donor-funded, you can read helpful information about each one below or in the slides found here.

    All scholarship amounts are approximate and subject to change based on a variety of factors.

    You will be encouraged to attend the annual SSW scholarship ceremony which is to take place on April 4, 2020 at Alice Campbell Alumni Center. Most donors will be present at this event, and it is a great opportunity to share with them the impact their scholarship had on your educational experience.

    If you have any questions or have any problems with submitting your online application(s), please contact the Student Affairs office at 217-333-2261.

    Apply Now!

  • DGS Summer Peer Advisor Application Open

    Click the link for the position description for DGS Summer Peer Advisor for summer 2020.

    February 25: 9-10am in IUB 504

    March 4: 3:30-4:30 in IUB 504

  • Champaign Urbana Business Women's Club scholarship

    The Champaign-Urbana Business Women’s Club is seeking applicants for their 2018-2019 Scholarship Program. Applications are due on June 29th and the application is attached.

  • National Social Work Month Trivia Answers and Winners

    March is National Social Work Month! How much do you know about social work? On 3/5, 3/12, and 3/26, you will receive an emailed link to trivia questions, and you have until 11:59 pm to reply with your answer.  Each correct answer will provide you with an entry into the weekly drawing for some social work swag. The winners will be announced in the weekly newsletters on 3/9, 3/23 and 3/30. 

    There were no BSW entries last week. You can't win if you don't enter!


    The National Association of Social Workers is the source for the student code of ethics for becoming a professional social worker.  True

    You must complete 3000 hours of supervision before you can take the Licensed Clinical Social Work exam. True

    Winners: Jennifer Abell, Ashley Alexander, Iliana Barragan, Maribel Belen, Nicole Cantoni, Molly Conn, Samantha Fragale, Markie Gentry, Rachel Gonzales, Natalie Kos, Vicky Li, Katelyn Moser, Zoe Piedra, Erin Rooney, Melissa Smith, Ashley Wilson-Bell.

  • Virtual Poverty Discussion Series

    Virtual Poverty Discussion Series presented by the School of Social Work and Office of  the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

    Session I, May 1, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    Presenter: Dr. Marguerite Teran-Garcia
    Topic: Health Equity and Food Insecurity

    Overview: This session will provide an overview of the concepts of food deserts and their impact on health and well-being outcomes.  Also, to be addressed is how food insecurity influences chronic disease, health conditions and behaviors; along with the introduction of a multi-pronged strategy to defy food insecurity.

    Session II, May  8, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    Presenter: SSW Learning Lab Community Partners
    Topic: Community Organizations' Response to Poverty During COVID-19

    Overview: This session will allow participants to learn about the purpose and needs of various non-profit organizations and how to get involved.

    Session III, May 15, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    Presenter: Dr. Ruby Mendenhall
    Topic: Factors That Create Systematic Impact on Individuals of Color Health and Community

    Overview: Participants will learn about the impact of racism and other factors that affect health and wellness.  A review of coping mechanisms that allow individuals to be resilient will be discussed; along with an introduction to a local wellness center created to address these issues.  


  • The College Tour TV Series

    We are excited to announce that UIUC is partnering with the producers of Survivor to create an episode of their new TV series for Amazon Prime: The College Tour. We’re looking for undergraduate students to share their stories and showcase the Power of I to a national audience. Are you someone with an outgoing personality who enjoys being in front of a camera? Do you have an inspiring story to share about your time at UIUC? If so, apply (deadline: December 7)

  • Summer 2020 I STAR Position

    The application for the Summer 2020 I STAR position is now open. It can be found online via Handshake, the Illinois Job Board, or online here: Students working with us over the summer will help facilitate our Campus Visit and New Student Registration programs.

    We are looking for students who are articulate, flexible, reliable, and energetic, and who have a positive attitude and are enthusiastic about Illinois. I-STAR positions will include assisting with check-in, navigation of campus for various parts of the program, course registration, speaking with new students and parents/guests, giving campus & classroom tours, and other tasks associated with Campus Visits & New Student Registration programs for prospective students and incoming freshmen & transfer students. Students must be available to work Monday-Friday during the hours of 7:30am-4:30pm, though you will not work all hours each day. Students can expect to receive near full-time hours, and around 28 hours/week if you are taking a class(es).

    Any questions regarding this position can be sent to myself at, or Katie Wiles, Coordinator of New Student Registration, at

  • Illinois Department of Corrections collaborations and workforce development meeting: Sept. 5

    "Are you interested in learning about the diverse programming offered by the Illinois Department of Corrections?  Thinking about internships at IDOC sites across Illinois?

    Mark your calendar and joins us for:

    What:  IDOC Informational

    When and Where: September 5, 2019; 12noon-1pm, School of Social Work, Room #2015

    Presenters:  Alyssa Schafer-Williams, Assistant to the IDOC Chief of Programs  and Dr. Luke Fairless, Central Region Psychologist Administrator IDOC

    Learn about facility-based programs focusing on re-entry, workforce development strategies, and pilot programs at Illinois River and Logan Correctional Center. Bring your questions and inquisitive minds.”

  • NCSA's SPIN paid internships application deadline Feb. 9

    The deadline for the NCSA’s Students Pushing INnovation (SPIN) internships is Sunday, February 9th for the Summer 2020 session. Please share this announcement with undergraduate students.

    NCSA has a history of nurturing innovative concepts, and some of the best ideas have come from highly motivated, creative undergraduate students. The SPIN internship program was launched to provide University of Illinois undergraduates with the opportunity to participate in hands-on research and contribute to interdisciplinary projects covering focus research areas in Culture and Society, Earth and Environment, Bioinformatics and Health Sciences, Material and Manufacturing, Data and Computational Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, and Digital Agriculture. Go to our website,, and click on the “Apply” tab.

    SPIN Summer 2020 session:

    Program dates: June 8 – July 31, 2020
    Work 20 hours/week for 8 weeks
    SPIN interns earn $12.50 per hour and are paid as Undergraduate Hourly employees
    Any UIUC undergraduate student in good academic standing
    No restriction on year of study or major
    International students are eligible

  • Fall 2020/Spring 2021 Bailey Scholarship for Cause Driven Leaders


    The Bailey Undergraduate awards are $3000 awards ($1500/semester) given each year to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who have demonstrated positive impactand commitment as a result of service, community involvement, leadership, and action. Financial need and academic achievement will also be considered. University of Illinois - Urbana campus undergraduate students in all programs are eligible to apply.

    For more information or to apply online,

    Application deadline: February 16

    Contact: Kasey Umland
    Director, Bailey Scholarship Program
    University YMCA

  • Trauma, Diversity, & Resilience Course

    What: CHLH 494: Trauma, Diversity, & Resilience

    Course Description: This course will examine the psychological and public health impact of a variety of traumatic experiences (e.g., sexual and physical assault, domestic violence, war and torture, community violence, and natural disasters) on diverse populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, veterans, women, children, aging populations, and individuals who identify as LGBTQIA. Students will be able to articulate the prevalence, incidence, and developmental impact of post-traumatic stress across the lifespan. Students will become familiar with the major risk factors for trauma-related dysfunction and cultural factors that exacerbate or ameliorate dysfunction. During course discussions, we will emphasize the influence of culture, intersectionality, and history on how individuals and society responds to trauma. Students will begin to think critically about a person’s group memberships and identifications, and the effect of these memberships and identities on the way that an individual experiences and recovers from a traumatic experience. Students will discover how positive change can transpire following trauma exposure. We will investigate evidence-based intervention strategies. Students will have the opportunity to gain exposure to traumatized populations through service learning projects. Case accounts of traumatized individuals, original professional journal articles, classic texts written by trauma experts, service learning opportunities, and documentaries about trauma will enhance learning.

    Why: Regardless of their career aspirations, our students will likely encounter traumatized individuals. Despite renewed awareness and concern about trauma in the public, systematic training about trauma is lacking. The goal of this course is to contribute to a better informed public and better informed healthcare professionals by exposing students to accurate information about trauma.

    Who: Graduates (RGG-66710) and upper level undergraduates (RGU-66711) from all disciplines

    When: Fall 2018 ---Tuesdays 3:30-5:50pm

    Where: 136 Armory

  • Free Flu Shots with Student Insurance

    FREE flu shots are now available to all U of I students who have paid the Health Service Fee. A University of Illinois ID card must be presented at the time of service. McKinley Health Center encourages all students to get their flu shot. Shots are available M-F from 9 am to 3:00 pm at CRCE (1102 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana). Note: McKinley Health Center is NOT a location for flu shots this year.

  • Study Abroad to Greece Spring 2020 Presentation Video

    Surprise! The School of Social Work is going back to Greece in Spring 2020! If you weren't able to attend the information session, here are two videos of the presentation. If you have questions, please contact Professor Helen McDonald at

  • Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Events

    The annual celebration of the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. every January is a reminder of the fervent belief in a dream that who we can and should be as a nation depends upon recognizing the full humanity of each person, a dream rooted in honest examination of history and the work for racial justice when inequity exists.

    It is our community’s commitment to the dream of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that we will celebrate this month with a series of events, beginning with the MLK Advocacy for Justice Virtual Celebration on Sunday, January 17 at 3 pm Central.

    This year's keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, one of the leading voices for equality and social justice in our nation today, who will speak live from North Carolina.

    More information about this virtual event is at A link to watch the Sunday, January 17 celebration will be posted on this page and is open to the public.

    The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II is the President & Senior Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach and Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival. Rev. Dr. Barber is also the architect of the Moral Movement, which began with weekly Moral Monday protests at the North Carolina General Assembly in 2013 and recently relaunched again online in August 2020 under the banner of the Poor People's Campaign, which was begun by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968.

    This year’s University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign celebration will also feature nearly three weeks of presentations, activities, and discussions reflecting on what it means to speak from a position of conscience. Due to current COVID-19 social distancing requirements, this year’s events will be virtual and open to all through online platforms. A full calendar of events is available online. Pre-registration may be required to receive links to some events.

    During a year defined by COVID-19, the pandemic has directed a new light on the persistent and insidious twin crisis of systemic racism and generationally embedded racial disparities afflicting our society. This year’s celebration of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a common and shared call to action for everyone in the community to commit to the hard work necessary to end racism and social injustice.