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The #IlliniLeader's Digest
A digital space for ILC stakeholders to learn and voice their perspectives about leadership...

blog posts

  • women in leadership

    Why YOU should consider the Leadership Studies Minor

    This post explains more information on the Leadership Studies Minor and gives student perspectives on the minor itself. 

  • reflection

    Why reflection is important in a leadership role

    This post talks about the importance of reflection and how it is important for leaders and teams to practice reflection. 

  • Why Leadership is Important to Me (And for You!)

    In this post I talk about a personal experience from high school that was a foundational piece of my experience in becoming a leader. I use this as an example of why leadership is important to me by describing how I came to view myself as a leader and the impact I have had on others as a result.

  • women

    Why can't women be ambitious and likable?

    This post explores the concept of "The Likeability Trap" as well as the pressures that women encounter in the workplace to curate their appearance and fashion.

  • When Opportunity Knocks 

    This post talks about how to build your own personal leadership style and the benefits that can come from it. This post also gives advice on ways to improve your leadership and be a better leader to others in many different scenarios of life. 

  • What is the Hardest Part About Being Good Leader?

    In this article, I discuss what I find to be the hardest part of being a leader. The pressure to please all parties is a challenge that can be burdensome and serve to degrade a leader's confidence in their ability. I discuss this topic from my perspective and experiences.

  • imprint

    What Is A Personal Brand Anyway?

    You have likely heard the term 'personal brand' before, but what does that mean? This article discusses what a personal brand is, and why leaders should care about their personal brand. The ways you talk or write, the interactions you have with others, and the way you spend your time are all aspects of your personal brand, whether you intentionally plan them or not. This article will help you begin reflecting on your personal brand.

  • integrity 3

    What does it mean to be an ethical leader?

    This post shares ways to be an ethical leader and practice integrity as a leader in our every day. The author shares some personal stories as well on the topic of integrity.

  • team foxcatcher

    What Can Bad Leadership Lead to?

    The movie Team Foxcatcher (2016) is a perfect example of how multi-faceted ethical leadership issues can be. The story shows what bad leadership can do to subordinates and how maybe the leader isn't the only person to blame for the end result.

  • What Actually Makes a Good Leader, May Not Be What You Think...

    We are always asked the question, "what makes a good leader?" Through all the different studies and approaches learned, I discovered what I believe makes a good leader and it may not be what you think.

  • Ways to Relieve Stress

    This post shares some ways to help relieve some stress. With the start of a new semester, it's always important to find ways to calm our stressors and still remain calm during all the chaos that is to come. 

  • virtual setting

    Unmute, Speak, and Lead

    In a world stuck between virtual and in-person programming, our leadership skills need to encompass both settings. This article discusses one way you can be a leader in a virtual setting.

  • science and leadership

    Undertaking the Leadership Certificate with a Science PhD

    This post shares the experience of a Ph.D. student who also took on the Leadership Certificate Program, offered at the ILC. He talks about his experience, why he decided to do it, and the benefits that came out of the program for him. 

  • inspo

    Tips to Develop Yourself Over Summer

    This post gives 5 tips on ways to develop yourself over the summer. Summer gives us the opportunity to develop ourselves as we get a break after the long, hectic school year. There are many ways to help develop yourself this summer, but these are just 5 examples. 

  • Three essential key factors that will help you shine as a leader in your RSO

    This post provides advice on how to navigate the transition to a leadership position in an RSO after experiencing a major part of COVID. 

  • group

    The Shared "We"

    This post goes into detail on the importance of Common Purpose in Leadership and how practicing this competency will make you a great leader. 

  • leadership

    The Role of Relationship Management in Leadership

    This post emphasizes the importance of relationship management in leadership. It goes into detail on ways to practice, understand, and learn from relationship management as a leader. 

  • integrity

    The Power of Integrity

    This post talks about power of integrity and what makes it so important in life and leadership. 

  • Lighthouse

    The Optimistic Leader: How to stay resilient in the face of adversity

    In this blog, we explore the powerful connection between optimism and resilience in leadership. Discover how a positive outlook can help you overcome obstacles and inspire those around you, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment in both your personal and professional life.

  • sunset encouraging picture

    The National Day of Encouragement- What is it?

    This post goes into depth on the National Day of Encouragement, a day that recognizes the importance of encouragement in our everyday lives. It'll go into more detail on the history, facts, and ways to increase the use of encouragement in your lives. 

  • leadership

    The Influence of the ILC's Workshops on my Leadership Journey

    This post talks about the experience of a fellow student throughout her time on campus and how the workshops helped with her leadership development today. 

  • The Importance of Sustainable Leadership

    This post highlights why being a sustainable leader in today’s climate is important. The author challenges the reader to explore sustainable practices and try to implement them in their daily lives as well as their leadership roles.

  • Self-improvement

    The Importance of Self-Improvement for Leaders

    September is self-improvement month. This post goes into detail on what self-improvement is, how it is important for leaders and shares a personal connection to self-improvement. 

  • openness

    The importance of practicing openness today’s society

    This post talks about the importance of openness and shares how the importance of practicing openness will be impactful in both your professional and personal life. 

  • The Importance of Networking

    This post goes into detail on the importance of networking and some benefits of it. 

  • leadership

    The Importance of Leadership in a Global Pandemic

    This post highlights the importance of leaders navigating the challenges of COVID-19 and how leadership takes flexibility. The author uses their experience on the Illini Union Board to exemplify the challenges faced.

  • The Importance of Diversity in Leadership

    This post discusses the importance of diversity in concepts of leadership and areas of life. 

  • The Importance of Developing a Community Perspective

    This post talks about the importance of community and volunteering within your own community. The post shares a bit more about how to develop leadership skills through helping out your community. 

  • group

    The Importance of Community to Leadership Practice

    This post explains the importance of community in leadership and guides you through different ways to be a leader in a community. 

  • The Illinois Model of Leadership

    Through a campus-wide initiative involving faculty, staff, and student participants, the ILC developed The Illinois Model of Leadership Education. Learn more about this framework used to inform and shape the practice of the leadership education at Illinois. 

  • The History of Black Housing Discrimination at UIUC

    In this blog post, I talk about the Wicked Problem of Black housing discrimination and segregation at UIUC and how it has been a problem since the opening of this University. With all the strides that Black people have made on this campus, it goes almost unnoticeable today, but we are still seeing the effects of this historical problem in real time.

  • girl with all the colors

    The Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

    Since October is Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month, this post goes into detail on the importance of emotional intelligence and how to effectively use it in leadership. 

  • Team Mentors & Team Members: How a Team Excels

    This post talks about how important team members and team mentors are to an entire team. The post explains the importance of each role and effective ways to go about them. 

  • lightbulb

    Sustainability in Leadership

    This post goes into depth on sustainability in leadership and emphasizes the importance of it. 

  • 2020 staff photo

    Student Employment Reflections

    Student employees at the Illinois Leadership Center share their experience while working at the ILC as well as some benefits to their positions. Information on student employment for the 2021-2022 school year is also shared. 

  • stressed business woman

    Stress and Free Time: Learning How to Appreciate Leadership

    When was the last time that you got to "stop and smell the roses"? In this post, I will be sharing my personal experiences with the stress that leadership brings and how I manage it. By reading this post, you will gain insight into how you can better appreciate your leadership roles and what you accomplish in them.

  • Stepping into a Leadership Position for the First Time

    This post explores how shedding the stereotypical perception of a leader as a commander and stepping into the role of a facilitator can help build trust and increase group productivity when stepping into a leadership position for the first time. 

  • Special Situations in Private Markets

    Jeremy Giffon's wisdom on passion, advice, and resilience inspires a path to success. Embrace challenges and learn to be "hard to kill".

  • self

    Self Leadership

    This post explains the importance of self-leadership and goes into some topics regarding self-leadership. 

  • Reflections on the past semester: the progress we have made

    This post reflects on the past semester and all the progress we have made from the start till now. It also emphasizes the importance of your accomplishments and future goals you may set for yourself.

  • online teaching

    Reflections: Being a Student Leader in a Pandemic and Lessons Learned

    This post provides reflections from UIUC students on this past Fall semester and how they felt about the changes and transition to online classes. 

  • Recognizing my Strengths as a Leader

    This post talks about the experience of a Ph.D. student and how the ILC has influenced her journey. Through all the resources offered, she has been able to recognize her strengths as a leader. 

  • mental health

    Prioritizing Mental Health in Undergraduate Students Working Towards Professional & Graduate Programs

    This post explores mental health in undergraduate students working towards professional and graduate programs. This post also gives advice and strategies on how to manage one’s mental health in college.

  • Organizing for Social Change: An Interview with a First-Timer

    I first met Paul Saban at the 2019 session of the Institute by LeaderShape. When Paul informed me that he was organizing a demonstration for Black Lives Matter in his hometown in Monticello, I decided that I would interview him about his experience following the demonstration. This was his first time organizing an event of this kind. The demonstration was held in the main square of Monticello, Illinois on Saturday, June 6.

  • One Question to Answer Before Deciding Your Career Path

    Remember the saying that we all wanted to believe as kids? You can be anything you want to be when you grow up. One of the best ways to end up in the kind of career that earns you respect, recognition, success, and happiness is to do more of what you're good at.

    Click the title to read this article by Jessica Buono from Gallup with CliftonStrengths, one of the programs presented at the ILC!

  • servant leadership

    National Make a Difference Day

    National Make a Difference Day focuses on aspects of service in our community. This post goes into more detail about the day and introduces the topic of servant leadership. 

  • 2020

    My Time at the ILC

    This post is a student employee reflection on her time at Illinois and working at the Illinois Leadership Center. 

  • My Definition of Leadership

    I go into detail on what I believe is the true definition of leadership and how this reflects all the good leaders in our lives. I also give my perspective on the definition of leadership.

  • Let Go of Your Perfectionism: The Best Ways to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself

    We put too much pressure on ourselves to succeed or do everything perfectly. Here are some ways you can stop being so hard on yourself. Understanding the roots of your perfectionism is the first step to overcoming it. Find someone you trust that you can talk to about your struggles. Take time for yourself every day and write down your worries. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and give yourself permission for doing things imperfectly.

  • Leading by Creativity

    This post goes into detail on one of the most important soft skills for a leader to have: creativity! Creativity helps leaders with problem-solving, communication, and team building.