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  • Calling student authors! Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research

    Did you write a paper last year that you are interested in publishing? Consider submitting your work to the Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research!

    The Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is seeking student submissions, faculty/staff reviewers, and faculty/staff editorial board members. 

    This refereed, multidisciplinary, online undergraduate journal’s goal is to advance knowledge in new scholarly arenas by presenting intellectual and reflective work by undergraduates. This journal seeks undergraduate contributions to the literature on service learning and community-based research. To submit a paper or learn more about the different submission categories, visit our website. Student submissions for the Fall 2022 issue are due by September 16th, 2022 and are accepted on a rolling basis. Submissions received after that date will be considered for our next issue, with a submission date of January 31st. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Jill Waity, journal editor, at

    If this deadline doesn't work for you, there will be new deadlines later in the fall semester and next spring! 

    Contact Merinda Kaye Hensley if you would like to talk about publishing your research in an undergraduate research journal - there are many more journals that we could explore! 



    The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) has a history of nurturing innovative concepts, and some of the best ideas have come from highly motivated, creative undergraduate students. The Students Pushing INnovation (SPIN) internship program was launched to provide University of Illinois undergraduates with the opportunity to participate in hands-on research and contribute to interdisciplinary projects covering focused research areas in Culture and Society, Earth and Environment, Bioinformatics and Health Sciences, Material and Manufacturing, Data and Computational Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, and Digital Agriculture. 

    The deadline for applications is September 4, 2022.

  • Sign up for OUR's monthly email newsletter

    It is now easier than ever before to stay notified! Sign up for the Office of Undergraduate Research monthly email newsletter to receive occasional emails about research programs, events, opportunities, and helpful information for current and aspiring undergraduate researchers. Students are encouraged to sign up at:

  • OUR's Director Elected Division Councilor to Council on Undergraduate Research

    OUR's Director -- Dr. Karen Rodriguez'G -- has been elected as an Undergraduate Research Programs Division Councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research. She will serve from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025.

  • 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium Award Winners!

    Congratulations to our 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium award winners! 

  • Undergraduate Research Week 2022 Is Here!

    Undergraduate Research Week 2022 (April 24 - 30)

    Undergraduate Research Week 2022 is here and the final program has been posted!

    The Undergraduate Research Week showcases the best of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Campus events include special exhibits, and colloquia sponsored by individual departments, programs, and units, highlighting the best of our students’ work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium (All day on Thursday, April 28 in the Illini Union) is URW’s day-long signature event where hundreds of students from all academic disciplines share their research through oral panels, poster presentations, and performances. We invite you to come be inspired!.

    You can find a link to the URW 2022 program here:

    Stay up-to-date on URW events by following us on Twitter @ugresearch_UI,  Facebook @UGResearchIllinois, and Instagram @ugresearch_UI


    The Writing Across Engineering and Science (WAES) research group is looking for undergraduate research assistants ( We support engineering and science faculty and graduate students as they learn, incorporate, and adapt practices from writing studies research in ways that enrich both their technical learning objectives and their students’ communication skills. We also research the effectiveness of this support.

    For more information, please see full blog post.

  • Weekly Drop-in Hours for URS Applicants & Presenters

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is hosting weekly virtual drop-in hours to support students applying to and presenting at the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS). Stop by and ask questions about your application, presentation, other questions about the Symposium. Details included in full post.


    We are looking for skilled and motivated undergraduate students to work on several projects in the LLVM Research Group. We are a group in the Illinois CS Department led by Prof. Vikram Adve, and we focus on building compilers for heterogeneous parallel systems and novel hardware. We are currently looking for multiple students to work on a variety of projects. All these projects are open projects, and we are looking for students who are interested in working with us long term. As such, we require a commitment of 15 hours per week for Fall and Spring terms, and 40 hours per week for Summer. The pay will be based on seniority level with an average of $17.00/hour.

    For full description, including how to apply, please see full posting.

  • Undergraduate Research Symposium 2022 - Application Due March 15, 2022

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is currently accepting submissions for the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 28, 2022. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 24-30, 2022), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. Over the course of the day, students present their work in concurrent oral and poster presentations (including creative performances), the breadth and scope of which reflect not only the wide range of academic disciplines at the University of Illinois, but also speak to the caliber of our undergraduates. 


    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on the URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit:


    Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Sunday March 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm. 

  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship at Purdue

    Applications for the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) at Purdue University are still open!

    Deadline to apply is February 15, 2022 (less than two weeks away)!

    This is a paid research opportunity (summer stipend). 

    For more information, including how to apply, please see full description.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Undergraduate Research Assistant in Railroad Safety and Data Analysis

    The Rail Transportation and Engineering Center (RailTEC) Rail Safety and Risk Group is looking for undergraduate research assistants who excel in programming (Python, R, Matlab, VBA, SQL), ArcGIS, machine learning techniques, and statistics skills, to assist in various railroad safety, risk, and data analyses projects.

    This is a paid position. Opportunities for Spring, Summer, Fall 2022.

    For more information, including how to apply, please see the full description.

  • Image of Research - 2022 Undergraduate Research Competition

    The Image of Research — UR Edition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. All undergraduate students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research. “Research” is defined broadly to include creative and scholarly work in all fields. The image submitted can represent your work either concretely or abstractly. Perhaps it is an image of your research itself, an activity related to your research, or the impact of your research.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

    The Community-Academic Scholars Initiative matches undergraduate students with an academic mentor and a community partner to collaborate over the summer on a project designed to directly benefit community members served by the partner organization.

    This is a paid research experience. For more informationabou the Initiative and how to apply, see full posting. 

    Deadline is February 10, 2022.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: NRES - Environmental Justice Undergraduate Research Position

    [In]Secure Landscapes lab is hiring for Spring and Summer 2022!

    Join a multidisciplinary research project to study equity in the transition to renewable energy in Illinois. Focuses incude policy, infrastructure, mapping, and economics. Open to all majors.

    For more information, see full posting. Deadline to apply is January 30, 2022.

  • Introduction to Scholarly Research Program

    The Slavic Reference Service is offering a multi-part instruction program designed to help students become more comfortable with conducting research and writing academic papers. 

  • Undergraduate Research Symposium 2022 - Now accepting student applications!

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is now accepting submissions for the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 28, 2022. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 24-30, 2022), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. Over the course of the day, students present their work in concurrent oral and poster presentations (including creative performances), the breadth and scope of which reflect not only the wide range of academic disciplines at the University of Illinois, but also speak to the caliber of our undergraduates. 


    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on the URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit:


    Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Sunday March 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm. 

  • Undergraduate Research Fellowship - Mayo Clinic Summer 2022

    Interested in pursuing a career in the biomedical sciences as a PhD or MD-PhD? Mayo Clinic’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) is an excellent opportunity to work alongside scientists at one of the world’s leading biomedical research centers. This is a Summer 2022 opportunity. 

    Application deadline is November 7, 2021. For further details, please see full blog post.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Establishing Foundations of Meta-Learning

    Establishing Foundations of Meta-Learning

    An essential capability of human intelligence is being able to learn “how to learn” (meta-learn) and thus being effective at transferring to novel tasks (with few data examples) by leveraging prior experience. Meta-learning is a new rich field to solve this domain, however, in light of recent evidence it is unclear when and where meta-learning methods should work. The task for this project will be to explore this and eventually use this knowledge to improve the progress in the field of meta-learning

    For more information on this opportunity, including how to apply, please see full description.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Study on Gender, Culture, and Fieldwork in India

    Dr. Goodnight is looking for an undergraduate research assistant to help complete a qualitative study exploring the role of gender in conducting fieldwork in India. Specifically, this research examines Indian women’s experiences in collecting data on the quality of primary education in rural villages.

    For more information, including how to apply, please see full description.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Synthetic Biology and Photosynthesis Engineering

    Undergraduate Research -- Synthetic Biology and Photosynthesis Engineering - Algae and Crops

    Would you like to practice your molecular biology skills while discovering new ways to engineer photosynthesis? The Leonelli Lab is looking for creative and committed undergraduate students to join our team of researchers.

    For more information, including how to apply, please see full description.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Plant Genomics/Physiology

    Part-Time Undergraduate Research Assistant Position in Plant Genomics/Physiology

    The Brooks Lab is looking for an undergraduate research assistant who is interested in gaining experience in plant physiology and genomics. Work in the lab is aimed at understanding how photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism are coordinated and how these processes will respond to climate change.

    For more information, including how to apply, please see full description.

  • COVID-19 Guidelines for Undergraduate Researchers and Mentors

  • Undergraduate Research Workshops - Fall 2021 Calendar

    The Office of Undergraduate Research announces its Fall 2021 calendar for the Value of Undergraduate Research Workshop, Getting Started in Research Workshop, Proposal Writing for Undergraduate Researchers Workshop, and our newly developed Research to Resume Workshop.

    We will have both in-person and online workshops available for each offering. Information for each workshop including how students can register can be found in this post.

  • New Guidelines for Research Travel

    Know Before You Go! Updated guidelines for research-related travel, as of May 6, 2021.

  • 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium Award Winners!

    Congratulations to our 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium award winners! 

  • Kick-off Event for 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium

    To all members of the Illinois community, we hope you will take some time to visit both Undergraduate Research Week events and the Symposium and witness the hard work of our students, and we invite you to provide encouragement and feedback on their presentations. For a full list of events taking place during Undergraduate Research Week, please view the full digital program at:  

    The Symposium will be on display April 26 thru April 30 through ForagerOne, our host platform. To protect the intellectual property of the presenters and their mentors, the Symposium is restricted only to those with an active University of Illinois email address. To register and view the event, please go to:

    We hope you will drop in, engage with our students, and come away inspired!

  • We are live! Come visit the 2021 Undergraduate Research Week and Virtual Symposium!

    To all members of the Illinois community, we hope you will take some time to visit both Undergraduate Research Week events and the Symposium and witness the hard work of our students, and we invite you to provide encouragement and feedback on their presentations. For a full list of events taking place during Undergraduate Research Week, please view the full digital program at:  

    The Symposium will be on display April 26 thru April 30 through ForagerOne, our host platform. To protect the intellectual property of the presenters and their mentors, the Symposium is restricted only to those with an active University of Illinois email address. To register and view the event, please go to:

    We hope you will drop in, engage with our students, and come away inspired!


    We are the Saif Lab in MEL 2210. Our project investigates the role of tumor stiffness and cell forces on metastatic progression in colorectal cancer. We perform traction force microscopy (TFM), RNAseq, PCR and other experiments to study the cross-talk between cancer and stromal cells. The student will perform cell culture, make polyacrylamide gels for TFM, prepare samples for RNAseq or PCR etc. We have recently developed a new sensor for measuring cell forces in 3D matrices. The student is likely to assist in that project as well. Students who are familiar with cell culture are preferred.

    For more information, including how to apply, please see full description.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Gene Editing and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders

    The Gaj Lab ( is looking for an undergraduate research assistant who will work on assessing the effects of gene editing technologies on spatial memory and reference learning in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease. We are seeking a highly motivated undergraduate student to assist a PhD student and to be involved in harnessing the potential of one of gene technology’s sharpest tools: CRISPR systems. The only qualities the candidate requires are interest in our research and the motivation to learn multiple lab techniques. This research opportunity is open to any major and level of expertise.

    This is an ongoing opportunity, including Spring and Summer 2021. For more information, please read full post.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction in a mouse model of aging

    TIME SENSITIVE: The research opportunity involves behavioral and biochemical experiments in a project aimed at studying postoperative cognitive decline in aged mice and in a novel mouse model of hippocampal aging. The student would do molecular biological, biochemical and behavioral experiments to study cognition in genetically modified mice. Experience in a life sciences lab would be an advantage. Willingness to work with mice. Students with majors in biology, psychology or related subjects may apply. This opportunity is for two months full-time in the summer, e.g. July and August 2021. The hourly rate is $11.00 per hour. The PI plans to apply to a NIH program to provide this salary support. A biosketch of the student would have to be included in the application. Therefore, interested candidates are invited to contact the PI by e-mail ( as soon as possible, at the latest by April 6, 2021.

    For more information, please see full post.

  • Four Days Left - Apply NOW to Present at 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium!

    Make sure to apply soon for the opportunity to present at the 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set to be on display April 26 - April 30, 2021. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 25 - May 1), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. During the week, we will host pre-recorded oral and poster presentations, including creative performances, through our online symposium platform. Students will have the opportunity to engage with the campus community to discuss their findings through a built-in forum.

    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit:

    The deadline for applying to the Virtual URS is March 19, 2021, at 11:59 pm. No late submissions will be accepted.

  • Image of Research -- UR Edition

    The Image of Research — UR Edition competition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. All undergraduate students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research.

    “Research” is defined broadly to include creative and scholarly work in all fields. The image submitted can represent your work either concretely or abstractly. Perhaps it is an image of your research itself, an activity related to your research, or the impact of your research. In addition to the image, you will submit a short narrative (between 100-200 words) that articulates the connection between the image and your research. 

    • First prize: $300
    • Second prize: $200
    • Additionally, there may be up to two honorable mentions.

    Deadline:  Friday, March 19, 2021 

    Learn more about the competition details and get tips and tricks for visualizing your research by attending our workshop! 

    Workshop #1: Friday, 3/5 from 2-3pm  

    Workshop #2: Friday, 3/12 from 12-1pm 

    For more about competition details, visit: 


  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Community-Academic Scholars Initiative Projects Announced

    The Community-Academic Scholars Initiative matches undergraduates with a faculty mentor and a community partner to address issues affecting our community. Students will be able to read through project descriptions to identify the projects on which they think they can have the greatest impact. This year’s program will include fourteen powerful projects from faculty across the University of Illinois that address a range of topics, including the impacts of COVID-19, poverty and social inequality, nutrition, physical activity, social-emotional learning, LGBTQ health, technology and aging, racial disparities, Veterans’ issues, and the role that forest preserves play in community and individual health. This is a Summer 2021 research opportunity.

    For more information and to apply, please see full blog post.

  • Spring 2021 - Undergraduate Research Support Grant and Conference Travel Grant - Applications being Accepted

    The Office of Undergraduate is now accepting student applications to the Research Support and Conference Travel Grants for the Spring 2021 semester. For more information including how to apply for funding, please view the full article.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Info Session for 2021 Community-Academic Scholars, 11/11/2020

    The Community-Academic Scholars Initiative is a 10-week summer program that empowers undergrads to pursue community-based research in Champaign County. Scholars will learn about and rank their preferred projects during the application process. Join us Wednesday, Nov. 11, 6 - 6:45 p.m. to learn more about the program and application process, hear examples of past projects, and find out how scholars are matched with projects. The info session will be recorded, so please be sure to register even if you can't make it. We will notify you when the recording is available. Learn more about the program and register:

    For more information, see full post.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Undergraduate Research Opportunity Analyzing Shedd Aquarium Water Samples

    The NRES Fish ecophysiology lab ( is partnering with researchers at the Shedd Aquarium to better understand if water samples can provide information on the health of fish. Water samples from the aquarium have been collected for further analysis. We are seeking a motivated ACES undergraduate to assist a master’s student and to be involved in this exciting research project. This opportunity can be conducted online or in-person in the Spring (in-person preferred). Ideal candidate will have an interest in pursuing graduate school. Experience in R and lab work is a plus, but not required

    For more information and to apply, see full post.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Undergraduate Research Assistant in Railroad Safety and Data Analysis

    The Rail Transportation and Engineering Center (RailTEC) Rail Safety and Risk Group is looking for 1-2 hourly and paid undergraduate research assistants who excels in programming (Python, R, Matlab, VBA, SQL), ArcGIS, and statistics to assist in various railroad safety, risk, and data analyses projects. This is a position that will continue as long as the student is studying at the university as the RailTEC has been continuously taking on projects and thus will always need help from talented students.

    For more information and to apply, see full post.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Illinois pre-selection for 2021 Mayo Clinic SURF | Apply by Nov. 8

    If you are interested in pursuing a career in the biomedical sciences as an PhD or MD-PhD, Mayo Clinic’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship is an excellent opportunity to work alongside scientists at one of the world’s leading biomedical research centers. Up to seven fellowships are reserved for sophomores and juniors nominated by a University of Illinois selection committee. Apply by Nov. 8 to be considered for this special pre-selection process.

  • Publishing Opportunity: Seeking manuscript submissions for "Service Learning and Community-Based Research in a Time of Disruption" special issue (UJSLCBR)

    The Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is requesting submissions for a special issue of the journal entitled Service Learning and Community-Based Research in a Time of Disruption. How do students respond to disruption while participating in service learning or community-based research? This Special Issue of the Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research seeks to address students’ experiences with service learning and community-based research in a time of disruption. This Special Issue on disruption will focus on how disruptive events like the pandemic affect service learning and community-based research projects. Disruptive situations present new and unforeseeable challenges for students and can be associated with a variety of situations such as the current pandemic (COVID-19), civic engagement related to societal issues, natural disasters, and tragic events. The objective is to provide a bigger-picture view of disruption and consider strategies for addressing multiple intersecting concerns that inevitably exist within the context of any single situation (personal and societal). This is an opportunity for students to discuss and reflect on the challenges they faced, including failure to complete projects, as well as unique opportunities that may have presented themselves as the disruption unfolded during a service learning or community-based research experience—the disruption and response. For more information, please see full post.

  • Fall 2020 - Undergraduate Research Support Grant and Conference Travel Grant - Applications being Accepted

    The Office of Undergraduate is now accepting student applications to the Research Support and Conference Travel Grants for the Fall 2020 semester. For more information including how to apply for funding, please view the full article.

  • Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP @ UI) - Undergrad Applications

    The application for URAP @ UI, our undergraduate research apprenticeship program, is now open. Deadline for applications is October 9, 2020 at 11:59 pm.

  • 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium Award Winners!

    Congratulations to our 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium award winners! 

  • We are live! Come visit the virtual 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium!

    Our virtual 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) launched yesterday (Monday, April 27) and we're excited to see that the response has been overwhelmingly positive! There is still plenty of time to stop by and support our student presenters (URS will be live April 27 - May 1).

  • Virtual 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium

    The 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium will take place April 27 through May 1 and will be hosted through Compass2g. Our annual symposium celebrates undergraduate excellence and innovation in research at the University of Illinois and provides a great opportunity for the campus community to learn from our student scholars. 

    While we have been quite challenged by the scale of moving such a large event into a virtual medium, we are also inspired by the dedication of the Illinois community in supporting our students at such a historical moment.  We hope this online space, at the very least, honors the essence and integrity of our in-person event.

    When: Student video presentations will be on display April 27 through May 1. We will be hosting a 1-hour Zoom presentation to kick off the 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium from 12pm - 1pm on Monday, April 27. Link will be posted below once it is available.

    Where: The 2020 URS will be hosted through Compass2g. To access the symposium, please follow the instructions at: to enroll in the symposium "course". This will allow you to see the student presentations and provide feedback to presenters.

    Thank you for your continued support of our office and its symposium.

  • Update on 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium

    The Office of Undergraduate Research has cancelled the in-person Undergraduate Research Symposium and is currently working to move the symposium to an online format.


  • Drop-in Hours Suspended Until Further Notice

    Due to growing concerns with and uncertainty about COVID-19, the Office of Undergraduate Research has decided to suspend it's weekly drop-in hours until further notice. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and encourage you to email us with questions.

  • Research Funding and Opportunities for STEM Undergraduates

    Three opportunities for STEM undergraduates.

  • Image of Research -- UR Edition Competition

    Due to COVID-19, the Image of Research -- UR Edition has been canceled for Spring 2020. We hope to be back Fall 2020!


    Do you learn from imagery? Have you participated in undergraduate research? Submit an image of your scholarly work and win up to $300! 

    The Image of Research – UR Edition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research. 

    Entries will be judged by a multidisciplinary panel for:

    • Connection between image, text, and research
    • Originality
    • Visual Impact

    First prize: $300

    Second prize: $200

    Additionally, there may be up to two honorable mentions. 

    For more information: 

    All entries will be on display at the Undergraduate Research Symposium and are archived for long term preservation in IDEALS.

  • Undergraduate Research Workshops - Spring 2020 Calendar

    The Office of Undergraduate Research announces its Spring 2020 calendar for the Value of Undergraduate Research, Getting Started in Research, and Proposal Writing for Undergraduate Researchers workshops. Information for each workshop including how students can register can be found in this post.