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  • Beckman Program Provides Undergrads with Research Experience, Professional Development

    This summer, 10 undergraduate students performed research at the forefront of advanced imaging and microscopy technologies through the “Discoveries in Bioimaging” Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Funded by the National Science Foundation, the 10-week program, which ended Aug. 4, allowed the students to experience life as a graduate student.

  • 12 Undergraduates and OUR Director Among Those Named NCSA Fiddler Innovation Fellows for AY2019-2020

    This year’s class of undergraduate Fiddler Fellows includes 12 students from a variety of disciplines, spanning from Architecture to Engineering and even the humanities. Fiddler Innovation Graduate Student Fellowship Awards were also presented to three graduate students, and the Fiddler Innovation Faculty Fellowship was awarded to five faculty members.

    The undergraduate award, which consists of a $1,000 stipend, was given to students whose research at NCSA crossed over into multiple disciplines, encouraging exploration of new topics and innovation. Awardees from this year studied everything from real-time immersive virtual environments for education and learning to food insecurity on college campuses.

  • Inaugural cohort of research teams to participate in national advocacy program

    Four teams of Illinois faculty, staff, and undergraduate researchers were selected to take part in a new program to build national awareness of the benefits of undergraduate research as a high-impact educational practice. These four Illinois teams were funded and supported by the Office of Undergraduate Research and Office of the Provost.

  • Student Appointments / Drop-in Hours with The Office of Undergraduate Research

  • Facilitating Student Growth and Elevating Access: The Inaugural Edition of Peer Review

  • Drop-In Hours Today 10/31/2019

    Drop-in hours today will shortened today from 1:00 PM - 2:45 PM. Happy Halloween; Stay Spooky!

  • Calling student authors! Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research

    Did you write a paper last year that you are interested in publishing? Consider submitting your work to the Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research!

    The Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is seeking student submissions, faculty/staff reviewers, and faculty/staff editorial board members. 

    This refereed, multidisciplinary, online undergraduate journal’s goal is to advance knowledge in new scholarly arenas by presenting intellectual and reflective work by undergraduates. This journal seeks undergraduate contributions to the literature on service learning and community-based research. To submit a paper or learn more about the different submission categories, visit our website. Student submissions for the Fall 2022 issue are due by September 16th, 2022 and are accepted on a rolling basis. Submissions received after that date will be considered for our next issue, with a submission date of January 31st. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Jill Waity, journal editor, at

    If this deadline doesn't work for you, there will be new deadlines later in the fall semester and next spring! 

    Contact Merinda Kaye Hensley if you would like to talk about publishing your research in an undergraduate research journal - there are many more journals that we could explore! 


  • Joint Area Centers Symposium on Governing Globalization – Call for Undergraduate Research Presentation and Poster Proposals

    LAS Global Studies would like to invite paper and poster proposals from undergraduate students at the University of Illinois  for the  Joint-Area Centers Symposium on Governing Globalization, organized by the Center for Global Studies (CGS). The symposium will be held on March 31 and April 1. There are two opportunities for undergraduate participation at the event, the first of which is a four speaker panel to be held on Friday, March 31 and the second being a research poster session on Saturday, April 1.  

    Please see the attached Call for Proposals for more information.

    Proposals for papers and posters are due by February 28, 2017.

  • Drop-in Hours Suspended Until Further Notice

    Due to growing concerns with and uncertainty about COVID-19, the Office of Undergraduate Research has decided to suspend it's weekly drop-in hours until further notice. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and encourage you to email us with questions.

  • Image of Research -- UR Edition Competition

    Due to COVID-19, the Image of Research -- UR Edition has been canceled for Spring 2020. We hope to be back Fall 2020!


    Do you learn from imagery? Have you participated in undergraduate research? Submit an image of your scholarly work and win up to $300! 

    The Image of Research – UR Edition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research. 

    Entries will be judged by a multidisciplinary panel for:

    • Connection between image, text, and research
    • Originality
    • Visual Impact

    First prize: $300

    Second prize: $200

    Additionally, there may be up to two honorable mentions. 

    For more information: 

    All entries will be on display at the Undergraduate Research Symposium and are archived for long term preservation in IDEALS.

  • Invite Your Parents to the Fall Undergraduate Research Showcase! Saturday, November 11

    Dear Students & Families,

    We invite you to attend our upcoming Undergraduate Research Showcase. This new event offers a small glimpse into the world of exceptional research being conducted by our talented undergraduate researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    During this one-hour event, coinciding with Dad's Weekend, you will have the privilege of witnessing research presentations by three invited presenters, followed by an open panel and Q&A session.  This event is a perfect chance for students interested in learning more about undergraduate research at Illinois to get their questions answered by experienced student presenters. The event is free to attend and open to the public. Feel free to bring your family and friends. Light refreshments will be served.

    Event Details:

    Invited Presentations:

    VR-Based Electrocardiogram Training Simulator (Arnav Shah, Senior in Computer Science)

    VR technology provides an immersive way to train healthcare professionals cost-effectively. However, incorporating clinical feedback into the simulation design is a challenge. We discuss a pipeline for creating an ECG training simulator and present the results of usability and validity assessments. Researchers can use the proposed approach to develop other VR-based medical training simulators.

     How are Caregivers included in Alzheimer's Disease & Related Dementias (ADRD) Clinical Trials? (Eve Rubovits, Senior in Community Health)

    Family caregivers of people with ADRD have significant responsibilities within healthcare, and yet these responsibilities are not necessarily communicated clearly through clinical trial information. This study aimed to assess types of caregiver information given through an analysis of ADRD trials on from the last 30 years.

     Hg UMEs: A Tool for Developing Next-Generation Batteries (Curtis Althaus, Junior in Chemistry and Astrophysics)

    With a huge global push to find alternative sources of energy, the ever-increasing demand for clean power is met with a similarly urgent demand to store it. Through the use of mercury ultramicroelectrodes, I am exploring the ways in which Lithium interacts at a battery cathode surface to develop a ground-up model for novel-electrolyte development. This could enable new high-capacity, fast-charging Li-ion batteries that are greatly needed in technologies like electric cars, smartphones, and space exploration.

  • Image of Research -- UR Edition

    The Image of Research — UR Edition competition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. All undergraduate students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research.

    “Research” is defined broadly to include creative and scholarly work in all fields. The image submitted can represent your work either concretely or abstractly. Perhaps it is an image of your research itself, an activity related to your research, or the impact of your research. In addition to the image, you will submit a short narrative (between 100-200 words) that articulates the connection between the image and your research. 

    • First prize: $300
    • Second prize: $200
    • Additionally, there may be up to two honorable mentions.

    Deadline:  Friday, March 19, 2021 

    Learn more about the competition details and get tips and tricks for visualizing your research by attending our workshop! 

    Workshop #1: Friday, 3/5 from 2-3pm  

    Workshop #2: Friday, 3/12 from 12-1pm 

    For more about competition details, visit: 


  • Drop-in Hours have concluded for Fall 2017

    Drop-in Hours have concluded for Fall 2017

  • Our Undergraduate Research Ambassadors Are Here to Help!

    Whether you're just beginning to explore the world of undergraduate research or are a seasoned researcher seeking support for your next steps, our Ambassadors are here to offer tailored advice based on your experience, interests, and goals. Our Ambassadors are excited to meet with you and are dedicated to ensuring you feel empowered to take your next step in your undergraduate research journey.

  • #IMPARTOFIT Social Media Contests 2018

    Dear Researchers,

    The Office of Undergraduate Research is excited to announce its second annual #IMPARTOFIT campaign. All undergraduate students currently enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are eliglble for a chance to win up to $50 in gift cards and restaraunt vouchers.

    Promote your research or Undergraduate Research Week (including the Undergraduate Research Symposium) presentation for a chance to win! Don’t forget to use the hashtags #IMPARTOFIT and #URS2018 and tell your friends! For instructions on how to be part of it...

  • Deadline Approaching - Applications to Undergraduate Research Symposium 2018

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is still accepting submissions for the 2018 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 19. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 15-21), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world.

    For more information on Undergraduate Research Week, the URS, and OUR programs, please visit our website at:

    Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Friday, February 16, 2018, at 11:59 pm. The application can be found at

    Questions may be addressed to; please put “URS Application” in the subject line.

  • We are live! Come visit the 2021 Undergraduate Research Week and Virtual Symposium!

    To all members of the Illinois community, we hope you will take some time to visit both Undergraduate Research Week events and the Symposium and witness the hard work of our students, and we invite you to provide encouragement and feedback on their presentations. For a full list of events taking place during Undergraduate Research Week, please view the full digital program at:  

    The Symposium will be on display April 26 thru April 30 through ForagerOne, our host platform. To protect the intellectual property of the presenters and their mentors, the Symposium is restricted only to those with an active University of Illinois email address. To register and view the event, please go to:

    We hope you will drop in, engage with our students, and come away inspired!

  • Undergraduates, publish your research at Re:Search

    Are you an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois looking to publish your work? Re:Search, the Undergraduate Literary Criticism Journal at the University of Illinois, is seeking submissions for its fourth annual publication! Re:Search is an undergraduate-produced, peer-reviewed online journal that is designed to annually publish works exclusively authored by undergraduate students.

  • November Newsletter: Present at the Undergraduate Research Symposium!

    The November issue of the OUR Research Insider is here with exciting updates you won’t want to miss—especially the opening of applications to present at the Undergraduate Research Symposium! Take a look at what’s inside!

  • Image of Research - 2022 Undergraduate Research Competition

    The Image of Research — UR Edition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. All undergraduate students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research. “Research” is defined broadly to include creative and scholarly work in all fields. The image submitted can represent your work either concretely or abstractly. Perhaps it is an image of your research itself, an activity related to your research, or the impact of your research.

  • Engineering Research Fair - Fall 2022

    The Grainger College of Engineering Undergraduate Research in cooperation with International Programs in Engineering (IPENG) are sponsoring this fall's Engineering Research Fair and 3rd International Research Symposium on September 27, 4:00 - 6:00 PM at Illini Union Rooms A, B, and C.

  • Call for Papers: The Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research

    SUBMIT your paper to The Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research

    We are seeking undergraduate research papers and reflection pieces for our special issue: “Health Topics in Community-Based Research and Service Learning”

    This Special Issue can include topics of service learning and community-based research projects that:

    • improve community health outcomes
    • reduce health disparities
    • address physical, emotional, and social health

    Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis through the end of January 2023!

    Submissions will be accepted through the journal website (

    If you have any questions, please contact the special issue editor Dr. Amelia Huelskamp ( or the general journal address (

  • Present at the Sustainability Research Symposium

    The Sustainability Research Symposium is a casual event to highlight the work being done for sustainability on campus. It is open to undergraduates, graduates, and faculty & staff. The event will take place on October 25th from 5-8pm at the Siebel Center for Design. If you are interested in participating as a presenter, please fill out this sign-up form by October 18th to ensure a spot. Reach out to Maiah Caise ( with any questions.

  • Form Teams, Mine Texts, Defend the Humanities, Win $$$ ! announces its “Shout Out For the Humanities” student prize contest. Prizes are offered for best undergraduate (1st prize: US $1,000 – 2nd: $700 – 3rd: $300) and best graduate student (1st prize: US $1,000 – 2nd: $700 – 3rd: $300) submissions from any nation that speak up for the value of the humanities in today’s society.

    4Humanities wants to showcase student ideas and voices on such questions as:

    "Why is studying the humanities — e.g., history, literature, languages, philosophy, art history, media history, and culture — important to you? To society? How would you convince your parents, an employer, a politician, or others that there is value in learning the humanities?"

    Submissions will be judged by an international panel of distinguished judges for message, quality, and impact no matter the medium or format. Possible submissions include: essay (less than 2,000 words), video, digital work, poster, cartoon, song, art, short story, interview.

    Submissions are due March 1, 2016.

    Submission GuidelinesContest KitJudges 

    See more at:

    Why is studying the humanities important? - A workshop

    Date/time: Thursday Feb 4, 6-7 pm

    Where: Main Library, Room 314

    At this workshop, Sayan Bhattacharyya, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, will show interested students how the HathiTrust+Bookworm tool (partly developed here at UIUC), and a Word Similarity Tool (built at Cornell University) can help students interested in participating in the contest to construct philological arguments using text-mining of the digitized contents of the world's great research libraries, supporting their entries. 

    Students will be encouraged to form student teams from among other interested attendees at the workshop. Open to all undergraduate and graduate students.

    Details of the contest are at: 

  • Introduction to Scholarly Research Program

    The Slavic Reference Service is offering a multi-part instruction program designed to help students become more comfortable with conducting research and writing academic papers. 

  • Archiving your Research Poster or Presentation in Ideals

  • Enter the Image of Research – UR Edition competition

    The Image of Research is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. All undergraduate students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research.

    Entries will be judged by a multidisciplinary panel for:

    • Connection between image, text, and research
    • Originality
    • Visual Impact

    All images submitted will be included in IDEALS, hosted and archived by the University Library for long term preservation.Accepting submissions from February 21, 2019--March 29, 2019.

    • First prize: $300
    • Second prize: $200
    • Additionally, there may be up to two honorable mentions

    All entries will be on display at the Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 18, 2019. 

    For more information:  

    P.S. You may also be interested in the Undergraduate Library’s 50th Anniversary Design Competition:   

  • 2018 Data Visualization Competition

    The Data Visualization Competition is a chance for you to show off your skills in communicating information visually. Undergraduate researchers, show off your data and presentation skills and win up to $500!

    All submissions must be received by September 23, 2018.

    For more information see the poster below and also visit:

    The Data Visualization Competition is sponsored by the Scholarly CommonsCITLIllinois Informatics Institute, and Research IT.

  • New Conference Travel Grant Competition Now Open

  • NCSA - SPIN (Students Pushing Innovation) Program Open House on March 31

    Undergraduate students along with faculty and staff mentors are invited to join us for a SPIN (Students Pushing Innovation) Program Open House on March 31 from 3-5pm in the NCSA atrium. Undergraduates are encouraged to come learn about available projects and discuss their interests with program mentors. Students will be able to learn about NCSA research projects, and discuss available research positions. Snacks will be provided. 

    For more information, please visit

  • Image of Research - UR Edition Competition

  • New Guidelines for Research Travel

    Know Before You Go! Updated guidelines for research-related travel, as of May 6, 2021.

  • Undergraduate Research Support Grant Deadline is Friday, October 14

    The deadline for applications to the Fall 2022 Research Support Grant competition is Friday, October 14, 2022.


    Opportunity to assist in language teaching research for the MA TESOL practicum at the Champaign-Urbana refugee center. Duties include interpreting for interviews and analyzing oral or written information.

    This is a paid research opportunity for Spring 2025.

    For more information, and how to apply, please see full description.

  • Weekly Drop-in Hours for URS Applicants & Presenters

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is hosting weekly virtual drop-in hours to support students applying to and presenting at the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS). Stop by and ask questions about your application, presentation, other questions about the Symposium. Details included in full post.

  • Four Days Left - Apply NOW to Present at 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium!

    Make sure to apply soon for the opportunity to present at the 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set to be on display April 26 - April 30, 2021. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 25 - May 1), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. During the week, we will host pre-recorded oral and poster presentations, including creative performances, through our online symposium platform. Students will have the opportunity to engage with the campus community to discuss their findings through a built-in forum.

    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit:

    The deadline for applying to the Virtual URS is March 19, 2021, at 11:59 pm. No late submissions will be accepted.

  • Kick-off Event for 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium

    To all members of the Illinois community, we hope you will take some time to visit both Undergraduate Research Week events and the Symposium and witness the hard work of our students, and we invite you to provide encouragement and feedback on their presentations. For a full list of events taking place during Undergraduate Research Week, please view the full digital program at:  

    The Symposium will be on display April 26 thru April 30 through ForagerOne, our host platform. To protect the intellectual property of the presenters and their mentors, the Symposium is restricted only to those with an active University of Illinois email address. To register and view the event, please go to:

    We hope you will drop in, engage with our students, and come away inspired!

  • OUR's Director Elected Division Councilor to Council on Undergraduate Research

    OUR's Director -- Dr. Karen Rodriguez'G -- has been elected as an Undergraduate Research Programs Division Councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research. She will serve from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025.

  • Undergraduate Research Week 2019 Is Here!

    Undergraduate Research Week 2019 (April 14 - 20)

    Undergraduate Research Week 2019 is here and the final program has been posted!

    The Undergraduate Research Week showcases the best of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Campus events include special exhibits, and colloquia sponsored by individual departments, programs, and units, highlighting the best of our students’ work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium (All day on Thursday, April 18 in the Illini Union) is URW’s day-long signature event where hundreds of students from all academic disciplines share their research through oral panels, poster presentations, and performances. A highlight of the Symposium is our special lunchtime session, with 4 of our best and brightest demonstrating the range of research that occurs at Illinois. We invite you to come be inspired!.

    You can find a link to the URW 2019 program here:

    Stay up-to-date on URW events by following us on Twitter @ugresearch_UI,  Facebook @UGResearchIllinois, and Instagram @ugresearch_UI

  • informational flyer

    AI, Economics, and Big Data Research Talk

    The Department of Economics is hosting a talk on September 19 about artificial intelligence and big data. We encourage you to stop by and learn about some of the cutting-edge research in this area!

  • Less than One Month Left to Apply to the Undergraduate Research Symposium 2024!

    Less than one month left to apply to present at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS)! The URS, set for Thursday, April 25, 2024, is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 21-27, 2024) and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It's also open to friends, families, and the public who are interested in learning about undergraduate research and its impact. The deadline to apply is March 8 at 11:59 pm.

    Please see full post to learn more.

  • URS Poster Presenters: Archive Your Presentation

    Congratulations on presenting your work at the recent Undergraduate Research Symposium! Would you like to make your presentation available online? Submit your poster – or any undergraduate work! – to the institutional repository. Find out how to submit your work to IDEALS. 


  • Undergraduate Research Symposium 2022 - Application Due March 15, 2022

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is currently accepting submissions for the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 28, 2022. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 24-30, 2022), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. Over the course of the day, students present their work in concurrent oral and poster presentations (including creative performances), the breadth and scope of which reflect not only the wide range of academic disciplines at the University of Illinois, but also speak to the caliber of our undergraduates. 


    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on the URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit:


    Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Sunday March 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm. 

  • Call for Papers -- Undergraduate Research Conference Opportunity

  • Sign up for OUR's monthly email newsletter

    It is now easier than ever before to stay notified! Sign up for the Office of Undergraduate Research monthly email newsletter to receive occasional emails about research programs, events, opportunities, and helpful information for current and aspiring undergraduate researchers. Students are encouraged to sign up at:

  • 2016 SURF-Abroad Suspended

    We regret to announce that we are suspending the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship-Abroad (SURF-A). We hope to offer it again in summer 2017. 

  • “Writing an Undergraduate Research Paper” Workshop

    Global Studies will be offering a writing workshop titled “Writing an Undergraduate Research Paper” on Thursday, October 20th from 2pm to 3:30pm in 223 Gregory Hall. This workshop is a part of the LAS Student Success Workshop series and help students write fact-based college-level papers. We will discuss tips to research for class assignments, creating coherent arguments and methods for staying on track with submission deadlines. Students attending this session must bring a term/research paper they have been working on at the time of the workshop.

  • Working with Data for Undergrads! Creating Data Documentation

    Writing project, code, and data documentation doesn’t need to be the worst part of your day. This hands on workshop will give you experience using various types of documentation, discuss strategies for writing documentation, and get you started writing a template for your projects. Bring a dataset you’d like to work with but examples will be provided.

    Join us for this interactive session that will give you concrete answers to your data questions!

    DATE: Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 4-5pm

    Registration is free: 

    LOCATION: 314 Main Library - The workshop will be held in the Main Library, Library 314. Take the north stairwell (Armory and Wright Street entrance) to the 3rd floor of the Main Library and make a left at the top of the stairs.

    For more information: 

  • Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise

    We are excited to announce a new resource for students who want to learn more about undergraduate research. "Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise: Becoming a Successful Scholar in a Complex and Competitive Environment" by Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier is now available via MIT Press open access. This book serves as a guide for students across disciplines, offering insights into the essentials of academic research and how to thrive in a research environment.

  • Update on 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium

    The Office of Undergraduate Research has cancelled the in-person Undergraduate Research Symposium and is currently working to move the symposium to an online format.