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  • Registering Domains for Email+ From Addresses

    All From Email Address Domains must be registered before they will work.  

  • Retiring Social Media and Banner elements

    The 'banner' and 'social media' elements in Email+ are being retired on June 28, 2021.  The banner and social media can now be added to the skin in the Skin Designer.

  • From Address Restrictions in Email+

    Email+ uses a vendor, Sparkpost, for the delivery of emails.  Each 'from address' domain needs to be approved and setup by Tech Services before an email can be sent from that domain.  The following domains will not be approved for 'from addresses' in Email+:

  • Email+ Columns Demo [18:42]

    This workshop demonstrates how to insert and change the layout of columns in Email+.

  • Email+: Create Custom Images for Your Emails [10:45]

    This video demonstrates how to make a custom image to send in your Webtools Emails using Canva

  • Emails going to spam, other folder, or you don't receive test emails

    Sometimes test emails are not received. Other times when emails are sent, email clients have rules they apply before the email gets to your inbox.  Sometimes they end up in your 'spam' or 'other' folders instead of your inbox.

  • "Mailing List Addresses" in Email+

    "Mailing list addresses" are sometimes used in Email+ rather than groups from the Group Manager.  Technically these are Active Directory “distribution lists”.  An example of a distribution list might be .  Sending to this email address would result in everyone in the department XYZ receiving an email.


  • How to send to a listserv

    Email+ can be used effectively to send to listservs.  This post lists the rules that must be followed when sending to a listser.

  • Email+: Mailmerge & Salutations [7:21]

    This is a tutorial explaining the steps to greating an email using Mailmerge elements.

  • Sending Blog Posts with Email+

    It's easy to export blog articles and summaries in order to distribute your content with Email+.

  • Email+: Building Email Content Using Elements [18:39]

    This is a tutorial on how to construct a simple email utilizing the provided elements in Email+ in Webtools. 

  • Image

    Email+: Customize an Email with a Banner/Image [5:00]

    This video outlines the steps for customizing an email with a heading and/or image and a campus-branded skin.

  • Email+: Formatting Emails by Pasting from Word [10:44]

    This is a tutorial on how to construct an email by pasting content from Word in Email+ in Webtools.

  • Email+ tracking for listservs and distribution groups

    An issue has been identified when using Email+ to send to listservs or distribution groups.  When an email is sent the links in the email are replaced by Sparkpost, our new vendor for delivering emails.  This is done to collect tracking information.  Occasionally these links are resulting in an error when a user clicks them.  

  • Email type no longer supported

    Supported email types in Email+ are 'wizard' and 'ecard'.  All other types have been retired.  The preview or archive is no longer availabe.

  • Email+ Best Practices

    This article provides suggestions for sending successful, professional, and on-brand emails with Email+

  • Email+ Subscribing and Unsubscribing

    In Email+, you can allow your users to subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) your mailings.

  • Email+ Reports and Terms

    These are the reports and common terms used in Email+.

  • Send Targeted Emails

    Send personalized emails. Learn how to store and access custom data and start making an impact in the inbox.

  • Email+: Demo [45:19]

    This video demonstrates creating an email in Email+.