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College of Education Announcements

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  • Faculty and Students Attend BRIDGE Program Conference

    Faculty and graduate students from Education Policy, Organization, & Leadership attended the conference at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom as part of the Birmingham-Illinois Partnership for Discovery, Engagement and Education (BRIDGE) program. 

  • Sarah M. Zehr

    Faculty Alumna Sarah Zehr's Expertise, Research Highlighted

    Sarah Zehr, Ph.D. '16 EPOL, was recently interviewed by the Arab-American Business and Professional Association about the value of internships as part of the student experience.

  • Exploring Education Summer Camp

    High school students from around the state of Illinois joined us for the first session of Exploring Education Summer Camp in June. Campers spent a week living in dorms, visiting the University Primary School, touring the IDEALL lab, conquering an escape room, meeting fellow future Illini, and more.

    The second session of camp will begin this Sunday, July 14. We can't wait to meet the new campers!

  • Explore opportunities to study abroad

    The Office of International Programs is excited to offer many ways to explore study abroad opportunities through the College of Education.

    The annual study abroad fair, Illinois Abroad Day, will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 5, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 260A of the Education Building. Come visit our new office and enjoy free food, prizes, and information about all of our programs to find one that best fits you.

    We are also hosting several informational sessions and Global Cafe events this semester. This will be an opportunity to learn about Winter Break and Spring Break programs and hear from study abroad alumni. Save the following dates: September 19, October 10, October 24, November 7, and November 28, all at 4 p.m.

    Finally, our new website will be live on Sept. 5 and dedicated to College of Education study abroad programs for students and teachers alike. We encourage you to visit the new website soon at

  • Ethnography of the University Initiative research journal accepting submissions

    The Ethnography of the University Initiative at Illinois is excited to announce the fourth volume of its undergraduate research journal, Peer Review: The Undergraduate Research Journal. This is an open-access, digital journal published annually, which may be of particular interest to undergraduate students and faculty mentors. Submissions are being accepted for the May issue.

  • EPSY’s New Graduate Certificate in Evaluation

    The Department of Educational Psychology (EPSY) is offering a new Graduate Certificate in Evaluation that offers students a strong interdisciplinary foundation in the evaluation of educational and social programs. The certificate is open to graduate students across campus who are interested in strategies to design, implement, assess, and improve social programming and polices.

  • EPSY's Jennifer Cromley Awarded New NSF Grant

    Cromley's funded project, Expanding Applications of Network Analysis to STEM Education Research, officially kicks off October 1, 2022.

  • EPSY's Destiny Williams-Dobosz Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

    Congratulations to Destiny Williams-Dobosz, doctoral student in the Department of Educational Psychology who was recently awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRF).

    The three-year NSF-GRF is one of the nation’s premier fellowships for graduate students in the physical sciences, engineering, social sciences, and STEM education. An impressive accomplishment, as Destiny was one of only 12 students nationwide to win the award this year in the subfield of STEM Education and Learning Research—Science Education.

    Read more about Destiny and her NSF Fellowship...

  • EPSY's Cromley Part of New LAS-funded Student Success Initiative Project

    The College of LAS chose five projects to receive funding for one year (AY23) as part of its pandemic-necessitated LAS Student Success Initiative. Cromley's project team will work on Reimaging the general chemistry experience: Enhancing learning outcomes and fostering belonging for under-represented students in STEM and pre-health majors.

  • EPSY/INFO 590 Demo Day: Engaging Ed Tech

    Please join us for an open house demo session (with refreshments!) to see class projets from the fall semester of EPSY/INFO 590, Engaging and Interactive Educational Technologies (taught by Dr. H. Chad Lane).  Come and try the prototypes, talk to the inventors, and learn more about this interdisciplinary course (offered each fall).  Send questions to  We hope to see you!

    Tuesday, December 15, 2015
    1:30 - 3:00 pm
    Education 176 (IDEALL Lab)

    Please view the PDF document to see details on all the wonderful projects that will be displayed!

  • Jerny Walls

    EPSY Doctoral Student Selected for Early Career Scholar Cohort

    Jerny Walls, a developmental sciences student, was named to the Horowitz Early Childhood Career Scholars cohort from the Society for Research in Child Development.

  • Maria Serrano Abreu

    EPSY Doctoral Student Named an Inaugural Mellon Interseminars Graduate Fellow

    Congratulations to Educational Psychology doctoral student María B. Serrano Abreu, who is part of the first cohort of Interseminars graduate fellows: nine students from a range of disciplines and home colleges, including Education, Fine and Applied Arts, and Liberal Arts and Sciences. These fellows are funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

  • Amir Maghsoodi

    EPSY Doctoral Student Amir Maghsoodi Awarded Research Grant

    Educational Psychology doctoral candidate Amir Maghsoodi has been awarded a research grant from the Center for Arab American Philanthropy. He will use his award from the Dr. Philip M. Kayal Fund for Arab American Research to support his study, “Making sense of the Census: A mixed methods study of Arab Americans and racial classification”, which seeks to understand the psychological impacts of continued non-recognition of Arab and other Middle Eastern/North African peoples (i.e., their classification as “white”) on racial demographic forms in the U.S.

  • Laura Valderrama

    EPSY Doctoral Candidate Wins Dissertation Research Award from American Psychological Association

    Laura Valderrama will earn $10,000 to offset the cost of her dissertation research. Her research interests focus on Latino children's biliteracy practices and future teachers' training on language diversity issues.

  • EPSY 590RK: Questionnaire Design for Educational and Social Science Research

    Questionnaire Design for Educational and Social Science Research

    EPSY590RK    Spring 2014    CRN: 587000

    Instructor:    Katherine Ryan (

    Time:           Wednesday, 1:00 - 3:50 p.m.  

    The survey interview involves an interviewer asking a respondent questions face-to face, via computer, etc. to obtain information. This is a course that focuses on the cognitive and social aspects of sample surveys. In this course, students will develop an understanding of basic survey data collection methods particularly those that apply to formal and informal settings with research applications in education and social sciences. The course introduces students to the scientific literature on the design, testing and evaluation of questionnaires (e.g., structured, semi-structured). Students will engage in a series of exercises in the development of a questionnaire. Topics covered include the question-answer process, open-ended and pre-coded questions, rating scale design, reliability, validity, and scale construction, testing and evaluating questionnaires (e.g., cognitive interview, expert review), and analyzing results.



  • EPSY 590KR Focus Groups in Education and Social Science Research

    EPSY 590KR Focus Groups in Education and Social Science Research

    CRN: 61424

    Instructor:    Katherine Ryan (  Time: Tuesday, 1:00 - 3:50 p.m.

    Location:      15 Education 

    The focus group interview involves a group of participants that interact with each other and the interviewer in answering questions about a specific topic. This course emphasizes the focus group as a distinctive research method, not just as an extension of interviews. In the course, students will develop an understanding of the design and implementation of focus groups research in education and the social sciences. The course will introduce students to the research literature on the nature and unique methodological characteristics of focus groups, critically examine focus group approaches, and explore the benefits/costs of focus groups through readings, discussions, and conducting a focus group project. Topics covered include the history and uses of focus groups, nature of focus group evidence, role of participant interaction, focus group protocols, moderator and observer/note taker techniques, focus group logistics, and analyzing and reporting focus group data.

  • EPS 590 NL/LAS 490 NL: Inquiry in International Higher Education

    Mondays, 3-5:30pm, 1038 FLB

    CRN: EPS 590 NL (33110), LAS 490 NL (60985)

    The American Council on Education (ACE) defines campus internationalization as “a strategic, coordinated process that seeks to align and integrate policies, programs, and initiatives to position colleges and universities as more globally oriented and internationally connected institutions”. However, what this means in practice and where it falls within the evolving priorities and structures of Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) remains a deeply contested debate. This course will examine the underlying ideologies, mandates, and values behind the recent push for campus internationalization. As a part of the Ethnotgraphy of the University Initiative, this course will use the UIUC campus as a site for exploring the complexities, obstacles and opportunities of internationalization. For more information, email Nicole Lamers (

  • EPS 590: Language, Identity, and the Politics of Schooling

    EPS 590: Language, Identity, and the Politics of Schooling

    FALL 2014

    Mondays 4-6:50

    242 Education

    Crn: 54894

    Instructor: Anne Dyson (


    Language is, in one way or the other, at the root of our identities, our relationships with others, and, indeed our world view.  Moreover, in school, language use—discourse—is a site of sociocultural differences and of gross inequities.  Indeed, it is impossible to understand how schools become places of privilege and oppression without this understanding.   How is language linked to the sociocultural history and political structure of a country, and to the identity of a speaker?  What do basic questions about language, development, and variation have to do with education in a multidialectal, multilingual world?  Through readings from classics in the field, to textbook definitional chapters, to read aloud fiction capturing language’s variety, the course aims to provide a conceptual foundation for those interested in these questions (no previous linguistic education required) and a place to explore key language concepts.  Although emphasis will be placed on the situation in the U.S., the politics of Englishes globally will be included, as will changing visions of oral/written relationships, code-switching/meshing (and communicative hybrids like spoken word).  All students will be allowed intellectual space to pursue their interests.

  • EPS 590: Climate Justice and Human Rights Education

    New course this fall 2016: EPS 590 climate Justice and Human Rights Education

    Pradeep Dhillon- instructor

    Tuesdays 1-3:50pm

    166 Education

  • EPS 538: Globalization of Higher Education

    EPS 538: Globalization of Higher Education

    Instructors: Richard Herman and Allison Witt

    Fall 2014: Mondays 6-8pm 

    A recent article in the Economist suggests that higher education is suffering from Baumol's disease with the implications that the present model is unsustainable. Enter MOOCs and blended learning. Indeed the use of technology in higher education is commanding great attention both for cost cutting purposes as well as the need to serve a burgeoning population worldwide with varying needs.

    Yet it is hard to think of an aspect of higher education that is more dynamic than the international frame. Several decades ago “internationalization" of the academy was largely restricted to a relatively small flow of students across international borders and occasional, albeit important, forays of institutions to establish themselves outside of their own borders. Indeed our own University had, at the early part of the 20th century, reached out to China in what proved to be a profound and long lasting educational relation and in the middle part of the last century helped to establish one of India's IITs. But even in the 1990s, academics felt that internationalization of universities was little understood or engaged in. Not so now. Global higher education is not only with us but it is nearly impossible to be an effective part of higher education administration whether in student affairs or an academic dean's office without some understanding of the globalized academy. Yes, the World of the Academy is Increasingly Flat.

    In this course we intend to touch on a number of issues. The US is no longer immune to international pressures in education. Although still a destination country for students from abroad, the US faces increasing competition from other nations and efforts by nations to grow their own higher education   enterprise to address the needs of a burgeoning middle class and more generally local economic needs. Here the word enterprise is deliberately chosen as the cross border flow of students has become big business, falling under the General Agreement on Trade and Services. We shall examine the flow, seeing that exchanges often "respect" first world, third world status. This raises questions of global obligation of the richer nations. Such obligations have often played out through organizations such as the World Bank and the OECD, sometimes , but not always, to the benefit of nations. There is a startling complexity to these activities and higher education in many nations is not the engine of social mobility that many of us would have hoped.

    Of course, US higher education has come under increasing criticism for not living up to its vaunted reputation. We shall also look at efforts by universities to establish themselves abroad. Just how does an institution do this and what are the necessary considerations? For example, New York University has most recently come under fire for allowing abuse of workers engaged in constructing their campus in Dubai. What are the implications of establishing an institution of higher education in a country with very different cultural values?

    We look forward to engaging the rapidly changing face of higher education and the interplay among nations and hope you will join us in this journey.

  • EPS 515: Philosophy of Educational Research

    Space remains in EPS 515, Philosophy of Educational Research [4 hours] (M. 4-6:50, 108 DKH)--Prof. Chris Higgins

    • Meets in conjunction with EPS 508, Uses & Abuses of Research in Education Policy--Prof. Chris Lubienski
    • Examines the rhetoric of the major research paradigms, the politics of research use in educational policy, and the philosophy of inquiry with the goal of fostering comprehensive and critical research literacy.

    Warning! Do not take this course unless you are one or more of the following:

    • a doctoral student who needs a general overview of educational research for your research specialization;
    • an educational researcher in training who wants to be conversant with research modes outside of your specialty;

    • an educational practitioner who needs to know how to read research and "evidence-based" directives critically;

    • a citizen who is angered by the idea that the democratic work of articulating who we will be through how we educate will be farmed out to technical experts or hijacked by special interest groups cloaking themselves in "research findings."

    The course begins with an extended case study. We examine what it is that makes education public, along the way reflecting on the affordances and limitations of different species of quantitative, qualitative, and humanistic educational research. We consider what counts as evidence in various research paradigms, what it means to speak of a "method" or "theoretical framework," and where one can find this special stuff known as "data." We also explore different forms of "proofiness," in which the trappings of a mode of research serve to hide the lack of a real question, an actual argument, or genuine significance. In the final third of the course, we take a closer look at the politics of research use and the philosophy of inquiry.

    If you have questions or would like a copy of the syllabus, email Chris Higgins at

  • EPS 508-Fall 2016

    EPS 508 • Fall 2016

    Uses and Abuses of Educational Research

    W 4-6:50 • 389 Education

    Professor Chris Higgins (


    All graduate students in education (if not all citizens) need to be able to engage intelligently with the full spectrum of educational research and with the policies said to be backed by research. This course aims at comprehensive and critical research literacy through discussion of the philosophy of inquiry, the sociology of knowledge, the history of educational research, and the politics of data. It seeks to correct the mystification that there is a recipe for research (question + lit review + method + limitations + theoretical framework + data = new knowledge), reopening some of the thorny questions around writing and interpretation, history and language, power and politics, knowledge and ignorance. It features a comparative case study of public education as refracted by four approaches: historical, philosophical, quantitative, and qualitative.

  • EPS 420-G/SOC 420-G Sociology of Education 1-2:50pm Added Foundations Course Sp 2014

    EPS 420-G/SOC 420-G “Sociology of Education”  is a social foundations course that provides a  sociological examination of education and schooling in society. It introduces, synthesizes, and evaluates  diverse and competing major sociological theories, scholarly research, and important issues in the sociology of education. Click headline to read more...

  • EPS 412 Critical Thinking in Education

    Fall 2014

    EPS 412 Critical Thinking in Education (4hrs)

    crn: 63178

    Tuesdays, 4-6:50pm

    Instructor: Nicholas C. Burbules


    This course starts with the question, “What is critical thinking?” We will review some of the major views on critical thinking and its role as an educational aim.

    Next, we will move on to how to teach critical thinking, its relationship to developmental issues, and its relationship to various subject matters. Is, for example, there are generic model of “critical thinking” that we can promote, or does critical thinking only exist in relation to particular subject matters (critical thinking about history, or about science, etc).

    Finally, we will consider wider social and psychological influences that might constitute barriers to the teaching of critical thinking. For example, what special challenges does the Internet pose for developing critical thinking skills and dispositions?

    Everything in this class is discussed in relation to teaching. It does not assume a previous background in philosophy.

    This class also satisfies the master degree EPS foundations requirement.

  • EPS 199: Qualitative Research & Leadership in Global Engagement Course SP '17

    There are a limited number of seats left in EPS 199: Qualitative Research & Leadership in Global Engagement!  EPS 199 can be taken for 2 or 3 credits by UIUC students in Spring 2017.  UIUC students will be paired with students from the Honours College of the University of Macau, who will be studying abroad at UIUC for the semester. Teams of students will work together to design and implement a qualitative research project, which they will present at the Undergraduate Research Symposium at the end of the semester.  The course will also explore issues related to global leadership.  This course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-4:50. Feel free to email Jenn at with any questions.  

  • EPOL Winter Lecture

    Department of Education Policy,Organization & Leadership

    Winter Lecture

    Dr. Ghazala Ovaice

    The Practical Application of Organization Development in a Global Organization

    January 23, 2015
    11:30 a.m. - 12:50 p.m.
    42A Education

    This lecture will focus on Dr. Ovaice’s journey and evolution from University of Illinois Human
    Resource Development doctoral student to global organization development practitioner and leader.
    She will provide insight regarding the association of organization development theory and practice
    from a practitioner’s standpoint. During the discussion Dr. Ovaice will integrate examples from her
    vast and expansive experience as a leader in a complex global organization.

    Ghazala Ovaice, Ph.D., Director, Organization Development, works in Abbott Learning & Development,
    where she leads the Consulting function for strategic business performance needs with specific
    concentration large scale change, M&A culture integration, organization assessment & design,
    organization culture and employee engagement. Her research interests include trust in the
    workplace, cross-cultural issues in work related values, and the relationship of organization
    culture and performance.  Her background is in Organization Development, Organization Research,
    Leadership Development, and Evaluation. Ghazala received a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at
    Urbana-Champaign with a concentration in organizational development and evaluation.

  • EPOL's Wen-Hao David Huang Work Recognized by School of Social Work

    David Huang, professor in Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, collaborated on the project, "Identifying Depression through Early Awareness (IDEA) Women's Health Coalition," with School of Social Work faculty and was awarded the Dean's Prize for Innovation and Collaboration by Dean Steven Anderson.

  • EPOL's Rachel Roegman Selected as Illinois Leadership Center Faculty Fellow

    Assistant professor Rachel Roegman has been selected to be part of the Illinois Leadership Center (ILC) Faculty Fellows for the 2019-2020 academic year.

  • paul bruno

    EPOL's Paul Bruno Awarded NSF Grant to Lead Study on Impacts of Policy on CS Participation and Teacher Prep

    The National Science Foundation has awarded EPOL assistant professor Paul Bruno, PI, nearly $500K for a three-year project examining Collaborative Research: Impacts of State Policy on Computer Science Participation and Teacher Preparation. Associate professor Colleen Lewis of the Grainger College of Engineering's Department of Computer Science joins Bruno as Co-PI on the project, along with Tuan Nguyen of Kansas State University.

  • picture of Educating Egypt book cover

    EPOL's Linda Herrera Publishes Book on Education in Egypt

    Education Policy, Organization and Leadership professor Linda Herrera's book by the title, "Educating Egypt: Civic Values and Ideological Struggles" by the American University in Cairo Press was released on March 1, 2022.

  • EPOL's John Wesley Jones Awarded 2019 AERA-Division B Dissertation of the Year

    The American Educational Research Association (AERA) recently announced its list of 2019 Division B Award recipients, to be recognized at the annual meeting in April. The Outstanding Dissertation Award has been given to EPOL student John Wesley Jones for his disseration, The Antidote to Willfulness: Manufacturing Dissent, Kony 2012, and Propaganda as a Technology of Governance (2018).

  • Professor Jessica Li

    EPOL's Jessica Li Named to Provost's Building Pathways for Emerging Leaders Cohort

    Congratulations to Jessica Li, professor of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, who has been selected to the Provost's 2020-21 Building Pathways for Emerging Leaders at Illinois cohort.

  • EPOL's Dixson Gives Context to 'Why Trans Rights Became the GOP's Latest Classroom Target'

    In a story for ABC News' online magazine fivethirtyeight, Professor Adrienne Dixson is quoted and gives context to the numerous legislative bills regarding transgender students' rights.

  • Dr. Willam Trent

    EPOL Scholar William Trent Lends Expertise to Discussions with Policy Implications

    This past week, Dr. William Trent of the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership (EPOL) served as an invited discussant for chapters comprising an upcoming volume of The ANNALS on “Educational Assessment as Useful and Useable Evidence” (working title) administered by the National Academy of Education (NAEd) and the American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS).

  • EPOL scholar to serve on editorial board of flagship AERA journal

    Higher education funding expert Jennifer Delaney will serve on the editorial board of the journal Educational Researcher during 2017, with the possibility of a renewed appointment in 2018.

  • EPOL Scholar Dr. George Kuh to be Honored at Conference

    Dr. George D. Kuh will receive the 2018 Trudy W. Banta Lifetime Achievement Award and will offer his remarks during a special luncheon honoring his career on Monday, October 22, during the 2018 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis.

  • EPOL scholar conducting refugee-related research through 2019

    Liv Dávila, an assistant professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, will be involved in two recently funded research projects that focus on immigrants and refugees.

  • Professor Adrienne Dixson

    EPOL's Adrienne Dixson and Two Colleagues Awarded Spencer Foundation COVID-19 Grant

    Professor of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership Adrienne Dixson is part of a research team awarded a grant from the Spencer Foundation for COVID-19 related research.

  • EPOL Research Brownbag - Ron Jacobs

    March 15, 12-1pm by Dr. Ronald Jacobs (Room 22)

    Conceptualizing Knowledge Work for Human Resource Development

    This Brown Bag session represents Dr. Jacobs’ scholarly focus and reports information from a manuscript now in preparation.  Jobs are undergoing change, and most of the change is towards knowledge work. Knowledge work requires employees to use their thinking abilities to an extent more than ever before. The concept of knowledge work was first suggested by Peter Drucker in his text, "Landmarks of Tomorrow" (1957).  Today knowledge work has become part of jobs at many different levels, including: frontline employees, technicians, engineers, and managers.

    While knowledge work has received much attention in the management literature, there has been limited attention given to the topic in the human resource development literature.  As a result, two fundamental questions about knowledge work have not been fully addressed, which the human resource development discipline might be uniquely suited to help address.  The first question is what are the characteristics of knowledge work that differentiate it from other patterns of work behavior? The second question focuses on how organizations might reliably develop employees to perform knowledge work?

    This Brown Bag session will have the following goals:

    Review the various definitions of knowledge work B. Propose a definition of knowledge work relevant to human resource development, based on the notion of knowledge-based tasks C.  Discuss an employee development framework that has been implemented in organizations to help employees learn to perform knowledge-based tasks D.  Discuss research implications to advance understanding of knowledge work.

  • EPOL professor to give keynote at diversity conference

    Dr. Adrienne Dixson will give a keynote presentation at the 2017 Diversity in Education Conference at the University of Iowa on March 24.

  • EPOL professor to discuss humanities at Sept. 8-9 festival

    Dr. Chris Higgins of the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership is one of four presenters of a roundtable webinar at the Sept. 8-9 Wiley Humanities Festival. The two-day online festival covers why the humanities matter and features research topics and thought leadership pieces from leading academics. Live listeners will be able to ask questions and enter to win prizes. Seating is limited, so register soon.

  • EPOL professor to be inducted into IACE Hall of Fame

    Professor Peter Kuchinke of the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership will be inducted into the 2017 International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, located in the Thurman J. White Forum building at the University of Oklahoma.

  • EPOL Professor Ron Jacobs Inducted into AHRD Scholar Hall of Fame

    Congratulations to Dr. Ronald Jacobs, who has been inducted into the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Scholar Hall of Fame. Jacobs will be honored at AHRD's Annual Conference in Atlanta on February 28.

  • EPOL professor gives keynote on youth policy and the Middle East

    Professor Linda Herrera of the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership gave the keynote address during the Opportunities and Choices in Dutch policies for the Middle East - Youth Conference, which was organized by Het Grote Midden Oosten Platform in the Netherlands.

  • EPOL professor discusses financing postsecondary education with

    With tuition rates and other college costs rising every year, many parents struggle to finance their children’s college education. As a result, many students take on debt or forgo post-secondary education altogether. Professor Linda Herrera in the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership discussed with the most common mistakes people make when financing their postsecondary education.   

  • Aigul Rakisheva

    EPOL Ph.D Student Receives Outstanding Reviewer Award from AERA

    Rakisheva reviewed the submissions of the Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning SIG.

  • Aigul Rakisheva

    EPOL Ph.D. Student Aigul Rakisheva Wins Best Paper Award at Conference

    Rakisheva was honored at the European Educational Research Association (EERA) conference for her paper, entitled “Bridging the urban-rural gaps in education in Kazakhstan.
  • Mostafa Hanafy receving an award alongside Bill Cope.

    EPOL Ph.D. Candidate Receives Emerging Scholar Award

    Mostafa Hanafy received awards at the seventeenth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.

  • EPOL PhD Candidate Dinah Armstead Part of iVenture Accelerator Cohort 6

    iVenture Accelerator, powered by Gies College of Business, has provided a new round of funding and support for 39 students and their startups. Dinah Armstead, PhD candidate in Global Education Studies and Education Policy is one of these students. Her startup is called AgriWater Tech Consulting.

  • EPOL Ph.D. candidate chosen as Spencer Dissertation Fellow

    Alisha Johnson, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, was chosen as a 2016 National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellow. Johnson was one of 35 fellows selected among nearly 400 student applications from more than 100 graduate institutions.