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  • 2014 Undergraduate Research Week Award Winners!

    Congratulations to our 2014 Undergraduate Research Week award winners! 


    Illinois undergraduates interested in a summer of biomedical research at the Mayo Clinic are invited to an information sesswion on October 10, at 6 pm, via Zoom. Up to seven of Mayo Clinic's prestigious Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) are reserved for Illinois sophomores and juniors who are seriously considering a biomedical research career as a PhD or MD/PhD.

    The Illinois preselection period opens Monday, October 7. For more information, including the Zoom link, please see full description.

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute

    The Community-Academic Scholars Initiative matches undergraduate students with an academic mentor and a community partner to collaborate over the summer on a project designed to directly benefit community members served by the partner organization.

    This is a paid research experience. For more informationabou the Initiative and how to apply, see full posting. 

    Deadline is February 10, 2022.

  • Undergraduate Research Symposium 2019 - Deadline fast approaching!

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is accepting submissions for the 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 18. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 14-20), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. Over the course of the day, students present their work in concurrent oral and poster presentations (including creative performances), the breadth and scope of which reflect not only the wide range of academic disciplines at the University of Illinois, but also speak to the caliber of our undergraduates. 


    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on the URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit: 


    Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Friday, February 1, 2019, at 11:59 pm. 

  • Fall 2020 - Undergraduate Research Support Grant and Conference Travel Grant - Applications being Accepted

    The Office of Undergraduate is now accepting student applications to the Research Support and Conference Travel Grants for the Fall 2020 semester. For more information including how to apply for funding, please view the full article.

  • #IMPARTOFIT - Undergraduate Research Week

    Dear Presenters,The Office of Undergraduate Research is excited to announce its inaugural #IMPARTOFIT campaign. All students presenting at Undergraduate Research Week events (including the Undergraduate Research Symposium) are eligible for a chance to win a $25, $35, and $50 gift card to the Illini Union Bookstore. Promote your research for a chance to win! For instructions on how to be part of it, please see the brochure below (also attached to this post):


  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: IHSI 2025 Summer Community-Academic Scholar Program

    The Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute 2025 Community-Academic Scholar program is a 10-week summer research experience empowering Illinois undergraduates in all majors to address critical issues in the local community. Scholars work with an Illinois researcher and community organization on a research project designed to directly benefit the community members served by the partner organization.

    This is a paid research position for Summer 2025: $4500 stipend. 

    Deadline to apply: February 6, 2025.

    For more information on this summer program and how to apply, please see full description.

  • Image of Research - 2023 Undergraduate Research Competition

    The Image of Research — UR Edition is a multidisciplinary competition celebrating the diversity and breadth of undergraduate student research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. All undergraduate students are invited to submit entries consisting of an image and brief text that articulates how the image relates to the research. “Research” is defined broadly to include creative and scholarly work in all fields. The image submitted can represent your work either concretely or abstractly. Perhaps it is an image of your research itself, an activity related to your research, or the impact of your research.

    For more information, see full post.

  • Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program Apps are Due this Friday, October 6!

    The application for URAP @ UI, our Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program, is now open. Deadline for applications is October 6, 2023 at 11:59 pm.

  • We are live! Come visit the virtual 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium!

    Our virtual 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) launched yesterday (Monday, April 27) and we're excited to see that the response has been overwhelmingly positive! There is still plenty of time to stop by and support our student presenters (URS will be live April 27 - May 1).

  • Undergrads, publish your research! The Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research is accepting submissions.

    The Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research is accepting student manuscript submissions from any discipline for publication in their 2017 issue. We encourage all UIUC undergraduate students to discuss publication opportunities with their mentors. Remember, there are many benefits to publishing your work including:

    1. To help improve writing and research skills.

    2. To experience the scholarly publication process.

    3. To connect with professors and researchers.

    4. To display leadership and initiative.

    5. To professionalize the undergraduate experience.

    6. To inform a future career path.


  • 2023 Mayo Clinic SURF | Illinois pre-selection closes Nov. 7

    If you are interested in pursuing a career in the biomedical sciences as a PhD or MD-PhD, Mayo Clinic’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship is an excellent opportunity to work alongside scientists at one of the world’s leading biomedical research centers. Up to seven fellowships are reserved for sophomores and juniors nominated by a University of Illinois selection committee.

    Apply by Nov. 7 to be considered for this special pre-selection process.

    Get details and apply:

  • International Internship Opportunity in the Humanities

    Are you looking for an internship opportunity?


    Consider applying for the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL; which has been approved to host two twelve-week undergraduate Mitacs Globalink Internships for May–July 2023.


    Applications are due to Mitacs on September 22nd, 2022, via their website


    • Digital Scholarship Internship: Open Scholarship and Digital Humanities
    • Digital Scholarship Internship: Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Commons and Digital Humanities Training


    For successful applicants, Mitacs provides round-trip airfare to Canada; stipends for housing, food, and incidentals; and health insurance, among other supports.

  • Monthly Research Newsletter

    Are you eager to stay up-to-date on all undergraduate research happenings at the University of Illinois? Look no further! 🎉 Sign up for OUR's monthly Undergraduate Research Newsletter to be kept current about undergraduate research programs, events, and resources.


    The Distributed Autonomous Systems Lab (DASLAB) is looking for an undergraduate research assistant. This is a 10 hour/week paid position open to Computer Science majors currently in their junior or senior year for Fall 2024. The research project is relevant to computer vision with application in agricultural robotics. For more details about the position and how to apply, please see full description.

  • Undergraduate Research Symposium 2024 - Now accepting student presenter applications!

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is now accepting submissions for the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 25, 2024. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 21-27, 2024) and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It's also open to friends, families, and the public who are interested in learning about undergraduate research and its impact.

    Click to learn more.

  • Illinois Undergraduate Research Ambassadors - Call for Applications

    The Office of Undergraduate Research is looking for motivated and personable undergraduate students in all majors who are excited to introduce and support peers through the Illinois research experience. If you have participated in a research project, be it through coursework, assisting faculty, research staff, or graduate students, or conducting a project of your own, we invite you to apply to become an Illinois Undergraduate Research Ambassador and help other students along their research journeys. We are particularly interested in adding students in the humanities & arts to our team of ambassadors. 

    This application is for ambassador positions beginning Spring 2025, with the intent that selected candidates can and will continue into the following Fall 2025/Spring 2026 academic year. Students will be expected to work 30 hours per semester, and will be paid a stipend of $450 per semester.  

    For more information, including how to apply, please see full description

  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: NRES - Environmental Justice Undergraduate Research Position

    [In]Secure Landscapes lab is hiring for Spring and Summer 2022!

    Join a multidisciplinary research project to study equity in the transition to renewable energy in Illinois. Focuses incude policy, infrastructure, mapping, and economics. Open to all majors.

    For more information, see full posting. Deadline to apply is January 30, 2022.

  • Publishing Opportunity: Seeking manuscript submissions for "Service Learning and Community-Based Research in a Time of Disruption" special issue (UJSLCBR)

    The Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is requesting submissions for a special issue of the journal entitled Service Learning and Community-Based Research in a Time of Disruption. How do students respond to disruption while participating in service learning or community-based research? This Special Issue of the Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research seeks to address students’ experiences with service learning and community-based research in a time of disruption. This Special Issue on disruption will focus on how disruptive events like the pandemic affect service learning and community-based research projects. Disruptive situations present new and unforeseeable challenges for students and can be associated with a variety of situations such as the current pandemic (COVID-19), civic engagement related to societal issues, natural disasters, and tragic events. The objective is to provide a bigger-picture view of disruption and consider strategies for addressing multiple intersecting concerns that inevitably exist within the context of any single situation (personal and societal). This is an opportunity for students to discuss and reflect on the challenges they faced, including failure to complete projects, as well as unique opportunities that may have presented themselves as the disruption unfolded during a service learning or community-based research experience—the disruption and response. For more information, please see full post.

  • Undergraduate Research Week 2017 (April 23 - 29) - Program is Posted!

    URW 2017 is Coming…..

    Undergraduate Research Week 2017 is almost upon us (April 23-29; with a few early birds beginning this week), and its bigger than ever! URW showcases the best of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at the U of I. Campus events include workshops on getting started in research, special exhibits, and colloquia sponsored by individual departments, programs, and units, highlighting the best of our students’ work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium, URW’s day-long signature event, will see hundreds of students from all academic disciplines share their research through oral panels, poster presentations, and performances. A highlight of the Symposium is our special lunch time session, with 4 of our best and brightest demonstrating the range of research that occurs at Illinois, from the scarcity of African-Americans in STEM fields to the future of renewable energy. We invite you to come be inspired!

    You can find the program attached to this email, and on our website at:

    Stay up-to-date on URW events by following us on Twitter @ugresearch_UI and Facebook @UGResearchIllinois

  • Undergraduate Research Workshops - Fall 2024 Calendar

    The Office of Undergraduate Research announces its Fall 2024 calendar for the Planning Your Research Journey Workshop and Getting Started in Research Workshop.

    We will have both in-person and online workshops available for each offering. Information for each workshop including how students can register can be found in this post.

  • Conference Travel Grants - Spring/Early Summer

    Conference travel grant applications for Spring and early Summer 2016 now open. Deadline for applications is February 22, 2016. Application is available here. Notification of grants will be made after the competition has closed.

  • Fall 2015 Conference Travel Grant Competition

  • Tips and Tricks for Oral Presentations

    Get some tips on giving an oral presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

  • Spring 2019 - Undergraduate Research Support Grant and Conference Travel Grant - Applications being Accepted

    Research Support Grant (RSG) and Proposal Writing for Undergraduate Researchers Workshop** This grant provides students from all disciplines with the funds necessary to conduct research or creative projects during the academic year both on and off campus (including summer terms). Awards will be up to $2,000 and are meant to cover research travel costs, living expenses incurred during academic breaks (i.e., winter break and summer terms, NOT regular semester living expenses), and materials or other ancillary costs. We hope that this competition will both broaden and deepen the types of research being conducted by undergraduate students on campus, and that the recipients are able to use this opportunity as a way of engaging with their fields.

    For details and eligibility requirements please visit:

    The deadline for applications is March 8, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

    ** In collaboration with the Writers Workshop, the Office of Undergraduate Research is offering a Proposal Writing for Undergraduate Researchers Workshop. We encourage all students interested in applying to the RSG to enroll in this free workshop. During this workshop, we will discuss the fundamentals of proposal writing, guiding students to formulate successful research projects and explain their research in a concise and compelling manner that is understandable to a general audience. For details and information on how to apply, please visit our workshops page:


    Conference Travel Grant (CTG) This grant provides awards of up to $350 for undergraduate students to travel to professional conferences to present their research posters, papers, or creative works. Please note, the Office of Undergraduate Research does not provide funds for conference travel for attendance only; grants are meant for students who will present their work.

    For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit:

    The deadline for applications is February 21, 2019 at 11:59pm.



    Opportunity to assist in language teaching research for the MA TESOL practicum at the Champaign-Urbana refugee center. Duties include interpreting for interviews and analyzing oral or written information.

    This is a paid research opportunity for Spring 2025.

    For more information, and how to apply, please see full description.

  • Sign up for OUR's monthly email newsletter

    It is now easier than ever before to stay notified! Sign up for the Office of Undergraduate Research monthly email newsletter to receive occasional emails about research programs, events, opportunities, and helpful information for current and aspiring undergraduate researchers. Students are encouraged to sign up at:

  • Undergraduate Network for Research in the Humanities (UNRH)

    Conference opportunity for students involved in digital humanities reearch and projects!


  • Apply for the Aspiring Researchers Alliance

    The Office of Undergraduate Research is now accepting applications for the Aspiring Researchers Alliance, a program to guide and support students through the process of securing an undergraduate research experience. Deadline to apply is Monday, February 5 at 11:59 PM.

  • Undergraduate Research Week 2022 Is Here!

    Undergraduate Research Week 2022 (April 24 - 30)

    Undergraduate Research Week 2022 is here and the final program has been posted!

    The Undergraduate Research Week showcases the best of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Campus events include special exhibits, and colloquia sponsored by individual departments, programs, and units, highlighting the best of our students’ work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium (All day on Thursday, April 28 in the Illini Union) is URW’s day-long signature event where hundreds of students from all academic disciplines share their research through oral panels, poster presentations, and performances. We invite you to come be inspired!.

    You can find a link to the URW 2022 program here:

    Stay up-to-date on URW events by following us on Twitter @ugresearch_UI,  Facebook @UGResearchIllinois, and Instagram @ugresearch_UI

  • HackCulture - Humanities Focused Hackathon

    Calling all undergraduate humanists! HackCulture 2016, a humanities focused hackathon will take place from 3:00pm October 1st to 3:00pm on October 22nd. Deadline for applications: 5:00pm, September 16.

  • Undergraduate Research Support Grant and Conference Travel Grant - Applications being Accepted

    The Office of Undergraduate is now accepting student applications to the Research Support and Conference Travel Grants for the Fall 2022 semester. For more information including how to apply for funding, please view the full article.

  • Fellowship for Digital and Inclusive Excellence

    Fellowship for Digital and Inclusive Excellence
    a program of the Association of Research Libraries

    Wondering about the digital humanities or data science? Concerned about information access and equity? Interested in exploring how digital technologies can help us re-imagine libraries and archives? Explore a future in information!

    The Fellowship for Digital and Inclusive Excellence introduces diverse undergraduate students to the work and culture of the contemporary research library and archive. The program focuses on digital stewardship—the care and management of digital information resources over their life cycle, including creation, collection, preservation, access, and use.

    The fellowship includes:

    • a one-year, paid internship position in a host research library or archive (such as the University of Illinois Library);
    • a mentorship program with peers & professionals from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups;
    • free membership in a professional organization of the participant's choice;
    • a capstone institute at the end of the fellowship year for additional professional development and community building; . . . and more!

    To be eligible for this fellowship, you must:

    • identify as being from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group, based on the categories outlined by the US Census Bureau or Statistics Canada or Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) people classifications;
    • be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States;
    • be enrolled as an undergraduate for the duration of the fellowship;
    • express an interest in exploring possible career and graduate school options in the library & information science (LIS) or archives field as well as training in diversity, inclusion, and social justice topics; and
    • express commitment to the fundamental values and mission of libraries and archives.

    Upload a résumé; a 500-word statement of interest; and your undergraduate transcript by April 26th, 2019. Two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the ARL Program Coordinator for Grants Administration, Mira Swearer,

    For further details, visit the website of the Association of Research Libraries:

    * * *
    Internships at the University Library could involve curating archives and special collections materials (including digital collections), creating metadata, developing online exhibits, helping with digitization projects or digital platforms, and/or other efforts related to digital preservation and access. Tasks could include language translation, social media outreach, and more! Interns may be considered for placement in several Library units, including—but not limited to—Preservation Services, the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University Archives, Illinois and History Collections, Literatures and Languages Library (including Classics), and Scholarly Communications and other units affiliated with the Offices of Digital Strategies and Research.

    For general questions about the ARL fellowship, possible internship projects at the University of Illinois Library, and a future in Library & Information Science, please contact Dr. Bonnie Mak,

  • Undergraduate International Area Studies Research Workshop

    Undergraduate International Area Studies Research Workshop

    Do you have a research paper on an international, global, or regionally focused topic you’d like to develop further? Or are you planning or working on a thesis on a topic involving a foreign country or region? Apply today to join the undergraduate international area studies workshop which will take place from May 16 - 20, 2016. Details on application and benefits inside.


  • Update on 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium

    The Office of Undergraduate Research has cancelled the in-person Undergraduate Research Symposium and is currently working to move the symposium to an online format.


  • Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise

    We are excited to announce a new resource for students who want to learn more about undergraduate research. "Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise: Becoming a Successful Scholar in a Complex and Competitive Environment" by Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier is now available via MIT Press open access. This book serves as a guide for students across disciplines, offering insights into the essentials of academic research and how to thrive in a research environment.

  • “Writing an Undergraduate Research Paper” Workshop

    Global Studies will be offering a writing workshop titled “Writing an Undergraduate Research Paper” on Thursday, October 20th from 2pm to 3:30pm in 223 Gregory Hall. This workshop is a part of the LAS Student Success Workshop series and help students write fact-based college-level papers. We will discuss tips to research for class assignments, creating coherent arguments and methods for staying on track with submission deadlines. Students attending this session must bring a term/research paper they have been working on at the time of the workshop.

  • Working with Data for Undergrads! Creating Data Documentation

    Writing project, code, and data documentation doesn’t need to be the worst part of your day. This hands on workshop will give you experience using various types of documentation, discuss strategies for writing documentation, and get you started writing a template for your projects. Bring a dataset you’d like to work with but examples will be provided.

    Join us for this interactive session that will give you concrete answers to your data questions!

    DATE: Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 4-5pm

    Registration is free: 

    LOCATION: 314 Main Library - The workshop will be held in the Main Library, Library 314. Take the north stairwell (Armory and Wright Street entrance) to the 3rd floor of the Main Library and make a left at the top of the stairs.

    For more information: 

  • 2016 SURF-Abroad Suspended

    We regret to announce that we are suspending the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship-Abroad (SURF-A). We hope to offer it again in summer 2017. 

  • Sign up for OUR's monthly email newsletter

    It is now easier than ever before to stay notified! Sign up for the Office of Undergraduate Research monthly email newsletter to receive occasional emails about research programs, events, opportunities, and helpful information for current and aspiring undergraduate researchers. Students are encouraged to sign up at:

  • Call for Papers -- Undergraduate Research Conference Opportunity

  • Undergraduate Research Symposium 2022 - Application Due March 15, 2022

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is currently accepting submissions for the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set for Thursday, April 28, 2022. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 24-30, 2022), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, as well as corporate partners and sponsors, to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. Over the course of the day, students present their work in concurrent oral and poster presentations (including creative performances), the breadth and scope of which reflect not only the wide range of academic disciplines at the University of Illinois, but also speak to the caliber of our undergraduates. 


    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on the URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit:


    Deadline for submitting an application to the URS is Sunday March 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm. 

  • URS Poster Presenters: Archive Your Presentation

    Congratulations on presenting your work at the recent Undergraduate Research Symposium! Would you like to make your presentation available online? Submit your poster – or any undergraduate work! – to the institutional repository. Find out how to submit your work to IDEALS. 


  • Less than One Month Left to Apply to the Undergraduate Research Symposium 2024!

    Less than one month left to apply to present at the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS)! The URS, set for Thursday, April 25, 2024, is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 21-27, 2024) and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It's also open to friends, families, and the public who are interested in learning about undergraduate research and its impact. The deadline to apply is March 8 at 11:59 pm.

    Please see full post to learn more.

  • informational flyer

    AI, Economics, and Big Data Research Talk

    The Department of Economics is hosting a talk on September 19 about artificial intelligence and big data. We encourage you to stop by and learn about some of the cutting-edge research in this area!

  • Undergraduate Research Week 2019 Is Here!

    Undergraduate Research Week 2019 (April 14 - 20)

    Undergraduate Research Week 2019 is here and the final program has been posted!

    The Undergraduate Research Week showcases the best of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Campus events include special exhibits, and colloquia sponsored by individual departments, programs, and units, highlighting the best of our students’ work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium (All day on Thursday, April 18 in the Illini Union) is URW’s day-long signature event where hundreds of students from all academic disciplines share their research through oral panels, poster presentations, and performances. A highlight of the Symposium is our special lunchtime session, with 4 of our best and brightest demonstrating the range of research that occurs at Illinois. We invite you to come be inspired!.

    You can find a link to the URW 2019 program here:

    Stay up-to-date on URW events by following us on Twitter @ugresearch_UI,  Facebook @UGResearchIllinois, and Instagram @ugresearch_UI

  • OUR's Director Elected Division Councilor to Council on Undergraduate Research

    OUR's Director -- Dr. Karen Rodriguez'G -- has been elected as an Undergraduate Research Programs Division Councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research. She will serve from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025.

  • Kick-off Event for 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium

    To all members of the Illinois community, we hope you will take some time to visit both Undergraduate Research Week events and the Symposium and witness the hard work of our students, and we invite you to provide encouragement and feedback on their presentations. For a full list of events taking place during Undergraduate Research Week, please view the full digital program at:  

    The Symposium will be on display April 26 thru April 30 through ForagerOne, our host platform. To protect the intellectual property of the presenters and their mentors, the Symposium is restricted only to those with an active University of Illinois email address. To register and view the event, please go to:

    We hope you will drop in, engage with our students, and come away inspired!

  • Four Days Left - Apply NOW to Present at 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium!

    Make sure to apply soon for the opportunity to present at the 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), set to be on display April 26 - April 30, 2021. The URS is the signature event of Undergraduate Research Week (April 25 - May 1), and brings together students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus to learn more about undergraduate research and its potential to change the world. During the week, we will host pre-recorded oral and poster presentations, including creative performances, through our online symposium platform. Students will have the opportunity to engage with the campus community to discuss their findings through a built-in forum.

    All undergraduate students currently involved with research are eligible to present. For more information on URS, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit:

    The deadline for applying to the Virtual URS is March 19, 2021, at 11:59 pm. No late submissions will be accepted.

  • Weekly Drop-in Hours for URS Applicants & Presenters

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is hosting weekly virtual drop-in hours to support students applying to and presenting at the 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS). Stop by and ask questions about your application, presentation, other questions about the Symposium. Details included in full post.