Jan 25, 2016 3:45 pm14 views
AmeriCorps Superior National Forest Crews (ages 18-25) receive on-the-job training to learn natural resources management skills and put those skills into practice working on projects throughout Superior National Forest. Superior National Forest seasonal crews are part of the Superior National Forest’s “Faces of Tomorrow” initiative, an effort to improve the diversity of their future workforce. Leader and member positions involve physically challenging, team-oriented outdoor work on conservation projects such as invasive species management, fuels reduction, campsite maintenance, timber stand improvement, trail maintenance, tree planting, timber marking, and wildfire suppression/prescribed burning. The Crew Leader works directly with Crew Members to complete all forest improvement projects, monitoring member performance and safety and providing on-site education and training. --valuable job skills applicable to any career -- Earn an AmeriCorps education award for school expenses or to pay off qualified student loans -- Learn about current environmental issues and network with natural resource professionals -- Get field experience and gain natural resource management skills.