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The #IlliniLeader's Digest
A digital space for ILC stakeholders to learn and voice their perspectives about leadership...

blog posts

  • remote

    Leading a remote team? Here are some tips for asynchronous success.

    In a post-pandemic world, it seems that working remotely is becoming more ingrained into the professional world. Remote team projects are becoming extremely commonplace. However, being a remote leader can be challenging. Here are some tips for leading a remote team from my experience as a remote team leader. 

  • president

    Leadership Lessons from President Zelensky

    Leadership lessons from President Zelensky we can apply in our daily lives.

  • Crowd marches at the George Floyd protests 6/2/2020

    Leadership in Social Justice

    The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines social justice as “justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.” The concept of social justice encompasses all oppressed and marginalized groups and it is formed on five pillars: access to resources, equity, participation, diversity, and human rights.

  • Jump Start Your Career with Leadership

    This blog post highlights the importance of leadership and how it can positively influence your career readiness. Leadership is about constantly learning and to do this you must seek out experiences that will enhance your life design.

  • Is Leadership Conditional?

    When someone mentions the word leadership to you, what comes to mind? How can this concept be applied in a virtual setting? 

  • lightbulb

    Innovation in Leadership

    This post goes into details on Innovation in leadership. It describes what innovation is and ways to embrace innovation in leadership and in our daily lives. 

  • Innovation and Leadership

    This post talks about innovation and the impacts it has on leadership. Innovation helps start trendsetters and conversation starters for leaders. It is important to recognize the impact innovation has on leaders. 

  • Mountain Road Snowing Snow

    Indecisiveness & Leadership

    It is okay to be unsure so long as you recognize your indecisiveness. Identify what you can control and set goals that focus on it while keeping an eye on uncontrollable factors. If you are lost in a haze, do not hesitate to ask for help from reliable mentors or peers.

  • human dignity

    Human Dignity in Leadership

    This post explains the importance of one of the ILC's competencies, human dignity, and how it is important in leadership. 

  • How Trying Calamari (and other things) Helped Me to Have Better Self-Management

    Simplify life's complexities by discovering three transformative mindsets—curiosity, embracing opportunities, and reframing problems for effective self-management. With practical insights from her own experiences, an ILC graf intern emphasizes the gradual nature of this process and shares her wisdom on navigating life with intention and pride. 

  • stress

    How to stay (sorta) stress-free in college

    This post shares some ways to help relieve stress in your life. With the end of the semester quickly approaching, this is a great post that gives some tips on ways to help handle the stress in your life!

  • goals

    How To Set the Right Goals for Yourself and Succeed

    Goal setting is critical for success. Without goals, it’s difficult to measure progress or determine where you are and where you want to be. You also need specific goals in order to develop a plan on how to achieve them. However, there is a right way and wrong way to set goals, which is why following these tips are important.

  • smiley faces

    How to Prioritize our Emotional Wellness 

    This post talks about the importance of emotional wellness and how to prioritize that in our lives. The post also talks a bit more about recognizing our own emotions, stress management, and emotional intelligence. 

  • How to Establish a Psychologically Safe Team

    ILC's communication and marketing specialist Eugene Hwang talks about psychological safety and what it takes to have a team where everyone feels comfortable!

  • virtual leadership

    How to be a Leader in a Virtual Setting

    This post is about the tools you will need as a leader online, and how to work on the skills you are confident in to succeed in a virtual environment.

  • virtual

    How to be a Leader in a Virtual Setting

    This post elaborates on a few strategies that students can implement in order to become a leader in a virtual setting. 

  • How My Involvement With The Illinois Leadership Center Transformed My Life

    This post talks a bit about the importance the ILC has had on one of our own employee's college experiences. She shares how she got involved with the ILC and where that has gotten her today as she is finishing her time here at the University of Illinois. 

  • leadershape

    How My Experience at The LeaderShape® Institute™ Shaped My Understanding of Social Justice

    The LeaderShape®  Institute™ was a great opportunity to learn more about social justice and hear from different viewpoints. My time at The LeaderShape®  Institute™  was very influential and I wanted to share how it helped my viewpoint of social justice. 

  • people

    How Leaders Communicate Effectively

    Communication is something key in leadership as well as our everyday lives. This post goes into more detail on communication and gives some great advice on how to effectively use communication in different areas. 

  • empathy


    This post starts by comparing empathy to shoes, displaying a metaphor for being the listener for someone's story. This post also shares a comparison and a way to think of empathy in a different way. 

  • hands

    Do You Really Trust Your Team? Do They Trust You?

    This post details on the importance of being a trustworthy leader and provides a piece of advice on people who are just about to start their leadership role, using soccer as an example.

  • Donaldson Gift to the Illinois Leadership Center Makes History

    The Illinois Leadership® Center (ILC) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has received the largest outright gift in the history of Student Affairs at Illinois with a $1.17 million gift from Jane and William (“Bill”) Donaldson.

  • COVID-19 Updates

    As the spread of the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) creates uncertainty and concerns both globally and here in our community, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign continues to monitor developments and to take any new actions that are warranted as new information emerges in this rapidly changing situation. Click here for information and updates about the impact of the COVID-19 virus on our university.

  • Compassionate Leadership: What I've Learned

    In this blog, an ILC graf intern explores the concept of compassionate leadership and how her time working at the Illinois Leadership Center has made her reevaluate her approach on what makes a competent leader.

  • Challenges You Need To Encounter As A Leader

    Leaders have the power to control people to do what they want. However, being a leader is not easy. He or she needs to face many challenges to build a strong, healthy working relationship with employees.

  • Being a Leader in the Advertising Industry

    This blog sums up the leadership qualities necessary for success when working in an advertising agency. It teaches college students how to prepare for the industry by being mindful of the way they act and work with others.

  • Becoming an Effective Leader in your first leadership position

    This post provides insightful advice on how to be a confident and effective leader in your first leadership position.

  • world diversity

    Becoming a Culturally Competent Leader

    Great leaders possess the skills, knowledge, and attitude necessary to build authentic connections with people from different cultures. This blog will highlight qualities of culturally competent leaders and steps you can take to build cultural competence.

  • Advice for someone entering a leadership role for the first time

    This post gives some advice on starting your first leadership role and how to be successful in the role. 

  • Cavenaugh Library

    Add These to Your Leadership Reading List: ILC Resources and Our Upcoming Book Club

    The Illinois Leadership Center’s Cavenaugh Leadership Library is a great resource for students and staff due to its various borrowable activities and books that can help anyone with improving their leadership competency. The ILC will also be launching a brand-new book club for those who enjoy stories of leadership in practice and for those who want to learn about newer, nontraditional theories of leadership. Learn more about what we have to offer!

  • A Call to Action: Social Change in our Leadership

    This post goes into detail about what the Social Change Model of Leadership is and how we can use it in our every day lives with relation to leadership. 

  • Characters of people holding time management concept illustration

    7 Ways to Improve Your Self-Management Skills

    Great leaders use their time, energy, and resources effectively. Leaders skilled in self-management act in ways that strengthen their personal, professional, and familial relationships. This post will outline seven ways you can effectively improve your self-management skills.

  • Leadership photo

    6 Tips for Successfully Leading a Team

    Leading a team can be intimidating, so here are six tips to help you the next time you are tasked to lead a team.