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Scholarships, careers, and opportunities for MEP students. Links to more scholarship listings for continuing students, department scholarships, and external scholarships here:
Graduate School

blog posts

  • UCLA Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) & Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)

    1. Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

    The UCLA Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, supported by Amazon, will provide students who are typically underrepresented in engineering and computer science an opportunity to conduct innovative and cutting-edge research. The program will admit 20 students and will run from June 25 – August 19, 2023.

    The SURE @UCLA application will be open from January 16 – April 2, 2023.

    2. Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)

    The UCLA Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) is designed for students who wish to learn more about the graduate school experience and possibly pursue an academic career in teaching and research. The tentative dates for SPUR 2023 are June 26 to August 18 (8-week programs) and June 26 to September 1 (10-week programs).

    The SPUR @ UCLA application will close March 31, 2023

  • Amazon MS Fellowship at Columbia Engineering

    The Amazon MS Fellowship at Columbia Engineering is designed to increase the participation of students from underrepresented groups in graduate area in STEM disciplines. 

    The Amazon MS Fellowship includes:

    Full tuition and fees for completing the MS degree program requirements

    chance to participate in an internship at Amazon during academic semesters and the summer

    Supervision from industry professionals and a chance to be considered for career opportunities at Amazon after completing MS studies


    More information on our programs can be found on the Columbia Engineering Admission website.

    Please note in particular our Applications Deadlines.

  • MIT Converge Program

    Attention juniors and seniors: Interested in graduate studies at MIT? Participate in CONVERGE.

  • 2013 Berkeley Edge Conference

    The 2013 Berkeley Edge conference will be held on October 24 - 26, 2013 at UC Berkeley.

    Application Deadline is September 8th.

    The annual Berkeley Edge Conference brings underrepresented students who are competitively eligible for our Ph.D. programs to the Berkeley campus.

    Please read more for further information.

  • Paid Research Opportunity for Undergraduates | Columbia SURE Program

    Applications for the 2023 Columbia University - Amazon SURE Program are now open. SURE is a unique academic-industry collaboration created to foster career exploration at the frontiers of engineering research. 

    This 10-week summer research program in New York City is designed to support under-represented minorities and female-identifying students in STEM on their pathways into graduate school in engineering and science. A recent recipient of the INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine Inspiring Programs in STEM Award, SURE has a reputation for helping students jumpstart their careers as researchers and academics.

    Please take note of the following key program dates:

    Application Priority Deadline: January 22, 2023 Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. Early application is encouraged.

    Selection Notifications: Early April 2023

    Students interested in applying can visit: for the program application or check out for more information.

    Any questions? Contact 

  • National Name Exchange

    Who should enter? Qualifying students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above, and be from a group historically underrepresented in higher education  

    What is it? The Graduate College invites UIUC undergraduate students to enroll in the National Name Exchange. The National Name Exchange was established to help match graduate schools with students from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups interested in graduate education.

  • Cornell University: (FLAME) Summer Program

    Application Deadline: Application are being considered on a rolling basis, program runs June 4 to August 4, 2023

    Who should apply? Students  from backgrounds historically underrepresented in engineering, interested in Advanced Manufacturing and Materials, Biomechanics, Bioengineering, Energy and Sustainability, Robotics and Autonomy, and Space Science and Engineering

    What is it? This program provides students with a mentored research experience and the opportunity to be considered for fast-tracked/prioritized admission into the Ph.D. programs in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell, and to receive tailored programmatic and financial support. The FLAME Summer Program is still considering applications on a rolling basis 

  • Cornell University Paid Summer Research

    The Cornell FLAME Summer Program provides URM students a unique opportunity to launch into a Ph.D. program through enhanced summer research experience and through a subsequent fast-tracked/prioritized admission into the Cornell MAE Ph.D. program with tailored programmatic and financial support. It is designed for students interested in Advanced Manufacturing and Materials, Biomechanics, Bioengineering, Energy and Sustainability, Robotics and Autonomy, and Space Science and Engineering.

    Application deadline: February 1, 2023

    Complete the FLAME 2023 Application and submit letter(s) of recommendation via the Online Recommender Form.

    If you have questions or need more information, please contact

  • Sandia National Labs Scholarship Opportunity

    Critical Skills Master's Program

    Sandia's Critical Skills Master's Program (CSMP) is a special, entry-level hiring program, which provides new or recent technical bachelor's degree candidates the opportunity to pursue a fully funded Masters of Science degree. The CSMP program is designed to attract talent pursuing key disciplines aligned with Sandia's national security mission, including Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity and Electrical Engineering. Learn more about CSMP.

    Master's Fellowship Program

    Exceptional candidates with bachelor's degrees can receive fully funded master's of science degrees through Sandia's Master's Fellowship Program. Successful applicants will become full-time Sandia employees. After working at Sandia for at least two months, participants will enter graduate school full-time, while receiving benefits and stipends from Sandia. Participants are guaranteed job placement at Sandia after receiving their master's degrees. Learn more about MFP.




  • Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity

    Applications now open through December 15, 2022!

    Formerly known as the National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC), was founded in 1989 “To increase the number of American citizens with graduate degrees in STEM fields, emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool.” Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity (GFSD) is a partnership between federal agencies & laboratories, industry, and higher education institutions. GFSD has a strong partnership with the University of Southern California. GFSD is a registered US nonprofit (501c3). Benefits for fellows:

    • Graduate stipend
    • Paid internships
    • Support and community



  • Summer REU at Cornell: Upcoming Deadlines!

    Future Leaders in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (FLAME) (deadline extended to February 17)

    Cornell GeoPaths Geoscience Learning Ecosystem (deadline February 15)

    Cornell LSAMP REU (deadline March 1)

    The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell FLAME program (linked above) has just extended their deadline to February 17, and the following additional programs affiliated with Cornell’s Diversity Programs in Engineering office have upcoming deadlines. Read the article to find out more about these programs.

  • Join the Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR) Program!

    Application Deadline: March 31, all engineering majors

    A minimum of $1000 per year is awarded to Grainger Engineering undergraduate students doing research in the fall and spring semesters. Funding is available for sophomores, juniors, and seniors who commit to two semesters of conducting research. Women, first-generation students, and students from underrepresented minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply for the 2023-2024 cohort.


    For inquiries about this opportunity, students can email

  • Berkeley Edge Conference

    University of California, Berkeley Fourteenth Annual Berkeley Edge Conference for Prospective Graduate Students in the Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics

    Thursday, October 24-Saturday, October 26, 2013

    APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 22, 2013

  • Princeton Engineering Graduate Symposium

    The School of Engineering & Applied Science will host the Princeton Engineering Graduate Symposium (PEGS) on October 17-19, 2013 to encourage underrepresented minority students who are eligible for graduate study to apply to Princeton.  

    The program is rooted in Princeton’s commitment and desire to attract and train a diverse set of science, engineering, and technology leaders. The three-day visitation program offers undergraduates the opportunity to explore engineering fields at Princeton. The visit includes interacting with faculty and alumni, poster sessions, and seminars about graduate study. Princeton will provide selected participants with transportation, lodging, and meals. Information and application can be found at

  • Virtual GEM GRAD Lab Virginia Tech

    Attend the GEM GRAD Lab (Saturday, October 3rd) to:
    +Get paid to attend grad school
    +Discover Funding Opportunities
    +Learn How to apply to grad school
    +Find out what to expect in grad school

  • Summer 2023 REU Opportunity at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

    Summer Program Dates: May 30th, 2023 – August 4th, 2023 (10 weeks)

     · Research opportunity open to undergraduates in all STEM disciplines.

     · Stipend of $8,000 plus lodging, a one-time modest travel allowance, andone-time modest allotment for meals.

     · GRE prep course to get you ready for graduate school!

     · Many opportunities to choose from: CREST, DOW, DREAM, MSIPP, and RETREAT!

    Applications are due on December 1st, 2022!


  • Ga. Tech Graduate Recruitment Visitation- FOCUS January, 2014

    The Colleges of Architecture, Computing, Engineering, Management, Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech are actively seeking scholars to participate in FOCUS 2014. Visit the website  Preference is for juniors and seniors with high academic standing.  Participation is limited. Lodging accommodations, meals and transportation subsidies will be provided for the participating scholars. Please read the travel information under FAQs at the website for complete details.  The program is held on January 16-19, 2014.

     Prospective scholars may apply through November 17, 2013.


  • UIUC Graduate and Professional School Fair

    Wednesday, October 18,2017. 12 - 4PM. Illini Union, Rooms, A,B,C.

    Join us for Grad School Prep Month! - Attend a workshop before and after the Graduate and Professional School Fair.

    10/4 Finding Research Opportunities  616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 213, 4-5 p.m.

    10/5 Exploring Graduate School 616 E. Green St., Champaign, Room 213, 3-4 p.m.

    10/11 Crafting Your Personal Statement 616 E. Green St.,Champaign, Room 213, 4-5 p.m.

    10/12 Making the Most of the Graduate and Professional School Fair 616 E. Green St.,Champaign, Room 213, 3-4 p.m.

    10/26 Taking the Next Step: After the Graduate & Professional School Fair 616 E. Green St.,Champaign, Room 213, 3-4 p.m.

    10/27 International Graduate Student Panel: How to Prepare for Graduate School Applications 616 E. Green St.,Champaign, Room 213, 4-6 p.m.

  • The NSF-funded Materials REU at the University of California, Irvine

    The NSF-funded Materials REU at the University of California, Irvine, is an 8-week, fully funded, summer research program with a focus on the design, synthesis, and characterization of new materials with novel functionalities for energy, healthcare, aerospace, and environmental sustainability.

    The program is intended for rising junior and senior undergraduates who are interested in attending graduate school in a STEM field. Students from underrepresented groups in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.

    Program dates: June 25 – August 18, 2023

    Application Deadline: Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023


    QUESTIONS? Contact us at

  • Graduate Diversity Visitation Program (GDVP)

    Application Deadline: April 14, 2023

    The GDVP introduces students to the Purdue University Graduate School and gives them the opportunity to meet with faculty, staff, and students in their program of interest. We particularly encourage students from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic communities to apply. The program’s professional development, networking, and orientation opportunities give GDVP participants a significant advantage over their peers during the graduate application process.

  • Prospective Graduate Student Recruitment Weekend at Cornell

    Applications Due:  June 24, 2013

    Cornell University IGERT Prospective Graduate Recruitment Weekend August 29 -31, 2013

    Are you interested in studying and addressing our Earth Energy challenges? The Cornell Earth Energy IGERT brings together students seeking degrees in Engineering and Geosciences in a unique program designed to provide both communities with a common language to address energy challenges. Topics include: Carbon Sequestration, Unconventional Gas from Shale Resources, Fossil Energy Recovery, Geothermal Energy, and Earth Systems Behavior and Resources.

    Please read more for further information.

  • PhD Open House - Penn Engineering

    Join a virtual PhD Open House event on Friday, November 6, 2020.

    -Learn about doctoral programs and our broad, innovative research agenda
    -Participate in a virtual tour of our state-of-the-art laboratories
    -Meet members of our world-class faculty, staff, and students

  • 2017 Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern Application Open

    The application for the 2017 Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern (IGEN) Application is still open. IGEN is a fully funded, two-day visit program for diverse students interested in STEM+ doctoral programs at Northwestern University. This year’s IGEN will be hosted on October 12-14, 2017

    The IGEN application deadline is July 7thWe hope that you will share this opportunity with your students and encourage them to apply. Eligibility requirements are outlined below:

    • Interest in STEM or quantitative doctoral degree (PhD) program
    • US Citizen/Permanent Resident/DACA Recipient
    • Rising Junior or Senior Cumulative GPA of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale
    • Prior research experience
    • Diverse students from HBCUs, HSIs, and Tribal Colleges are strongly encouraged to apply

    Program Highlights:

    • Fully funded, two-day visit toNorthwestern’s Chicago & Evanstoncampuses for STEM+ students
    • Meet faculty, staff, and studentsfrom our STEM/Quantitativegraduate programs
    • Gain insight into the life of a PhDstudent

    If you have any questions, please contact our office at or visit the IGEN website. We look forward to partnering with your institution! 

  • UIUC: Grainger Engineering Preview Weekend (MERGE)

    Learn more about Grainger Engineering graduate programs in the virtual 2021 Multicultural Engineering Recruitment for Graduate Education (MERGE) Event on September 24, 2021, 2:00-5:30 pm central time.

    Apply now for MERGE 2021

  • Columbia REU Summer Program in Chemical Engineering

    This REU site within the Chemical Engineering Department at Columbia University provides the perfect opportunity to gain research experience related to climate and health solutions while also experiencing life, culture and career opportunities in New York City. You will have a chance to conduct research in a chemical engineering lab at Columbia while living and experiencing NYC with your cohort of 10 students as well as students from Columbia and a wide range of other colleges and universities. Please contact if you have any questions.

    Application still open! Apply Now

  • UIUC Grad School Information Session

    Graduate School Information Session

    Thursday, November 3

    4:30-6:00 p.m.

    213 Gregory Hall

    Are you thinking of furthering your education in a Master's or Doctoral program? Do you have questions about the admissions process, how to fund your graduate education, and when to start exploring your options?

    The Graduate College Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team is hosting a Graduate School Information Session. Join us to get the answers to these questions and many more!


    If you have questions about the event, please contact

  • Bridge to PhD @ Columbia University

    Application deadline: February 17th, 2023

    Majors: Astronomy, Biological Sciences, Chemsitry, Earth, Environmental, & Climate Sciences, Economics, Biomedical engineering, Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, Computer science, Earth & environmental engineering, Industrial engineering & operations research, and Mechanical engineering, Physics, Psychology, Statistics

    Interested in funded post-baccalaureate opportunities in STEM at Columbia University? The application for Columbia University's Bridge to Ph.D. Programs in STEM is now open until February 17th, 2023! To learn more about this Program and its application process, please visit: or see the flyer and consider applying!

  • Ohio State Graduate Engineering Open House 2022

    Greetings from Ohio State!

    The College of Engineering invites you to apply to the Graduate Engineering Open House (GEOH) which will take place this October. The priority deadline to apply is Monday, September 22nd and the final deadline will be Friday, October 14th. Travel funding available, but space is limited. Apply by the priority deadline for priority consideration.

    WHAT | This invite-only event aims to give prospective graduate students a preview of what Ohio State engineering has to offer and how we support your success.  The event is specifically aimed at underserved or underrepresented student populations including, but not limited to, female, racial and ethnic groups (African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American and Native Alaskan) historically underrepresented in STEM fields, veterans, LGBTQ+, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. 

    Priority deadline: Monday September 22nd 

    WHEN | Friday and Saturday, October 28-29, 2022. View the full agenda here.


  • NSF REU at Ohio State in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology

    BUCKEYE REU will allow you to get hands-on research and professional development experience during their 10-week on-site summer research program. The opportunity is for students pursuing a STEM major, with an interest in biomechanics or mechanobiology (BMMB). This program will help you build research and professional experience that will support your pathway to graduate school! 

    BUCKEYE REU | Summer 2023

    Application Window: November 1, 2022 - February 10, 2023 at 11:59pm EST

    Program Dates: Monday, May 22 - Friday, July 28, 2023


    Questions? Contact us at

  • Professional M.S. degree in Engineering and Public Policy (EPP)

    The department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University continues to grow its professional M.S. degree in Engineering and Public Policy (EPP), adding nine new students this year. EPP students go on to careers in government, business, consulting, academia, and non-profits around the world.

    Prospective students can find out more on the website and apply via this application link – the deadline is December 15th. I encourage you to share the attached program flyer with anyone you think may be interested in applying.

  • Graduate Assistantship- BioE, ECE, MECHSE

    Program supported by:  NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeships (IGERT) and Virginia Tech Interdisciplinary Education Program (IGEP)

    Seeking applications from prospective students with bachelor's or master's degrees in engineering or biology (or closely related fields) motivated to conduct research, think, collaborate, and solve problems at the intersection of the engineering and biological sciences.

    Trainees will study the dynamic processes that move material, momentum, and energy within, around, through, and between biological systems, from single molecules to the environment.

    Discovery, analysis, and solution of critical issues in biological transport require truly interdisciplinary researchers who are educated in both engineering and biology, who merge these perspectives, and who can communicate effectively with fellow researchers, policy makers, and the public. 

    Trainees receive:
    * $30,000 stipend
    * Full tuition, fees & health insurance(more details inside)

  • Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering/Science Program (SURE) at Georgia Tech

    SURE is a 10-week residential summer research program offered at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. The program focuses on rising juniors andseniors who are interested in attending graduate school in a STEM field. Students from under-represented minority groups and women are highly encouraged to apply.

    • Housing, meals, and travel expenses are provided, plus a $5,000 stipend

    • Advisement and mentoring by Georgia Tech graduate students and faculty.

    An opportunity to find out more about research and life at Georgia Tech!

    May 20 – July 27, 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering/Science Program(SURE) at Georgia Tech.

    Applications Open: December 1, 2017.

    Deadline for applications: March 1, 2018.

    For more information, contact us at

  • GEM GRAD Lab

    Please join us for the Spring 2019 GEM GRAD Lab hosted by the Missouri University of Science and Technology Friday and Saturday, April 12-13, 2019 at the Missouri University of Science & Technology campus. If you are remotely interested in going to graduate school to obtain your Master's or PhD degree in a STEM field, this is a FREE event you do not want to miss!

  • Graduate Preview Day at GaTech

    TO: Prospective FOCUS 2013 Participants


    You are invited to apply as a prospective Scholar participant in FOCUS 2013. The program will be held in Atlanta, Georgia at Georgia Tech, January 17-20, 2013, and is one of the nation’s premier programs for raising the awareness of graduate education. It is designed to attract the best and brightest underrepresented minority students and encourage them to pursue graduate degrees, although the program is open to any student who thinks the program will be of value.


    FOCUS provides an opportunity for scholars to:

    • Learn about Georgia Tech's graduate degree programs

    • Gain insight into available financial resources

    • Visit academic units and research laboratories

    • Obtain assistance with the graduate school application process

  • Penn State - Graduate School Recruitment Event

    Application Deadline is August 20, 2013

    Penn State STEM Open House- September 27th – 29th

    The Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, College of Engineering, and Eberly College of Science would like to invite underrepresented junior and senior undergraduates interested in graduate school to visit the Penn State University Park campus.

    Please read more for further information.

  • MERGE 2018: A Preview Into Grad School

    The Multi-Cultural Engineering Recruitment for Graduate Education (MERGE) program invites promising students like you to visit campus for an all-expense-paid, in-depth view of the outstanding programs and facilities available to graduate students at Illinois.  The MERGE 2018 program will be held on the Urbana-Champaign campus September 27-29, 2018.

  • Informational Session for Students Interested in Graduate School

    Join Virginia Tech's College of Engineering for one of our virtual information sessions! Learn about our graduate programs, opportunities, and more. Please feel free to share.

    • Info Session 1: Tuesday, November 8, 2022, 2:00PM-3:00PM EST

    • Info Session 2: Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 4:00PM-5:00PM EST

    • Info Session 3: Tuesday, December 6, 2022, 1:00PM-2:00PM EST

  • GEM Getting Ready For Advanced Degrees (GRAD) Lab

    Is graduate school right for you? Come and learn about graduate school, how to prepare for graduate school, the GEM Fellowship, and from panel of graduate students.

    OCTOBER 20, 2018
    Engineering Hall 112
    9:00 am – 3:30 pm

    Click to view schedule of events.

  • TAMU College of Engineering - Trajectories Toward Graduate School

    We want to invite you to nominate your top Junior and/or Senior student (s) to be a part of Texas A&M University’s College of Engineering Trajectories Toward Graduate School (TTGS) Program. This two-day event, November 8th-10th, is designed to encourage competitive undergraduate underrepresented ethnic minority students to learn about our graduate programs as well as encourage them to consider pursuing a graduate degree with us. As defined by Texas A&M's College of Engineering, these are students who identify themselves as African American, Hispanic, or Native American.

    This event will provide students the opportunity to:

    learn about the application process

    talk to our current graduate students, professors, and advisors

    participate in campus and departmental tours of engineering labs

    learn about the benefits of furthering their education through graduate school

    learn about ways to pay for graduate school

    Application Timeline:

    September 25 — Student Application deadline

    October 3 — Decisions made

    October 9 — Applicants confirm attendance

    Program dates — November 8 - 10

  • Loyola Medical College Applying to Med School and Post-Bac Informational Session

    Interested in medical school? Come to this informational session:

    Date: Thursday, March 17, 2016

    Time: 5:00-7:00

    Location: 160 English Building

    Thursday, March 17, 2016

    Time: 5:00-7:00

    Location: 160 English Building

  • REACH Undergraduate Event for Prospective Ph.D. Students

    Applications will open in summer 2013!

    The University of Southern California Viterbi School is pleased to announce its annual REACH event for prospective Ph.D. students, October 24-25, 2013.

    Students with a background in engineering, mathematics, or a physical science who are entering their junior year in fall 2013 are invited to apply to REACH.

    This event is particularly geared toward students from backgrounds that are historically underrepresented in the field of engineering: African-American, Latino and Native American.

    Please read more for further information.

  • Learn about Graduate School

    Fall 2022 FREE Virtual Events and Presentations at Purdue University

    All times are in the Eastern Time Zone and observe Daylight Savings when applicable.

    Aug 31, 2022 - Submit your research poster for the Purdue Engineering Virtual Graduate Showcase! More details about this event below.

    Purdue Application Tips. Tuesday, September 6th, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Come learn about the graduate application process from Dr. Jackie McDermott in Purdue Engineering. We will walk through different pieces of the Graduate Application as well as how you can prepare a competitive application! Register here.

    Graduate School Funding. Thursday, September 8th, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m Dr. Janet Beagle, Sr. Director of Graduate Programs in Purdue Engineering, will share an introduction to graduate school funding and some tips for finding funding. Register here.

    Purdue Engineering Virtual Graduate Showcase – Sept 25-26. Meet Purdue Engineering Graduate Programs and Faculty, and learn about both graduate research and summer undergraduate research programs at Purdue. Free, online, and interactive. Also includes Poster Presentations (submit yours by Aug 31– cash prizes for best!), Virtual Tours, and an Application Fee Waiver for participants.

  • UCI Graduate Program Visit Day

    Graduate Opportunities at UCI (GO-UCI) Visit Day

    Preview Graduate Programs in Engineering & Information and Computer Sciences

    November 16-17, 2017 University of California

    Irvine GO-UCI Benefits:

    Exposure to graduate programs and campus life. Learn about cutting-edge research and funding opportunities. Tour UCI campus and laboratories facilities. Network with UCI faculty, staff, and graduate students.Learn how to become a competitive graduate school applicants. Application fee waiver to apply to one ICS or Engineering doctoral program. Free program, including meals.Travel awards available for applicants outside of Southern CA.

    Application Requirements: 

    Must be a junior, senior, or have a bachelor's degree. Minimum GPA of 3.0. Genuine interest in research and earning a Ph.D. Completed online application form. One faculty recommendation within or related to your field. Official or unofficial academic transcript. Resume or curriculum vitae.

    Apply online:

    Priority Deadline: October 15th 11:59PM PST 

    Final Deadline: November 1st

  • 2023 DOE Scholars Program – Accepting Applications

    Application deadline: January 23, 2023, 8:00 AM EST 

    The DOE Scholars Program is designed to attract talented undergraduate and graduate students, and recent graduates to research, technical and professional opportunities within U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and organizations that support the DOE mission.

    As a participant in the DOE Scholars Program you will have the opportunity to explore a federal career with DOE and gain a competitive edge as you apply your education, talent and skills in a variety of settings within the DOE complex.

    Applications and supporting materials must be submitted at:



  • Interested in getting a PhD?

    What: Graduate Program Visit Day
    When: November 1-2, 201
    Where: University of California, Irvine
    Cost: Free, including meals. Travel awards available for applicants outside of Southern CA. 
    Deadline: Monday, October 1st

  • Women in Power System Transformation Internship Program

    Women in Power System Transformation aims to increase gender equality in the global transition to clean energy by providing in-depth technical capacity building and leadership training for women in developing countries, such that they are prepared to excel in science and engineering professional roles in the rapidly evolving power sector. To support this mission, Women in Power System Transformation is now accepting applications to its summer internship program for undergraduate and graduate university students.

  • Princeton Engineering Graduate Symposium: October 2-4, 2014

    The Princeton Engineering Graduate Symposium (PEGS) is designed to encourage underrepresented minority students who are eligible for graduate study to apply to Princeton.  This three-day program includes interacting with faculty and seminars about graduate study.  If invited to the symposium, Princeton will provide transportation, lodging, and meals.  

    Application Due Date: September 12, 2014

  • Ohio State Graduate Engineering Open House

    Come learn about Ohio State's graduate programs this fall at the Graduate Engineering Open House

    Friday and Saturday,October 13th-14th, 2017

    This two day experience is the perfect opportunity for you to learn more about engineering at The Ohio State University!

    The Ohio State University and its College of Engineering are committed to recruiting the best and brightest students for our graduate engineering programs.We recognize the critical importance of a diverse student body and are strongly committed to fostering and enhancing diversity within our graduate programs and in the field of engineering.

    We encourage applications from historically underrepresented populations, African Americans, American Indians/Native Americans, and Hispanic Americans, female, first generation students.

    Over the course of two days, participants will:

    Attend information sessions on applying to graduate school, writing a great personal statement, career services support, research opportunities, and much more.Interact with graduate students, faculty, and staff.Tour the OSU campus and its facilities.

    Majors that are encouraged to apply:

    Engineering,Chemistry,Computer Science,Mathematics,Physics

    All students who attend the Open House will be given an APPLICATION FEE WAIVER to apply to their first choice College of Engineering graduate program.TRAVEL FUNDING is available to guests traveling from outside the Central Ohio area.

    Deadline to apply for travel funding is September 11, 2017.  

    The application takes less than 10 minutes!



  • Purdue Engineering Virtual Graduate Showcase and Engineering Education Open House in October

    On October 1 – 2, meet Purdue Engineering Staff and Faculty, and learn about both graduate research and summer undergraduate research programs at the Purdue Engineering Virtual Graduate Showcase .  This free, online, and interactive event also includes On Demand resources and access to an Application Fee Waiver for participants.

    You can learn more about pursuing your graduate degree at the World's First Engineering Education Academic Unit at Engineering Education Open House - October 26 - 27 in West Lafayette, IN or online.

  • Master of Engineering degree in Engineering, Law, and Policy (MELP) - Penn St. University

    Penn State’s new Master of Engineering degree in Engineering, Law, and Policy (MELP), will be launched spring/fall 2022. MELP is an interdisciplinary professional degree program available for students with a STEM background, relevant across all engineering and science majors. This is a 1 year program with no GRE requirement. This residential graduate program is flexible and can be tailored to student’s technical, regulatory and policy interests through 9 credits of elective courses with 9 different technical elective areas to choose from, along with general electives across law, science and technology policy. Below is a link to the webpage where students can obtain detailed information: