Nov 6, 2023 9:00 am41 views
Dear Students & Families,
We invite you to attend our upcoming Undergraduate Research Showcase. This new event offers a small glimpse into the world of exceptional research being conducted by our talented undergraduate researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
During this one-hour event, coinciding with Dad's Weekend, you will have the privilege of witnessing research presentations by three invited presenters, followed by an open panel and Q&A session. This event is a perfect chance for students interested in learning more about undergraduate research at Illinois to get their questions answered by experienced student presenters. The event is free to attend and open to the public. Feel free to bring your family and friends. Light refreshments will be served.
Event Details:
Invited Presentations:
VR-Based Electrocardiogram Training Simulator (Arnav Shah, Senior in Computer Science)
VR technology provides an immersive way to train healthcare professionals cost-effectively. However, incorporating clinical feedback into the simulation design is a challenge. We discuss a pipeline for creating an ECG training simulator and present the results of usability and validity assessments. Researchers can use the proposed approach to develop other VR-based medical training simulators.
How are Caregivers included in Alzheimer's Disease & Related Dementias (ADRD) Clinical Trials? (Eve Rubovits, Senior in Community Health)
Family caregivers of people with ADRD have significant responsibilities within healthcare, and yet these responsibilities are not necessarily communicated clearly through clinical trial information. This study aimed to assess types of caregiver information given through an analysis of ADRD trials on from the last 30 years.
Hg UMEs: A Tool for Developing Next-Generation Batteries (Curtis Althaus, Junior in Chemistry and Astrophysics)
With a huge global push to find alternative sources of energy, the ever-increasing demand for clean power is met with a similarly urgent demand to store it. Through the use of mercury ultramicroelectrodes, I am exploring the ways in which Lithium interacts at a battery cathode surface to develop a ground-up model for novel-electrolyte development. This could enable new high-capacity, fast-charging Li-ion batteries that are greatly needed in technologies like electric cars, smartphones, and space exploration.